实现方式(一):Builder 为每个构件定义一个操作。
实现方式(二):Builder 将构件返回给 Director,Director 将构件传递给 Builder 中的下一个步骤。
Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.
为创建一个 Product 对象的各个部件指定抽象接口。
实现 Builder 的接口以构造和装配该产品的各个部件。
构造一个使用 Builder 接口的对象。
表示被构造的复杂对象。ConcreteBuilder 创建该产品的内部表示并定义它的装配过程。
在以下情况下可以使用 Builder 模式:
它使你可以改变一个产品的内部表示。在改变该产品的内部表示时所要做的只是定义一个新的 ConcreteBuilder。
它使你可以对构造过程进行更精细的控制。对象是在 Director 的控制下一步一步构造的,仅当产品构造完成时 Director 才从 Builder 中取回它。
Abstract Factory 和 Builder 相似,因为它也可以创建复杂对象。区别是 Builder 着重于一步步构造一个复杂对象。而 Abstract Factory 着重于多个系列的产品对象(或简单或复杂)。Builder 是在最后一步返回产品,Abstract Factory 是立即返回。
Composite 通常是用 Builder 生成的。
实现方式(一):Builder 为每个构件定义一个操作。
通常有一个抽象的 Builder 类为 Director 可能要求创建的每一个 "构件" 定义一个操作。这些操作默认情况下什么都不做。一个 ConcreteBuilder 类对它感兴趣的 "构件" 对应的操作进行重定义。
1 namespace BuilderPattern.Implementation1 2 { 3 public class ComplexProduct 4 { 5 public string ValueDependOnWeather { get; set; } 6 public string ValueDependOnFortune { get; set; } 7 } 8 9 public abstract class AbstractComplexProductBuilder10 {11 protected ComplexProduct _complexProduct;12 13 public void BeginBuild(ComplexProduct existingComplexProduct = null)14 {15 if (existingComplexProduct == null)16 _complexProduct = new ComplexProduct();17 else18 _complexProduct = existingComplexProduct;19 }20 21 public virtual void BuildValueDependOnWeatherPart(string weather)22 {23 // could do nothing by default24 _complexProduct.ValueDependOnWeather = weather;25 }26 27 public virtual void BuildValueDependOnFortunePart(string luck)28 {29 // could do nothing by default30 _complexProduct.ValueDependOnFortune = luck;31 }32 33 public ComplexProduct EndBuild()34 {35 return this._complexProduct;36 }37 }38 39 public class ConcreteProductBuilderA : AbstractComplexProductBuilder40 {41 private string _dayOfWeek;42 private int _luckyNumber;43 44 public ConcreteProductBuilderA(string dayOfWeek, int luckyNumber)45 {46 _dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek;47 _luckyNumber = luckyNumber;48 }49 50 public override void BuildValueDependOnWeatherPart(string weather)51 {52 // something customized53 _complexProduct.ValueDependOnWeather = _dayOfWeek + " is " + weather;54 }55 56 public override void BuildValueDependOnFortunePart(string luck)57 {58 // something customized59 if (_luckyNumber == 8)60 _complexProduct.ValueDependOnFortune = "Supper" + luck;61 else62 _complexProduct.ValueDependOnFortune = "Just so so" + luck;63 }64 }65 66 public class GoodWeatherAndGoodLuckDirector67 {68 public void ConstructWithGoodWeatherAndGoodLuck(AbstractComplexProductBuilder builder)69 {70 builder.BuildValueDependOnWeatherPart(@"PM2.5 < 50");71 builder.BuildValueDependOnFortunePart(@"Good Luck");72 }73 74 public void ConstructWithBadWeatherAndBadLuck(AbstractComplexProductBuilder builder)75 {76 builder.BuildValueDependOnWeatherPart(@"PM2.5 > 500");77 builder.BuildValueDependOnFortunePart(@"Bad Luck");78 }79 }80 81 public class Client82 {83 public void TestCase1()84 {85 AbstractComplexProductBuilder builder = new ConcreteProductBuilderA("Sunday", 9);86 GoodWeatherAndGoodLuckDirector director = new GoodWeatherAndGoodLuckDirector();87 88 builder.BeginBuild();89 director.ConstructWithGoodWeatherAndGoodLuck(builder);90 ComplexProduct productWithGoodLuck = builder.EndBuild();91 92 builder.BeginBuild();93 director.ConstructWithBadWeatherAndBadLuck(builder);94 ComplexProduct productWithBadLuck = builder.EndBuild();95 }96 }97 }
