<?php //第二种全局变量$GLOBALS,将使用过的全局变量全部显示出来 print_r($GLOBALS); echo '<hr/>'; $name='king'; $age=12; $email='123@qq.com'; function test5(){ echo '用户名:'.$GLOBALS['name'].'<br/>'; echo '年龄:'.$GLOBALS['age'].'<br/>'; echo '邮箱:'.$GLOBALS['email'].'<br/>'; } test5(); ?>
<?php $heredoc = <<< HEREDOC_ID some $contents HEREDOC_ID; function foo() { $a = [0, 1, 2]; return SomeClass::$shared; } // Sample comment class SomeClass extends One implements Another { private $my; public static $shared; const CONSTANT = 0987654321; /** * Description by <a href="mailto:">user@host.dom</a> * Semantic highlighting: * Generated spectrum to pick colors for local variables and parameters: * Color#1 SC1.1 SC1.2 SC1.3 SC1.4 Color#2 SC2.1 SC2.2 SC2.3 SC2.4 Color#3 * Color#3 SC3.1 SC3.2 SC3.3 SC3.4 Color#4 SC4.1 SC4.2 SC4.3 SC4.4 Color#5 * @param $abc * @param $def * @property $magic * @return SomeType */ function doSmth($abc, $def) { foo(); $def .= self::magic; $def .= self::CONSTANT; $v = Helper::convert($abc . "\n {$def}" . $$def); $q = new Query( $this->invent(abs(0x80)) ); return array($v => $q->result); } } interface Another { } include (dirname(__FILE__) . "inc.php"); `rm -r`; goto Label; Label: №