您可以结合使用列表(以跟踪添加的元素)和从总和到元素的映射的组合:public class SummingList { // Store the elements added in order private List<Integer> elements = new ArrayList<>(); // Map form the sum to the index(es) that sum up to that number private Map<Integer, List<Integer>> sumIndexes; /** Expose elements from the list: public int get(int index) { return list.get(index); } /** Add an element to the data structure */ public add(int element) { list.add(element); // If there are now at least three elements in the data structure, // sum them: int size = list.size(); if (size >= 3) { int sum = list.get(size - 3) + list.get(size - 2) + list.get(size - 1); sumIndexes.computeIfAbsent(sum, k -> new LinkedList<>()).add(size - 3); } } /** * Returns a list of indexes in the list, where each index is the beginning * of a series of three elements who's sum is the passed {@code sum}. * If no such indexes exist, an empty list is returned. */ public List<Integer> getSequencesWIthSum(int sum) { return Collections.unmodifiable( sumIndexes.getOrDefault(sum, Collections.emptyList()); }}笔记:虽然这个示例中的API很奇怪,但是它显示了该思想的基础。可以很容易地对其进行调整,以返回更适合您需求的东西。如果您需要概括实现以容纳更大系列的总和,而不仅仅是三胞胎,那么缓存“滚动窗口”总和可能是个好主意。为了使代码更简洁,我没有这样做。