<script type="text/javascript"> function openWindow(){ var message=confirm("are u sure to open a new window?"); if(message==true){ var newWebsite=prompt("enter a new website:","http://www.imooc.com/"); if(newWebsite!=null){ window.open(newWebsite,'_blank','width=400px,height=500px,toolbar=no,menubar=no'); }else{document.write("over again!");} }else{ document.write("nnothing to do!"); } } function closeWindow(){ var clOpen=confirm("are u sure to close the window?"); if(clOpen==true){ newWebsite.close();//请问我该怎样引用到另一个函数里面定义的newWensite呢?? }else{ document.write("the window isn't closed!"); openWindow(); } } // 新窗口打开时弹出确认框,是否打开 // 通过输入对话框,确定打开的网址,默认为 http://www.imooc.com/ //打开的窗口要求,宽400像素,高500像素,无菜单栏、无工具栏。 </script> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="新窗口打开网站" onclick="openWindow()" /> <input type="button" value="close the wb" onclick="closeWindow()" /> </body> </html>
http://www.imooc.com/ 网址的 “:”换英文的":"
<script type="text/javascript">
var newWebsite;//此时newWebsite 是全局变量;
function openWindow() {
var message = confirm("are u sure to open a new window?");
if (message == true) {
newWebsite = prompt("enter a new website:", "http://www.imooc.com");
if (newWebsite != null) {
newWebsite = window.open(newWebsite, '_blank', 'width=400px,height=500px,toolbar=no,menubar=no');
} else {
document.write("over again!");
} else {
document.write("nnothing to do!");
function closeWindow() {
var clOpen = confirm("are u sure to close the window?");
if (clOpen == true) {
} else {
document.write("the window isn't closed!");