Erwinus的脚本效果很好,但是编码却不太清楚。我自由地清理它并破译它在做什么。我进行了以下更改:有意义的变量名使用prototype。require() 使用参数变量alert()默认情况下不返回任何消息修复了一些语法错误和我遇到的范围问题再次感谢Erwinus,该功能本身已经存在。function ScriptLoader() {}ScriptLoader.prototype = { timer: function (times, // number of times to try delay, // delay per try delayMore, // extra delay per try (additional to delay) test, // called each try, timer stops if this returns true failure, // called on failure result // used internally, shouldn't be passed ) { var me = this; if (times == -1 || times > 0) { setTimeout(function () { result = (test()) ? 1 : 0; me.timer((result) ? 0 : (times > 0) ? --times : times, delay + ((delayMore) ? delayMore : 0), delayMore, test, failure, result); }, (result || delay < 0) ? 0.1 : delay); } else if (typeof failure == 'function') { setTimeout(failure, 1); } }, addEvent: function (el, eventName, eventFunc) { if (typeof el != 'object') { return false; } if (el.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(eventName, eventFunc, false); return true; } if (el.attachEvent) { el.attachEvent("on" + eventName, eventFunc); return true; } return false; }, // add script to dom require: function (url, args) { var me = this; args = args || {}; var scriptTag = document.createElement('script'); var headTag = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!headTag) { return false; } setTimeout(function () { var f = (typeof args.success == 'function') ? args.success : function () { }; args.failure = (typeof args.failure == 'function') ? args.failure : function () { }; var fail = function () { if (!scriptTag.__es) { scriptTag.__es = true; scriptTag.id = 'failed'; args.failure(scriptTag); } }; scriptTag.onload = function () { scriptTag.id = 'loaded'; f(scriptTag); }; scriptTag.type = 'text/javascript'; scriptTag.async = (typeof args.async == 'boolean') ? args.async : false; scriptTag.charset = 'utf-8'; me.__es = false; me.addEvent(scriptTag, 'error', fail); // when supported // when error event is not supported fall back to timer me.timer(15, 1000, 0, function () { return (scriptTag.id == 'loaded'); }, function () { if (scriptTag.id != 'loaded') { fail(); } }); scriptTag.src = url; setTimeout(function () { try { headTag.appendChild(scriptTag); } catch (e) { fail(); } }, 1); }, (typeof args.delay == 'number') ? args.delay : 1); return true; }};$(document).ready(function () { var loader = new ScriptLoader(); loader.require('resources/templates.js', { async: true, success: function () { alert('loaded'); }, failure: function () { alert('NOT loaded'); } });});