之前一直听一个做IOS开发的大学同学夸夸其谈他的Swift语言多么多么好,Java语言就是个渣渣。终于,在Google 2017 IO大会上,Kotlin正式被选为作为Android开发的官方语言。之前听说了这个传奇的语言,但是并没有认真的去尝试使用他用到开发中,现在已经成为官方语言了,学习是必须的了!首先看看他的一些特性吧,之前看了一些Swift语言的特点,就先拿Kotlin和Swift和Java的对比来看看他的优势吧。
Kotlin 是一个基于 JVM 的新的编程语言,由 JetBrains开发。
后来了解到Kotlin原来是以一个岛的名字命名的(Котлин),它是一门静态类型编程语言,支持JVM平台,Android平台,浏览器JS运行环境,本地机器码等。支持与Java,Android 100% 完全互操作。
Swift,苹果于2014年WWDC(苹果开发者大会)发布的新开发语言,可与Objective-C共同运行于Mac OS和iOS平台,用于搭建基于苹果平台的应用程序。一个很不错的语言。
相信使用Kotlin用来开发的人肯定会越来越多的,这也许就是一个语言的魅力所在吧! 闲话少叙,我们还是来看干货吧!
Swift: print("Hello,APKBUS!")
Kotlin: println("Hello,APKBUS!")
JAVA: System.out.println("Hello,APKBUS!");
Swift:var myVariable = 42
myVariable = 50
let myConstant = 42
Kotlin:var myVariable = 42
myVariable = 50
val myConstant = 42 (Kotlin和Swift确实是很像哟。)
Java: int myVariable =42;
myVariable =50;
static final int myConstant = 42;
感觉Swift和Kotlin都比Java要简洁很多。 3.显式类型 Swift : let explicitDouble: Double = 70 Kotlin : val explicitDouble: Double = 70.0 4.强制类型转换 Swift : let label = "The width is " let width = 94 let widthLabel = label + String(width) Kotlin : val label = "The width is " val width = 94 val widthLabel = label + width 5.数组 Swift : var shoppingList = ["catfish", "water","tulips", "blue paint"] shoppingList[1] = "bottle of water" Kotlin : val shoppingList = arrayOf("catfish", "water","tulips", "blue paint") shoppingList[1] = "bottle of water" 6.函数 Swift : func greet(_ name: String,_ day: String) -> String { return "Hello \(name),today is \(day)." } greet("Bob", "Tuesday") Kotlin : fun greet(name: String, day: String): String { return "Hello $name, today is $day."} greet("Bob", "Tuesday") 7.类声明及用法 Swift : 声明:class Shape { var numberOfSides = 0 func simpleDescription() -> String { return "A shape with \(numberOfSides) sides." } } 用法:var shape = Shape() shape.numberOfSides = 7 var shapeDescription = shape.simpleDescription() Kotlin : 声明:class Shape { var numberOfSides = 0 fun simpleDescription() = "A shape with $numberOfSides sides." } 用法: var shape = Shape() shape.numberOfSides = 7 var shapeDescription = shape.simpleDescription()
差点跑偏了,标题可是用Kotlin来开发Android 的呢,咱们现在只是对这门语言有了个大致的了解。现在就开始用他先做个小东西吧。
开发安卓的话肯定要有个开发工具吧,我之前一直用的是Android Studio,感觉挺不错的,后来到公司实习之后,发现公司基本上都是用的Intellij,然后我就开始用这个工具做开发了,感觉还是很好用的。我在这里使用的是Android Studio3.0 Canary版本,好像是Google在IO大会的时候更新的一个预览版本吧。如果使用正式版本的话,可能需要安装Kotlin的插件,但是3.0的版本就是本身集成好的,不需要安装多余的插件。
1.首先新建一个项目KotlinProject, 配置项目的Gradle文件
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin:'kotlin-android'
apply plugin:'kotlin-android-extensions'
dependencies {
classpath 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.1.1'
compile 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.1.1'
compile 'org.jetbrains.anko:anko-sdk25:0.10.0-beta-1'// sdk15, sdk19, sdk21, sdk23 are also available
compile 'org.jetbrains.anko:anko-appcompat-v7:0.10.0-beta-1'
通过上面的配置,你会发现引入的有anko的依赖。Anko是JetBrains开发的一个强大的库,说起JetBrains ,那就牛逼了,Kotlin语言是他们开发的,最流行的的开发工具intellij idea都是他们开发的,AS也是基于IDEA的。好了,言归正传,Anko是Kotlin官方开发的一个让开发Android应用更快速更简单的Kotlin库,并且能让我们书写的代码更简单清楚更容易阅读。(具体也可以看我一篇博客:用Kotlin和Anko实现安卓UI )
TextView username; username=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.user); username.setText( "我是来自APKBUS的文本" ); |
@BindView (R.id.user) TextView username; username.setText( "我是来自APKBUS的文本" ); |
1 | user.text= "我是来自APKBUS的文本" |
//activity_login就是我们的布局 import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_login.* |
Anko Layout
通常我们使用xml文件写我们的布局,但是他有一些缺点如不是类型安全,不是空安全,解析xml文件消耗更多的CPU和电量等等。而Anko Layout可以使用DSL动态创建我们的UI,并且它比我们使用Java动态创建布局方便很多主要是更简洁,它和拥有xml创建布局的层级关系,能让我们更容易阅读。
verticalLayout { val textView=textView( "我是来自APKBUS的文本" )<br data-filtered= "filtered" > val name = editText( "EditText" ) button( "Button" ) { onClick { toast( "${name.text}!" ) } } } |
val textView=textView( "我是来自APKBUS的文本" ){<br data-filtered= "filtered" > textSize = sp( 17 ).toFloat() textColor=context.resources.getColor(R.color.red) }.lparams{ margin=dip( 10 ) height= dip( 40 ) width= matchParent } |
