您有三种可能的解决方案:在用户输入后重新打印您希望显示的整个屏幕创建一个 GUI,您可以在其中更好地控制显示的内容如果在 Unix 上你可以尝试使用 curses既然您已经尝试过 tkinter,那么 GUI 路由目前对您来说似乎是一条不可行的路线。所以你可能也有类似的诅咒问题。因此,我建议您坚持只根据需要重新打印屏幕。您最终会得到之前棋盘和猜测的历史记录,但这是一种控制屏幕外观的简单方法。例如。def mainloop(board, words, time_limit): correct_guesses = [] print_board(board) while not solved(words, correct_guesses) and now() < time_limit: word = get_user_guess() if word in words and word not in correct_guesses: correct_guesses.append(word) print('correct!\n') else: print('wrong!\n') if solved(words, correct_guesses): print('complete!') else: print('times up!')你最终会得到类似的东西:E B C DC F G HI J K LM N O Pyour guess: mousewrong!E B C DC F G HI J K LM N O Pyour guess: micecorrect!complete!如果你想尝试curses这里是一个让你开始的基本脚本:import cursesdef main(stdscr): board = [ ['E', 'B', 'C', 'D'], ['C', 'F', 'G', 'H'], ['I', 'J', 'K', 'L'], ['M', 'N', 'O', 'P'], ] curses.echo() # we want to see user input on screen user_guess_prompt = 'your guess: ' guess_line = len(board) + 1 + 2 guess_column = len(user_guess_prompt) max_guess_size = 15 guess = None while guess != 'q': # clear the entire screen stdscr.clear() # a bit of help on how to quit (unlike print, we have to add our own new lines) stdscr.addstr('enter q as a guess to exit\n\n') # print the board for line in board: stdscr.addstr(' '.join(line)+'\n') # tell the use about their previous guess if guess == 'mice': stdscr.addstr(guess + ' is correct!\n') elif guess is None: stdscr.addstr('\n') else: stdscr.addstr(guess + ' is wrong!\n') # prompt for the user's guess stdscr.addstr(user_guess_prompt) # tell curses to redraw the screen stdscr.refresh() # get user input with the cursor initially placed at the given line and column guess = stdscr.getstr(guess_line, guess_column, max_guess_size).decode('ascii')if __name__ == '__main__': curses.wrapper(main)