静态和类方法正如其他答案所指出的那样,使用内置装饰器可以轻松完成静态和类方法:class Test(object):
# regular instance method:
def MyMethod(self):
# class method:
def MyClassMethod(klass):
# static method:
def MyStaticMethod():
pass像往常一样,第一个参数MyMethod()绑定到类实例对象。与此相反,第一个参数MyClassMethod()被绑定到类对象本身(例如,在这种情况下,Test)。因为MyStaticMethod(),没有任何参数被绑定,并且具有参数是可选的。“静态变量”然而,实现“静态变量”(好吧,可变的静态变量,无论如何,如果这不是一个矛盾......)并不是那么简单。正如米勒德夫在他的回答中指出的那样,问题在于Python的类属性并不是真正的“静态变量”。考虑:class Test(object):
i = 3 # This is a class attributex = Test()x.i = 12 # Attempt to change the value of the
class attribute using x instanceassert x.i == Test.i # ERRORassert Test.i == 3 # Test.i was not affectedassert x.i == 12
# x.i is a different object than Test.i这是因为该行x.i = 12添加了一个新的实例属性i,x而不是更改Testclass i属性的值。部分预期的静态变量行为,即多个实例之间的属性同步(但不与类本身同步;请参阅下面的“gotcha”),可以通过将class属性转换为属性来实现:class Test(object):
_i = 3
def i(self):
return type(self)._i @i.setter def i(self,val):
type(self)._i = val## ALTERNATIVE IMPLEMENTATION - FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT TO ABOVE #### (except with separate methods for
getting and setting i) ##class Test(object):
_i = 3
def get_i(self):
return type(self)._i def set_i(self,val):
type(self)._i = val
i = property(get_i, set_i)现在你可以这样做:x1 = Test()x2 = Test()x1.i = 50assert x2.i == x1.i # no errorassert x2.i == 50 # the property is synced现在,静态变量将在所有类实例之间保持同步。(注意:也就是说,除非一个类实例决定定义它自己的版本_i!但如果某人决定这样做,他们应该得到他们得到的,不是吗?)请注意,从技术上讲,i它仍然不是一个“静态变量”; 它是一个property,它是一种特殊类型的描述符。但是,该property行为现在等同于在所有类实例中同步的(可变)静态变量。不可变的“静态变量”对于不可变的静态变量行为,只需省略propertysetter:class Test(object):
_i = 3
def i(self):
return type(self)._i## ALTERNATIVE IMPLEMENTATION - FUNCTIONALLY EQUIVALENT TO ABOVE #### (except with separate methods for
getting i) ##class Test(object):
_i = 3
def get_i(self):
return type(self)._i
i = property(get_i)现在尝试设置实例i属性将返回AttributeError:x = Test()assert x.i == 3 # successx.i = 12 # ERROR一个要意识到的需要注意的是,上述方法只适用于工作的情况下,你的类-他们不工作,使用类本身时。例如:x = Test()assert x.i == Test.i # ERROR# x.i and Test.i are two different objects:type(Test.i) # class 'property'type(x.i) # class 'int'行assert Test.i == x.i产生一个错误,这是因为i的属性Test和x是两个不同的对象。很多人会发现这令人惊讶。但是,它不应该。如果我们返回并检查我们的Test类定义(第二个版本),我们会注意到这一行: i = property(get_i)显然,部件i的Test必须是一个property对象,该对象是对象的从返回的类型property的功能。如果您发现上述情况令人困惑,您很可能仍会从其他语言(例如Java或c ++)的角度考虑它。您应该研究property对象,返回Python属性的返回顺序,描述符协议和方法解析顺序(MRO)。我提出了以下'gotcha'的解决方案; 但是我会建议 - 强烈地 - 你不要尝试做以下事情,直到 - 至少 - 你彻底明白为什么assert Test.i = x.i会导致错误。REAL,ACTUAL静态变量 -Test.i == x.i我在下面提供(Python 3)解决方案仅供参考。我并不赞同它是一个“好的解决方案”。我怀疑是否真的需要在Python中模拟其他语言的静态变量行为。但是,无论它是否真的有用,下面应该有助于进一步理解Python的工作原理。更新:这次尝试非常糟糕 ; 如果你坚持做这样的事情(提示:请不要; Python是一种非常优雅的语言,并且只是不需要像其他语言一样表现出来),请使用Ethan Furman的答案中的代码。使用元类模拟其他语言的静态变量行为元类是类的类。Python中所有类的默认元类(即我认为的Python 2.3之后的“新风格”类)type。例如:type(int) # class 'type'type(str) # class 'type'class Test(): passtype(Test) # class 'type'但是,您可以像这样定义自己的元类:class MyMeta(type): pass并将其应用到您自己的类中(仅限Python 3):class MyClass(metaclass = MyMeta):
passtype(MyClass) # class MyMeta下面是我创建的元类,它试图模仿其他语言的“静态变量”行为。它基本上可以通过用版本替换默认的getter,setter和deleter来工作,这些版本检查所请求的属性是否是“静态变量”。“静态变量”的目录存储在StaticVarMeta.statics属性中。最初尝试使用替代分辨率顺序来解析所有属性请求。我把它称为“静态分辨率顺序”或“SRO”。这是通过在给定类(或其父类)的“静态变量”集中查找所请求的属性来完成的。如果该属性未出现在“SRO”中,则该类将回退到默认属性get / set / delete行为(即“MRO”)。from functools import wrapsclass StaticVarsMeta(type):
'''A metaclass for creating classes that emulate the "static variable" behavior
of other languages. I do not advise actually using this for anything!!!
