与此相关:如果你的画布上有东西,并且你想在它的背面画一些东西 - 你可以通过将context.globalCompositeOperation设置改为'destination-over'来实现它 - 然后当你''时将它返回'source-over'重做。var co = document.getElementById('cvs').getContext('2d');// Draw a red squareco.fillStyle = 'red';co.fillRect(50,50,100,100);// Change the globalCompositeOperation to destination-over so that anything// that is drawn on to the canvas from this point on is drawn at the back// of whats already on the canvasco.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-over';// Draw a big yellow rectangleco.fillStyle = 'yellow';co.fillRect(0,0,600,250);// Now return the globalCompositeOperation to source-over and draw a// blue rectangleco.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';co.fillStyle = 'blue';co.fillRect(75,75,100,100);