我正在尝试编写一个 VBA 脚本,它通过一列单元格和一个单元格,在 html<u></u>标签和两个标签之间的文本下划线,然后从文本中删除这些标签。单元格内部可能有多个标签,它们旁边有其他文本,或者根本没有标签。
尝试使用 VBA 解决这个问题最初源于我无法在 Python 中执行此操作,因为对象模型仅与单元格一样低,而不是单元格的内容。任何使用 Python 执行此操作的解决方案也将不胜感激!
Sub PleaseUnderline()
'Holds the content between the tags
Dim s As String
'Holds the row number of the active cell
Dim a As Integer
'Holds the location of the beginning of the open tag
Dim b As Integer
'Holds the location of the beginning of the close tag
Dim e As Integer
Dim holder As String
'Select the last cell in column A and make it the active cell
Range("A" & ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row).Select
For a = ActiveCell.Row To 1 Step -1
Range("A" & a).Select
holder = Range("A" & a).Value
s = ""
b = 1
e = 1
b = InStr(b, ActiveCell, "<u>")
If b = 0 Then Exit Do
e = b + 1
e = InStr(e, ActiveCell, "</u>")
If e = 0 Then
Exit Do
s = Mid(ActiveCell, b + 3, e - b - 3)
End If
holder = Replace(holder, "<u>", "", 1, 1)
holder = Replace(holder, "</u>", "", 1, 1)
Worksheets("Sheet").Range("A" & a).Value = holder
ActiveCell.Characters(b, Len(s)).Font.Underline = True
b = e + 1
Next a
End Sub