Even on platforms where native scrolling is good enough, iScroll addsfeatures that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Specifically:Granular control over the scroll position, even during momentum. Youcan always get and set the x,y coordinates of the scroller. Animationcan be customized with user defined easing functions (bounce, elastic,back, ...). You can easily hook to a plethora of custom events(onBeforeScrollStart, onScrollStart, onScroll, onScrollEnd, flick,...). Out of the box multi-platform support. From older Androiddevices to the latest iPhone, from Chrome to Internet Explorer.简单说就是,iscroll具有:细粒度控制,可以实时获取x,y坐标。可以定制多种动画模型有许多好用的钩子,例如onScrollStart...跨平台性。此外,iscroll会根据设备和浏览器的不同,选择性能最佳的方式进行模拟滚动。