INSERT INTO userinfo
VALUES (1 , 'xxx' , '123' , '' , SYSDATE)
SQL 错误: ORA-01950: 对表空间 'USERS' 无权限
01950. 00000 - "no privileges on tablespace '%s'"
*Cause: User does not have privileges to allocate an extent in the
specified tablespace.
*Action: Grant the user the appropriate system privileges or grant the user
space resource on the tablespace.
一般我们创建用户的时候,一般要用create user wangfan identified by wangfan default tablespace test. 但一定还要加上一句:quota Storage(unlimited, 8K, 10M etc.) on tablespace; 否则就会出现对表空间使用无权限的错误。quota的意思是该用户可以得到在这个tablespace上所得到的空间。后来就以sysdba的身份登陆,alter user wangfan quota unlimited on test;然后再创建表就没有问题了。