源自:3-6 响应用户输入-Unity3D角色控制

提示Object reference not set to an instance of an object。未将对象引用设置到对象的实例 怎么搞啊

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

public class Player : MonoBehaviour


public  GameObject   mClickEffectPrefab;

public  GameObject   mClickEffect;

public float walkSpeed = 2f;

public Light light;

public MovementMotor movement;

private Vector3[] mPath;

private bool bWalking = false;

private int mPathIndex = 0;

// Use this for initialization

void Start ()


GameObject.Find ("Main Camera").GetComponent<SceneCamera> ().player = this.gameObject;


// Update is called once per frame

void Update ()


// Debug.Log ("Horizontal value: " + Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal"));

Vector3 direction = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * transform.right + 

Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") * transform.forward;

//movement.movementDirection = direction.normalized;

// GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().AddForce (direction.normalized * walkSpeed, ForceMode.Acceleration);

transform.position = transform.position + 

walkSpeed * direction * Time.deltaTime ;

WalkForward ();


if (bWalking) {

bWalking = Walking ();

} else {



public void WalkTo (Vector3 pos, bool withClickEffect = true)


if ((this.transform.position - pos).magnitude < 0.001f) {



Vector3[] corners = CalcPathCorners (this.transform.position, pos);

if (corners.Length >= 2) {

bWalking = true;

mPath = corners;

bWalking = true;

// Animation anim = GetComponent<Animation> ();

// anim.CrossFade ("run_forward", 0.3f);

mPathIndex = 0;

transform.position = mPath [0];

if (mClickEffect != null && withClickEffect) {

mClickEffect.SetActive (true);

pos.y += 0.5f;

mClickEffect.transform.position = pos;

Invoke ("HideClickEffect", 1.5f);




private void HideClickEffect ()


if (mClickEffect != null) {

mClickEffect.SetActive (false);



private bool Walking ()


bool re = true;

Vector3 curSegSrc = mPath [mPathIndex];

Vector3 curSegDst = mPath [mPathIndex + 1];

Vector3 curPos = transform.position;

Vector3 normalDir = (curSegDst - curSegSrc);

normalDir.Normalize ();

curPos += (normalDir * walkSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

float over = (curPos - curSegSrc).magnitude - (curSegDst - curSegSrc).magnitude;

if (over > 0) {

mPathIndex ++;

if (mPathIndex > mPath.Length - 2) {

curPos = mPath [mPath.Length - 1];

transform.position = curPos;

re = false;

Animation anim = GetComponent<Animation> ();

// anim.CrossFade ("idle", 0.3f);

} else {

curSegSrc = mPath [mPathIndex];

curSegDst = mPath [mPathIndex + 1];

normalDir = (curSegDst - curSegSrc);

normalDir.Normalize ();

curPos = curSegSrc + normalDir * over;

transform.position = curPos;


} else {

transform.position = curPos;


return re;


Vector3[] CalcPathCorners (Vector3 src, Vector3 dst)


Vector3[] corners = null;

NavMeshPath path = new NavMeshPath ();

//if (NavMesh.CalculatePath(src, dst, -1, path)){

if (false) {

corners = path.corners;

} else {

corners = new Vector3[2]{src, dst};


return corners;


void WalkForward()


transform.position = transform.position + walkSpeed * transform.forward * Time.deltaTime ;



提问者:N8 2015-06-12 00:34


  • Forest_Deer
    2015-12-23 20:45:08


    如果已在Inspector中设置了Camera的Player,可void Start ()中的效果相同的

    “GameObject.Find ("Main Camera").GetComponent<SceneCamera> ().player = this.gameObject;”可以直接删除掉。


    (1)将“GameObject.Find ("Main Camera").GetComponent<SceneCamera> ().player = this.gameObject;”移至void Awake()方法中

    (2)将“GameObject.Find ("Main Camera").GetComponent<SceneCamera> ().player = this.gameObject;”分解成

    “GameObject MainCamera;

    MainCamera=GameObject.Find("Main Camera");






    (2)= =咳咳,不知道为什么这样就行地通了,麻烦知道的人告知一下。


  • Forest_Deer
    2015-12-22 17:24:27
