设法在本地重现。下面是一个示例应用程序,它在一个请求中分配一些整数,并在下一个请求中对它们进行垃圾收集:// Package test implements a simple memory test for Google App Engine.package testimport ( "net/http" "runtime" "appengine")var buffer []int64func init() { http.HandleFunc("/", handler)}func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var s runtime.MemStats c := appengine.NewContext(r) if len(buffer) == 0 { // Allocate 2^22 integers. runtime.ReadMemStats(&s) c.Debugf("Memory usage: %d bytes (%d system).", s.Alloc, s.Sys) buffer = make([]int64, 4*1024*1024) for i, _ := range buffer { buffer[i] = int64(i*i) } runtime.ReadMemStats(&s) c.Debugf("Memory usage increased to: %d bytes (%d system).", s.Alloc, s.Sys) } else { // Remove all references to the slice pointed to by buffer. // This should mark it for garbage collection. runtime.ReadMemStats(&s) c.Debugf("Memory usage: %d bytes (%d system).", s.Alloc, s.Sys) buffer = nil runtime.GC() runtime.ReadMemStats(&s) c.Debugf("After GC event: %d bytes (%d system).", s.Alloc, s.Sys) } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusTeapot)}使用开发服务器运行时:$ ./go_appengine/dev_appserver.py test2013/09/16 12:28:28 DEBUG: Memory usage: 833096 bytes (272681032 system).2013/09/16 12:28:28 DEBUG: Memory usage increased to: 34335216 bytes (308332616 system).INFO 2013-09-16 12:28:28,884 module.py:593] default: "GET / HTTP/1.1" 418 -2013/09/16 12:28:29 DEBUG: Memory usage: 34345896 bytes (308332616 system).2013/09/16 12:28:29 DEBUG: After GC event: 781504 bytes (308332616 system).INFO 2013-09-16 12:28:29,560 module.py:593] default: "GET / HTTP/1.1" 418 -2013/09/16 12:28:30 DEBUG: Memory usage: 791616 bytes (308332616 system).2013/09/16 12:28:30 DEBUG: Memory usage increased to: 34337392 bytes (308332616 system).INFO 2013-09-16 12:28:30,276 module.py:593] default: "GET / HTTP/1.1" 418 -2013/09/16 12:28:36 DEBUG: Memory usage: 34347536 bytes (308332616 system).2013/09/16 12:28:36 DEBUG: After GC event: 783632 bytes (308332616 system).INFO 2013-09-16 12:28:36,224 module.py:593] default: "GET / HTTP/1.1" 418 -看来内存分配和垃圾收集工作正常。但是,查看ps输出,似乎释放内存并没有减少进程的虚拟内存使用:$ ps axo command,vsize,rss | ag go_app/usr/bin/python2.7 ./go_app 381248 56608$ ps axo command,vsize,rss | ag go_app/usr/bin/python2.7 ./go_app 676324 57652$ ps axo command,vsize,rss | ag go_app/usr/bin/python2.7 ./go_app 750056 57856$ ps axo command,vsize,rss | ag go_app/usr/bin/python2.7 ./go_app 750056 57856似乎运行底层 Go 实例的 Python 进程不断增加其虚拟内存,但它从未被释放。在生产服务器上似乎也发生了类似的事情:实例运行时报告的分配内存与内核报告的已使用内存不同。