// Gets all the vertices for Rectangle 1 and stores them in an array -> arrRect1 // point 1 x: arrRect1[0], point 1 y: arrRect1[1] and so on... // Gets all the vertices for Rectangle 2 and stores them in an array -> arrRect2 // rotated edge of point a, rect 1int rot_x, rot_y;rot_x = -arrRect1[3];rot_y = arrRect1[2]; // point on rotated edgeint pnt_x, pnt_y;pnt_x = arrRect1[2]; pnt_y = arrRect1[3]; // test point, a from rect 2int tst_x, tst_y;tst_x = arrRect2[0];tst_y = arrRect2[1]; int value;value = (rot_x * (tst_x - pnt_x)) + (rot_y * (tst_y - pnt_y));cout << "Value: " << value;