这称为观察模式。在此处输入图片说明以三个对象为例BookTitle = 'Gone with the Wind' Author = 'Margaret Mitchell'ISBN = '978-1416548898'CatName = 'Phoebe'Color = 'Gray'TailLength = 9 'inch'Beer BottleVolume = 500 'ml'Color = 'Green'这是表格的样子:EntityEntityID Name Description 1 'Book' 'To read' 2 'Cat' 'Fury cat' 3 'Beer Bottle' 'To ship beer in'。PropertyTypePropertyTypeID Name IsTrait Description 1 'Height' 'NO' 'For anything that has height' 2 'Width' 'NO' 'For anything that has width' 3 'Volume' 'NO' 'For things that can have volume' 4 'Title' 'YES' 'Some stuff has title' 5 'Author' 'YES' 'Things can be authored' 6 'Color' 'YES' 'Color of things' 7 'ISBN' 'YES' 'Books would need this' 8 'TailLength' 'NO' 'For stuff that has long tails' 9 'Name' 'YES' 'Name of things'。PropertyPropertyID EntityID PropertyTypeID 1 1 4 -- book, title 2 1 5 -- book, author 3 1 7 -- book, isbn 4 2 9 -- cat, name 5 2 6 -- cat, color 6 2 8 -- cat, tail length 7 3 3 -- beer bottle, volume 8 3 6 -- beer bottle, color。MeasurementPropertyID Unit Value 6 'inch' 9 -- cat, tail length 7 'ml' 500 -- beer bottle, volume。TraitPropertyID Value 1 'Gone with the Wind' -- book, title 2 'Margaret Mitchell' -- book, author 3 '978-1416548898' -- book, isbn 4 'Phoebe' -- cat, name 5 'Gray' -- cat, color 8 'Green' -- beer bottle, color编辑:杰弗里提出了一个正确的观点(见评论),所以我将扩大答案。该模型允许动态(动态)创建具有任何类型的属性的任意数量的实体,而无需更改架构。但是,这种灵活性要付出代价-与通常的桌子设计相比,存储和搜索更慢,更复杂。是一个例子了,但是首先,为了使事情变得容易,我将模型展平为一个视图。create view vModel as select e.EntityId , x.Name as PropertyName , m.Value as MeasurementValue , m.Unit , t.Value as TraitValuefrom Entity as ejoin Property as p on p.EntityID = p.EntityIDjoin PropertyType as x on x.PropertyTypeId = p.PropertyTypeIdleft join Measurement as m on m.PropertyId = p.PropertyIdleft join Trait as t on t.PropertyId = p.PropertyId;从评论中使用杰弗里的例子with q_00 as ( -- all books select EntityID from vModel where PropertyName = 'object type' and TraitValue = 'book' ),q_01 as ( -- all US books select EntityID from vModel as a join q_00 as b on b.EntityID = a.EntityID where PropertyName = 'publisher country' and TraitValue = 'US' ),q_02 as ( -- all US books published in 2008 select EntityID from vModel as a join q_01 as b on b.EntityID = a.EntityID where PropertyName = 'year published' and MeasurementValue = 2008 ),q_03 as ( -- all US books published in 2008 not discontinued select EntityID from vModel as a join q_02 as b on b.EntityID = a.EntityID where PropertyName = 'is discontinued' and TraitValue = 'no' ),q_04 as ( -- all US books published in 2008 not discontinued that cost less than $50 select EntityID from vModel as a join q_03 as b on b.EntityID = a.EntityID where PropertyName = 'price' and MeasurementValue < 50 and MeasurementUnit = 'USD')select EntityID , max(case PropertyName when 'title' than TraitValue else null end) as Title , max(case PropertyName when 'ISBN' than TraitValue else null end) as ISBNfrom vModel as ajoin q_04 as b on b.EntityID = a.EntityIDgroup by EntityID ;编写起来似乎很复杂,但是仔细检查后,您可能会注意到CTE中的模式。现在假设我们有一个标准的固定模式设计,其中每个对象属性都有自己的列。查询如下所示:select EntityID, Title, ISBNfrom vModelWHERE ObjectType = 'book' and PublisherCountry = 'US' and YearPublished = 2008 and IsDiscontinued = 'no' and Price < 50 and Currency = 'USD';