周末刚开始使用 Go,我不确定我是否正确使用了 Go 的特性,或者我是否根本没有做过这种“类似 Go”的工作。
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(8) // For 8 consecutive routines at once? got 10 CPUs
c := make(chan string)
for name, alleles := range non_placed_alleles {
go get_best_places(name, alleles, &placed_alleles, c)
// pointer to placed_alleles as we only read, not write - should be safe?
for channel_item := range c {
fmt.Println("This came back ", channel_item)
// This also crashes with "all goroutines are sleeping",
// but all results are printed
func get_best_places(name string, alleles []string, placed_alleles *map[string] []string, c chan string) {
var best_partner string
// Iterate over all elements of placed_alleles, find best "partner"
for other_key, other_value := range *placed_alleles {
best_partner := compare_magic() // omitted because boring
c <- best_partner
有什么办法可以使这个“更好”?快点?我是否正确使用了指针魔术和 goroutines?