官方解释如下: reduce(...) reduce(function, sequence[, initial]) -> value Apply a function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of a sequence, from left to right, so as to reduce the sequence to a single value. For example, reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) calculates ((((1+2)+3)+4)+5). If initial is present, it is placed before the items of the sequence in the calculation, and serves as a default when the sequence is empty.大致意思是,放入两个参数,一个是function, 另外一个是 可迭代对象,然后会返回用function 代入 可迭代对象后 的值。 类似官方解释中的案例:reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
## 结果为 : ((((1+2)+3)+4)+5).
即: sum([1,2,3,4,5]), 列表各项的和