实现方式(二):Builder 将构件返回给 Director,Director 将构件传递给 Builder 中的下一个步骤。
Builder 逐步的构造产品,所以其接口必须足够的普遍。如果构造过程中需要访问前面已经构造了的产品构件,则 Builder 将构件返回给 Director,由 Director 将构件传递给 Builder 中的下一个步骤。
1 namespace BuilderPattern.Implementation2 2 { 3 public class ComplexProduct 4 { 5 public string ValueDependOnWeather { get; set; } 6 public string ValueDependOnFortune { get; set; } 7 } 8 9 public abstract class AbstractComplexProductBuilder 10 { 11 protected ComplexProduct _complexProduct; 12 13 public void BeginBuild(ComplexProduct existingComplexProduct = null) 14 { 15 if (existingComplexProduct == null) 16 _complexProduct = new ComplexProduct(); 17 else 18 _complexProduct = existingComplexProduct; 19 } 20 21 public virtual string BuildValueDependOnWeatherPart(string weather) 22 { 23 // could do nothing by default 24 _complexProduct.ValueDependOnWeather = weather; 25 return _complexProduct.ValueDependOnWeather; 26 } 27 28 public virtual string BuildValueDependOnFortunePart(string luck, string combinedWithWeather) 29 { 30 // could do nothing by default 31 _complexProduct.ValueDependOnFortune = luck + combinedWithWeather; 32 return _complexProduct.ValueDependOnFortune; 33 } 34 35 public ComplexProduct EndBuild() 36 { 37 return this._complexProduct; 38 } 39 } 40 41 public class ConcreteProductBuilderA : AbstractComplexProductBuilder 42 { 43 private string _dayOfWeek; 44 private int _luckyNumber; 45 46 public ConcreteProductBuilderA(string dayOfWeek, int luckyNumber) 47 { 48 _dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek; 49 _luckyNumber = luckyNumber; 50 } 51 52 public override string BuildValueDependOnWeatherPart(string weather) 53 { 54 // something customized 55 _complexProduct.ValueDependOnWeather = _dayOfWeek + " is " + weather; 56 return _complexProduct.ValueDependOnWeather; 57 } 58 59 public override string BuildValueDependOnFortunePart(string luck, string combinedWithWeather) 60 { 61 // something customized 62 if (_luckyNumber == 8) 63 _complexProduct.ValueDependOnFortune = "Supper" + luck + combinedWithWeather; 64 else 65 _complexProduct.ValueDependOnFortune = "Just so so" + luck + combinedWithWeather; 66 return _complexProduct.ValueDependOnFortune; 67 } 68 } 69 70 public class GoodWeatherAndGoodLuckDirector 71 { 72 public void ConstructWithGoodWeatherAndGoodLuck(AbstractComplexProductBuilder builder) 73 { 74 string weather = builder.BuildValueDependOnWeatherPart(@"PM2.5 < 50"); 75 builder.BuildValueDependOnFortunePart(@"Good Luck", weather); 76 } 77 78 public void ConstructWithBadWeatherAndBadLuck(AbstractComplexProductBuilder builder) 79 { 80 string weather = builder.BuildValueDependOnWeatherPart(@"PM2.5 > 500"); 81 builder.BuildValueDependOnFortunePart(@"Bad Luck", weather); 82 } 83 } 84 85 public class Client 86 { 87 public void TestCase2() 88 { 89 AbstractComplexProductBuilder builder = new ConcreteProductBuilderA("Sunday", 9); 90 GoodWeatherAndGoodLuckDirector director = new GoodWeatherAndGoodLuckDirector(); 91 92 builder.BeginBuild(); 93 director.ConstructWithGoodWeatherAndGoodLuck(builder); 94 ComplexProduct productWithGoodLuck = builder.EndBuild(); 95 96 builder.BeginBuild(); 97 director.ConstructWithBadWeatherAndBadLuck(builder); 98 ComplexProduct productWithBadLuck = builder.EndBuild(); 99 }100 }101 }
《设计模式之美》为 Dennis Gao 发布于博客园的系列文章,任何未经作者本人同意的人为或爬虫转载均为耍流氓。