$str = preg_replace('~Moses(?!(?>[^<]*(?:<(?!/?a\b)[^<]*)*)</a>)~i', '<a href="novo-mega-link.php">$0</a>', $str);否定前瞻中的表达式与下一个结束</a>标记匹配,但前提是它首先没有看到开始<a>标记。如果成功,则表示单词Moses在锚元素内,因此超前失败,并且不会发生匹配。
我设法通过以下方式完成了我想做的事情(不使用Regex):解析字符串的每个字符删除所有<a>标签(将它们复制到临时数组并在字符串上保留占位符)str_replace 新字符串以替换所有关键字通过原始<a>标签重新填充占位符如果有人需要,这是我使用的代码:$str = <<<STRAMoses supposes his toeses are roses,but <a href="original-moses1.html">Moses</a> supposes erroneously;for nobody's toeses are posies of roses,as Moses supposes his toeses to be.Ganda <span class="cenas"><a href="original-moses2.html" target="_blank">Moses</a></span>!STRA;$arr1 = str_split($str);$arr_links = array();$phrase_holder = '';$current_a = 0;$goto_arr_links = false;$close_a = false;foreach($arr1 as $k => $v){ if ($close_a == true) { if ($v == '>') { $close_a = false; } continue; } if ($goto_arr_links == true) { $arr_links[$current_a] .= $v; } if ($v == '<' && $arr1[$k+1] == 'a') { /* <a */ // keep collecting every char until </a> $arr_links[$current_a] .= $v; $goto_arr_links = true; } elseif ($v == '<' && $arr1[$k+1] == '/' && $arr1[$k+2] == 'a' && $arr1[$k+3] == '>' ) { /* </a> */ $arr_links[$current_a] .= "/a>"; $goto_arr_links = false; $close_a = true; $phrase_holder .= "{%$current_a%}"; /* put a parameter holder on the phrase */ $current_a++; } elseif ($goto_arr_links == false) { $phrase_holder .= $v; }}echo "Links Array:\n";print_r($arr_links);echo "\n\n\nPhrase Holder:\n";echo $phrase_holder;echo "\n\n\n(pre) Final Phrase (with my keyword replaced):\n";$final_phrase = str_replace("Moses", "<a href=\"novo-mega-link.php\">Moses</a>", $phrase_holder);echo $final_phrase;echo "\n\n\nFinal Phrase:\n";foreach($arr_links as $k => $v){ $final_phrase = str_replace("{%$k%}", $v, $final_phrase);}echo $final_phrase;输出:链接数组:Array( [0] => <a href="original-moses1.html">Moses</a> [1] => <a href="original-moses2.html" target="_blank">Moses</a>)词组:Moses supposes his toeses are roses,but {%0%} supposes erroneously;for nobody's toeses are posies of roses,as Moses supposes his toeses to be.Ganda <span class="cenas">{%1%}</span>!(上)最终词组(替换为我的关键字):<a href="novo-mega-link.php">Moses</a> supposes his toeses are roses,but {%0%} supposes erroneously;for nobody's toeses are posies of roses,as <a href="novo-mega-link.php">Moses</a> supposes his toeses to be.Ganda <span class="cenas">{%1%}</span>!最终词组:<a href="novo-mega-link.php">Moses</a> supposes his toeses are roses,but <a href="original-moses1.html">Moses</a> supposes erroneously;for nobody's toeses are posies of roses,as <a href="novo-mega-link.php">Moses</a> supposes his toeses to be.Ganda <span class="cenas"><a href="original-moses2.html" target="_blank">Moses</a></span>!
$lines = explode( "\n", $content );$lines[0] = stri_replace( "keyword", "replacement", $lines[0] );$content = implode( "\n", $lines );或者如果您明确想使用正则表达式$lines = explode( "\n", $content );$lines[0] = preg_replace( "/keyword/i", "replacement", $lines[0] );$content = implode( "\n", $lines );