sprintf(out, ...); // you don't need to know what's in here I don't think
return out;
ERROR: function returns address of local variable
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你的char数组变量out只存在内部函数体。当您从函数返回时,out缓冲区的内容将无法再访问,它仅是函数的本地内容。如果要将函数中的某个字符串返回给调用者,则可以在函数内部动态分配该字符串(例如使用malloc()),并将指向该字符串的指针返回给调用者,例如char* gen(void){ char out[256]; sprintf(out, ...);/* * This does NOT work, since "out" is local to the function. * * return out; */ /* Dynamically allocate the string */ char* result = malloc(strlen(out) + 1) /* +1 for terminating NUL */ /* Deep-copy the string from temporary buffer to return value buffer */ strcpy(result, out); /* Return the pointer to the dynamically allocated buffer */ return result; /* NOTE: The caller must FREE this memory using free(). */}另一个更简单的选择是将out缓冲区指针char*与缓冲区大小一起作为参数传递(以避免缓冲区溢出)。在这种情况下,您的函数可以将字符串直接格式化为作为参数传递的目标缓冲区:/* Pass destination buffer pointer and buffer size */void gen(char* out, size_t out_size){ /* Directly write into caller supplied buffer. * Note: Use a "safe" function like snprintf(), to avoid buffer overruns. */ snprintf(out, out_size, ...); ...}请注意,您在问题标题中明确指出了“ C”,但添加了[c++]标签。如果你可以使用C ++,以最简单的做法是使用一个字符串类像std::string(并让它管理所有的字符串缓冲区的内存分配/清理)。