我已经在代码中通过以下方式注册了一个 api 请求,然后在邮递员中我调用了该请求并添加了一些参数,但是当我运行 api 请求端点时,它返回 null。如何返回正在发送的数据?
* This is our callback
* function that embeds our phrase in a WP_REST_Response
function addProductFromCRM($data) {
//$name = $data['name'];
// rest_ensure_response() wraps the data we want to return into a WP_REST_Response, and ensures it will be properly returned.
return rest_ensure_response($data);
* This function is where we register our routes for our example endpoint.
function wp_register_crm_routes() {
// register_rest_route() handles more arguments but we are going to stick to the basics for now.
register_rest_route('crm/v1', '/addproduct/', array(
// By using this constant we ensure that when the WP_REST_Server changes our readable endpoints will work as intended.
'methods' => 'POST',
// Here we register our callback. The callback is fired when this endpoint is matched by the WP_REST_Server class.
'callback' => 'addProductFromCRM',
add_action('rest_api_init', 'wp_register_crm_routes');