我正在尝试替换基类中的派生实例。它适用于动物(抽象类的简单用法),但不适用于泛型。错误在SomeMethod. 有没有干净的解决方案?
编辑:在另一个界面的帮助下,它确实是可行的。用 [S] 注释的代码是我原来问题的解决方案。
public abstract class Animal
public void Feed()
public class Tiger:Animal
public class Dog : Animal
public class Consumer
public Tiger Tiger { get; set; }
public Dog Dog { get; set; }
public Animal FavoriteAnimal { get; set; }
void SomeMethod()
// This is fine
FavoriteAnimal = Tiger;
FavoriteAnimal = Dog;
//Also fine
int numberOfDogs = PlaceForDogs.CountAnimals();
int numberOfTigers = PlaceForTigers.CountAnimals();
//[S] This is doable now
FavoritePlaceForAnimals = PlaceForDogs;//[S] no more ERROR
int numberOfAnimalsOnMyFavoritPlace = FavoritePlaceForAnimals.CountAnimals(); // No error, but I do not get here...
public PlaceForDogs PlaceForDogs { get; set; } = new PlaceForDogs();
public PlaceForTigers PlaceForTigers { get; set; } = new PlaceForTigers();
//public PlaceForAnimals<Animal> FavoritePlaceForAnimals { get; set; }
//[S] favorite place is of type IPlaceForAnimals instead of PlaceForAnimals
public IPlaceForAnimals FavoritePlaceForAnimals { get; set; }
//[S]new interface
public interface IPlaceForAnimals
int CountAnimals();
//[S]abstract class implements the interface
public abstract class PlaceForAnimals<T>:IPlaceForAnimals where T : Animal
public List<T> Animals { get; set; }
public int CountAnimals()
//special counting using properties from Animal class
return 0;