

  1. Tomcat Components

    1. Connector

    2. Container

    3. Jasper

    4. Naming

    5. Session

    6. Logging

    7. JMS

  2. Connector

    1. recieve client request (listen on different ports per connector)

    2. process request

  3. Container Components

    1. Engine (manage several sites)

    2. Host (virtual host, manage one sits)

    3. Context (manager one application)

    4. Wrapper (servlet)

  4. Process of Tomcat handling a client request

    1. client send a request via connector listening port

    2. connector sends request to specific container engine 

    3. engine finds a host

    4. host finds a context

    5. context finds a servlet

    6. servlet process and return a response to context

    7. context return response to host

    8. host return response to engine

    9. engine return response to connector

  5. Tomcat Configuration files

    1. catalina.policy

    2. catalina.properties

    3. context.xml (web.xml)

    4. logging.properties

    5. server.xml (startup application)

    6. tomcat-users.xml

    7. web.xml

  6. Tomcat Common Configuration

    1. place war under webapp

    2. add <context ... debug="0" docBase="..." path="" reloadable="true"/> in server.xml

    3. place xml contains  <context ... debug="0" docBase="..." reloadable="true"/> under conf/Catelina/localhost

    1. debug (error logger info level)

    2. docBase (project path)

    3. path (url matching path)

    4. reloadable (true)

    1. port: server.xml

    2. memory: catalina.sh

    3. hot reload

  7. Tomcat JDBC connection pool

    1. >=Tomcat 7.0: 3-rd party jdbc module (tomcat-jdbc)

    2. add <Resource name="jdbc/user" auth="..." typr="..." factory=".." .../> in context.xml (define db connection pool properties)

    3. add <resource-ref><res-ref-name>jdbc/user</res-ref-name>...</resource-ref> in web.xml

    4. add db connector jar under lib folder

  8. SSO

    1. CAS 

    2. virtual host (domain-based&port-based)

  9. Security
