1 |
Address |
Address data (street name, street suffix etc.) |
2 |
Business |
Business data (company, company_type, copyright etc.) |
3 |
Code |
Codes (ISBN, EAN, IMEI etc.). |
4 |
ClothingSize |
Clothing sizes (international sizes, european etc.) |
5 |
Datetime |
Datetime (day of week, month, year etc.) |
6 |
Development |
Data for developers (version, programming language etc.) |
7 |
File |
File data (extension etc.) |
8 |
Food |
Information on food (vegetables, fruits, measurements etc.) |
9 |
Games |
Games data (game, score, pegi_rating etc.) |
10 |
Person |
Personal data (name, surname, age, email etc.) |
11 |
Text |
Text data (sentence, title etc.) |
12 |
Transport |
Dummy data about transport (truck model, car etc.) |
13 |
Science |
Scientific data (rna sequence dna sequence, etc.) |
14 |
Structure |
Structured data (html, css etc.) |
15 |
Internet |
Internet data (facebook, twitter etc.) |
16 |
Hardware |
The data about the hardware (resolution, cpu, graphics etc.) |
17 |
Numbers |
Numerical data (floats, primes, digit etc.) |
18 |
Path |
Provides methods and property for generate paths. |
19 |
Payment |
Payment data (credit_card, credit_card_network, etc.) |
20 |
UnitSystem |
Provides names of unit systems in international format. |
21 |
Generic |
All at once. |
22 |
Cryptographic |
Cryptographic data. |