inner class UI : AnkoComponent<loginactivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<loginactivity>): View { return with(ui){ verticalLayout { val textView=textView( "我是来自APKBUS的文本" ){<br data-filtered= "filtered" > textSize = sp( 17 ).toFloat() textColor=context.resources.getColor(R.color.red) }.lparams{ margin=dip( 10 ) height= dip( 40 ) width= matchParent } val name = editText( "EditText" ) button( "Button" ) { onClick { view -> toast( "Hello, ${name.text}!" ) } } } } } }</loginactivity></loginactivity> |
1 | UI().setContentView( this @LoginActivity ) |
inline fun View.dip(value: Int): Int = context.dip(value) fun Context.dip(value: Int): Int = (value * resources.displayMetrics.density).toInt() |
在上面resources.displayMetrics.density和我们Java getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density是一个效果,不过看着你会不会感觉比Java书写舒服多了,反正我是这么感觉的。在上面的我们给Button加了一个点击事件,我们发现它支持lambda表达式。我们想显示一个Toast,只需要toast("内容")就可以了,是不是又很简洁。其实它也是扩展函数,实现
inline fun AnkoContext<*>.toast(message: CharSequence) = ctx.toast(message) fun Context.toast(message: CharSequence) = Toast.makeText( this , message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() |
alert ( "我是Dialog" ){ yesButton { toast( "yes" )} noButton { toast( "no" )} }.show() |
doAsync { //后台执行代码 uiThread { //UI线程 toast( "线程${Thread.currentThread().name}" ) } } |
< RelativeLayout xmlns:android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:custom = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" android:layout_width = "fill_parent" android:layout_height = "fill_parent" android:fitsSystemWindows = "true" > < RelativeLayout android:id = "@+id/login_layout" android:layout_width = "fill_parent" android:layout_height = "wrap_content" android:layout_marginLeft = "20dp" android:layout_marginRight = "20dp" android:gravity = "center" > < FrameLayout android:id = "@+id/username_layout" android:layout_width = "fill_parent" android:layout_height = "wrap_content" android:layout_marginTop = "55dp" android:gravity = "center" > < EditText android:id = "@+id/username" android:layout_width = "fill_parent" android:layout_height = "@dimen/default_edittext_height" android:layout_marginTop = "5dp" android:inputType = "number" android:paddingRight = "60dp" android:maxLength = "20" android:paddingLeft = "55dp" > </ EditText > < ImageView android:layout_width = "22dp" android:layout_height = "21dp" android:layout_marginStart = "8dp" android:layout_gravity = "left|center_vertical" android:background = "@drawable/login_usr_in_img" android:visibility = "visible" /> < TextView android:id = "@+id/contry_sn" android:layout_width = "40dp" android:layout_height = "50dp" android:layout_gravity = "left|center_vertical" android:layout_marginTop = "4dp" android:gravity = "center" android:text = "+62" android:textColor = "@android:color/black" android:textSize = "18sp" android:visibility = "invisible" /> < Button android:id = "@+id/bt_username_clear" android:layout_width = "23dp" android:layout_height = "23dp" android:background = "@drawable/button_clear" android:layout_gravity = "right|center_vertical" android:layout_marginRight = "10dp" android:visibility = "invisible" /> </ FrameLayout > < FrameLayout android:id = "@+id/usercode_layout" android:layout_width = "fill_parent" android:layout_height = "wrap_content" android:layout_below = "@id/username_layout" android:layout_marginTop = "6dp" android:gravity = "center" > < EditText android:id = "@+id/password" android:layout_width = "fill_parent" android:layout_height = "@dimen/default_edittext_height" //40 android:inputType = "textPassword" android:paddingRight = "60dp" android:maxLength = "20" android:paddingLeft = "55dp" > </ EditText > < ImageView android:layout_width = "24dp" android:layout_height = "22dp" android:layout_marginStart = "7dp" android:layout_gravity = "left|center_vertical" android:background = "@drawable/login_code_in_img" /> < Button android:id = "@+id/bt_pwd_eye" android:layout_width = "23dp" android:layout_height = "23dp" android:background = "@drawable/button_eye_n" android:layout_gravity = "right|center_vertical" android:layout_marginRight = "10dp" /> < Button android:id = "@+id/bt_pwd_clear" android:layout_width = "23dp" android:layout_height = "23dp" android:background = "@drawable/button_clear" android:visibility = "invisible" android:layout_gravity = "right|center_vertical" android:layout_marginRight = "33dp" /> </ FrameLayout > < Button android:id = "@+id/login" android:layout_width = "fill_parent" android:layout_height = "@dimen/default_button_height" android:layout_below = "@id/usercode_layout" android:layout_marginTop = "30dp" android:background = "#ff336699" android:textColor = "@android:color/white" android:gravity = "center" android:text = "登录" /> < Button android:id = "@+id/login_error" android:layout_width = "wrap_content" android:layout_height = "wrap_content" android:layout_alignRight = "@id/login" android:layout_below = "@id/login" android:background = "#00000000" android:text = "忘记密码" android:textSize = "16sp" /> < Button android:id = "@+id/register" android:layout_width = "wrap_content" android:layout_height = "wrap_content" android:layout_alignLeft = "@id/login" android:layout_below = "@id/login" android:background = "#00000000" android:gravity = "left|center_vertical" android:text = "注册" android:textSize = "16sp" android:visibility = "visible" /> </ RelativeLayout > < RelativeLayout android:id = "@+id/remember_layout000" android:layout_width = "wrap_content" android:layout_height = "wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentBottom = "true" android:layout_marginBottom = "1dp" android:layout_marginLeft = "20dp" android:layout_marginRight = "20dp" > </ RelativeLayout > </ RelativeLayout > |
lateinit var et_account: EditText lateinit var et_password: EditText inner class LoginUi : AnkoComponent<loginactivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<loginactivity>) = with(ui) { verticalLayout { backgroundColor = context.resources.getColor(android.R.color.white) gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL imageView(R.mipmap.ic_launcher).lparams { width = dip( 100 ) height = dip( 100 ) topMargin = dip( 64 ) } linearLayout { gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL orientation = HORIZONTAL backgroundResource = R.drawable.bg_frame_corner imageView { image = resources.getDrawable(R.mipmap.ic_username) }.lparams(width = wrapContent, height = wrapContent) { leftMargin = dip( 12 ) rightMargin = dip( 15 ) } et_account = editText { hint = "登录账户" hintTextColor = Color.parseColor( "#666666" ) textSize = 16f background = null } }.lparams(width = dip( 300 ), height = dip( 40 )) { topMargin = dip( 45 ) } linearLayout { orientation = HORIZONTAL backgroundResource = R.drawable.bg_frame_corner gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL imageView { image = resources.getDrawable(R.mipmap.ic_password) }.lparams { leftMargin = dip( 12 ) rightMargin = dip( 15 ) } et_password = editText { hint = "登录密码" hintTextColor = Color.parseColor( "#666666" ) textSize = 16f background = null } }.lparams { width = dip( 300 ) height = dip( 40 ) topMargin = dip( 10 ) } button( "登录" ) { gravity = Gravity.CENTER background = resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.bg_login_btn) textColor = Color.parseColor( "#ffffff" ) onClick { if (et_account.text.toString().isNotEmpty() && et_password.text.toString().isNotEmpty()) startActivity<mainactivity>() else toast( "请输入账户或者密码" ) } }.lparams(width = dip( 300 ), height = dip( 44 )) { topMargin = dip( 18 ) } linearLayout { orientation = HORIZONTAL gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL checkBox( "注册" ) { textColor = Color.parseColor( "#666666" ) textSize = 16f leftPadding = dip( 5 ) } textView( "忘记密码" ) { textColor = Color.parseColor( "#1783e3" ) gravity = Gravity.RIGHT textSize = 16f }.lparams(width = matchParent) }.lparams(width = dip( 300 )) { topMargin = dip( 18 ) } textView( "Copyright © Code4Android" ) { textSize = 14f gravity = Gravity.CENTER or Gravity.BOTTOM }.lparams { bottomMargin = dip( 35 ) weight = 1f } } } }</mainactivity></loginactivity></loginactivity> |
1 | startActivity<mainactivity>( "account" to et_account.text.toString(), "password" to et_password.text.toString())</mainactivity> |
不会用巴士的编辑器,感觉好气啊。。不过总算是写完了,Kotlin这门语言肯定会发展的越来越好,当然,现在还在用Java开发的也不用担心会被抛弃,毕竟Java的用处还是很广的。本片博文参与《安卓巴士线上博文大赛终于来了 》活动,活动链接:安卓巴士线上博文大赛终于来了 。