payment = sc.next(); // PromptCustomerPayment function
public static void main (String[] args) { // Create a customer // Future proofing the possabiltiies of multiple customers Customer customer = new Customer("Will"); // Create object for each Product // (Name,Code,Description,Price) // Initalize Qty at 0 Product Computer = new Product("Computer","PC1003","Basic Computer",399.99); Product Monitor = new Product("Monitor","MN1003","LCD Monitor",99.99); Product Printer = new Product("Printer","PR1003x","Inkjet Printer",54.23); // Define internal variables // ## DONT CHANGE ArrayList<Product> ProductList = new ArrayList<Product>(); // List to store Products String formatString = "%-15s %-10s %-20s %-10s %-10s %n"; // Default format for output // Add objects to list ProductList.add(Computer); ProductList.add(Monitor); ProductList.add(Printer); // Ask users for quantities PromptCustomerQty(customer, ProductList); // Ask user for payment method PromptCustomerPayment(customer); // Create the header PrintHeader(customer, formatString); // Create Body PrintBody(ProductList, formatString); }public static void PromptCustomerQty(Customer customer, ArrayList<Product> ProductList) { // Initiate a Scanner Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); // **** VARIABLES **** int qty = 0; // Greet Customer System.out.println("Hello " + customer.getName());