Behavior is intended to be similar to classes that use __slots__. However, "normal"
attributes and __statics___ can coexist (unlike with __slots__).
Example usage:
class MyBaseClass(metaclass = StaticVarsMeta):
__statics__ = {'a','b','c'}
i = 0 # regular attribute
a = 1 # static var defined (optional)
class MyParentClass(MyBaseClass):
__statics__ = {'d','e','f'}
j = 2 # regular attribute
d, e, f = 3, 4, 5 # Static vars
a, b, c = 6, 7, 8 # Static vars (inherited from MyBaseClass, defined/re-defined here)
class MyChildClass(MyParentClass):
__statics__ = {'a','b','c'}
j = 2 # regular attribute (redefines j from MyParentClass)
d, e, f = 9, 10, 11 # Static vars (inherited from MyParentClass, redefined here)
a, b, c = 12, 13, 14 # Static vars (overriding previous definition in MyParentClass here)'''
statics = {}
def __new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace):
# Get the class object
cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace)
# Establish the "statics resolution order"
cls.__sro__ = tuple(c for c in cls.__mro__ if isinstance(c,mcls))
# Replace class getter, setter, and deleter for instance attributes
cls.__getattribute__ = StaticVarsMeta.__inst_getattribute__(cls, cls.__getattribute__)
cls.__setattr__ = StaticVarsMeta.__inst_setattr__(cls, cls.__setattr__)
cls.__delattr__ = StaticVarsMeta.__inst_delattr__(cls, cls.__delattr__)
# Store the list of static variables for the class object
# This list is permanent and cannot be changed, similar to __slots__
mcls.statics[cls] = getattr(cls,'__statics__')
except AttributeError:
mcls.statics[cls] = namespace['__statics__'] = set() # No static vars provided
# Check and make sure the statics var names are strings
if any(not isinstance(static,str) for static in mcls.statics[cls]):
typ = dict(zip((not isinstance(static,str) for static in mcls.statics[cls]), map(type,mcls.statics[cls])))[True].__name__
raise TypeError('__statics__ items must be strings, not {0}'.format(typ))
# Move any previously existing, not overridden statics to the static var parent class(es)
if len(cls.__sro__) > 1:
for attr,value in namespace.items():
if attr not in StaticVarsMeta.statics[cls] and attr != ['__statics__']:
for c in cls.__sro__[1:]:
if attr in StaticVarsMeta.statics[c]:
return cls def __inst_getattribute__(self, orig_getattribute):
'''Replaces the class __getattribute__'''
def wrapper(self, attr):
if StaticVarsMeta.is_static(type(self),attr):
return StaticVarsMeta.__getstatic__(type(self),attr)
return orig_getattribute(self, attr)
return wrapper def __inst_setattr__(self, orig_setattribute):
'''Replaces the class __setattr__'''
def wrapper(self, attr, value):
if StaticVarsMeta.is_static(type(self),attr):
StaticVarsMeta.__setstatic__(type(self),attr, value)
orig_setattribute(self, attr, value)
return wrapper def __inst_delattr__(self, orig_delattribute):
'''Replaces the class __delattr__'''
def wrapper(self, attr):
if StaticVarsMeta.is_static(type(self),attr):
orig_delattribute(self, attr)
return wrapper def __getstatic__(cls,attr):
'''Static variable getter'''
for c in cls.__sro__:
if attr in StaticVarsMeta.statics[c]:
return getattr(c,attr)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(cls.__name__ + " object has no attribute '{0}'".format(attr))
def __setstatic__(cls,attr,value):
'''Static variable setter'''
for c in cls.__sro__:
if attr in StaticVarsMeta.statics[c]:
def __delstatic__(cls,attr):
'''Static variable deleter'''
for c in cls.__sro__:
if attr in StaticVarsMeta.statics[c]:
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(cls.__name__ + " object has no attribute '{0}'".format(attr))
def __delattr__(cls,attr):
'''Prevent __sro__ attribute from deletion'''
if attr == '__sro__':
raise AttributeError('readonly attribute')
def is_static(cls,attr):
'''Returns True if an attribute is a static variable of any class in the __sro__'''
if any(attr in StaticVarsMeta.statics[c] for c in cls.__sro__):
return True
return False