
Android 开发技术周报 Issue#286



  1. recycling-center

    a library designed to support a pattern: reactive, unidirectional data flow using immutable ViewModels. It combines the reactive data flow of RxJava with the efficient UI of a RecyclerView, and supports UI composition via Sections of Views and ViewModels.

  2. Ok2Curl

    Convert OkHttp requests into curl logs.

  3. AdvancedTextView


  4. LiveEvent

    a quick and easy solution to get a reliable and lifecycleaware EventBus.

  5. NeumorphismView-Android

    A Neumorphism library for Android, supporting customizations for shadows/highlights to selected child views.

  6. luch

    A somewhat simplistic library built with only one purpose in mind - monitor nearby beacons when the app’s in the foreground mode. The library is under development, check the demo (sample module) to see the example.

  7. ViewPagerGallery

    支持无限滑动的3D视觉的画廊效果、 平面普通广告栏轮播

  8. Uatu

    Android方法调用跟踪 ; 方法耗时统计 ; 方法调用参数以及返回值跟踪 ; 方法调用替换;方法hook

  9. Flywith24-Permission

    使用 ActivityResult API 和 Kotlin 扩展函数实现权限请求

  10. DatePicker

    Android date picker widget.

  11. AppMethodOrder


  12. RecordWav


  13. MaterialNumberPicker

    A customizable number picker based on Material guidelines

  14. beagle

    A framework to help implement Server-Driven UI in your apps natively.

  15. BlobBackgroundLayout

    Android Layout Library with animated Blob Background

  16. FlowReactiveNetwork

    Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with Coroutines Flow


  1. Mess

    a gradle plugin for minifying activities, services, receivers, providers and custom view

  2. Gradle-Dependencies-Check


  3. gradle-test-lab-plugin

    Run Android tests on Firebase directly from your Gradle build.


  1. kinsight-multiplatform

    Kotlin Multiplatform Concept - iOS, MacOS, WatchOS (SwiftUI), Android (phone and Wear OS), JVM Web Server - Alpha Capture


  1. stack

    An Android app for browsing Stack Overflow and other Stack Exchange sites

  2. SecondScreen

    an application designed for power users that frequently connect their Android devices to external displays.

  3. jetpack-release-tracker

    Jetpack Release Tracker keeps you up to date on the latest AndroidX library releases.


  1. vscode-paste-image

    Paste image directly from clipboard to markdown/asciidoc(or other file)! Support Mac/Windows/Linux! And support config destination folder.

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