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redis-server redis.conf *** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR *** Reading the configuration file, at line 1352 >>> 'activedefrag yes' active defrag can't be enabled without proper jemalloc support 出现这种问题怎么办

提问者:1123258953 2019-08-03 16:44


  • itachy
    2019-08-04 12:25:15> config set activedefrag yes
    (error) ERR Active defragmentation cannot be enabled: it requires a Redis server compiled with a modified Jemalloc like the one shipped by default with the Redis source distribution

    So I guess what you are saying is that what I was trying basically isn't possible. I'd need to install Redis completely from source rather than using a yum repo like EPEL or Remi?

    I presume the only method that will work is to completely remove Redis and then build all from source? The reason I want to avoid that is because I want to have the active defrag enabled on a production server. If I need to manually upgrade redis each time then I will obviously have more down time and there is a greater possibility for things to go wrong (even if I do test the upgrade via test server) Where as updating via YUM has its clear advantages - assuming you have an up to date repo