其他命令是可以使用的 比如 csslint --list-rules
C:\Users\cxe\Desktop>csslint --ignore=order-alphabetical
adjoining-classes is not a valid option. Exiting...
Usage: csslint-rhino.js [options]* [file|dir]*
Global Options
--help Displays this information.
--format=<format> Indicate which format to use for output.
--list-rules Outputs all of the rules available.
--quiet Only output when errors are present.
--errors=<rule[,rule]+> Indicate which rules to include as errors.
--warnings=<rule[,rule]+> Indicate which rules to include as warnings.
--ignore=<rule[,rule]+> Indicate which rules to ignore completely.
--exclude-list=<file|dir[,file|dir]+> Indicate which files/directories to exclude from being linted.
--config=<file> Reads csslint options from specified file.
--version Outputs the current version number.