股票行情一般传输的数据类型为: int / long / float /double / string 来表示行情价格成交量之类的数据。
正常传输过程中,都是使用tag=value的方式。 如1=date(标号1代表日期) 2=openPrice(2表示开盘价格) 等等, 在解析每个字段之前需要先解析这个字段标号,然后通过这个标号能够从提前约定的字段(一般编码端和解码端都有一个xml模板类似的约定配置文件)对应类型来解析这个字段。
tag : 1->日期 2->时间 3->开盘价 4->最高价 5->最低价 6->当前价。 其中tag为short类型,即2个字节
日期、时间为int; 开高低收为float ,保留3位小数
1=20190310 , 2=142900 , 3=13.4 , 4=15.0 ,5=13.0 ,6=13.5
不使用fast协议来传输需要的字节数: tag占用字节(6*2) + value(4 + 4 + 4 +4 + 4 + 4)=36字节
同样的数据,如果使用fast协议传输需要字节数: tag(6*1) +value(4 + 3 + 3+ 3+ 3)=29字节
在传输unicode 和byte流的时候不使用停止位特征,即每个字节的最高位为真实数据。数据长度字段仍然使用停止位特征
/** * 数据编码成功后,将最后一个字节的首位设置成1,即为停止位 * * */ public byte[] encode(ScalarValue value) { byte[] encoding = encodeValue(value); encoding[encoding.length - 1] |= 0x80; return encoding; }
/** * 编码方法 * */ public byte[] encodeValue(ScalarValue value) { long longValue = ((NumericValue) value).toLong(); int size = getSignedIntegerSize(longValue); byte[] encoding = new byte[size]; //组装数据,即每个字节第一位不表示数据;组装完成后仍然是大端序列(低字节位为值得高有效位) for (int factor = 0; factor < size; factor++) { //0x3f = 0011 1111 //0x7f = 0111 1111 int bitMask = (factor == (size - 1)) ? 0x3f : 0x7f; encoding[size - factor - 1] = (byte) ((longValue >> (factor * 7)) & bitMask); } // Get the sign bit from the long value and set it on the first byte // 01000000 00000000 ... 00000000 // ^----SIGN BIT //将一个字节的第二位设置为符号位, 0表示正数;1表示负数 encoding[0] |= (0x40 & (longValue >> 57)); return encoding; } /** * 解码方法 * */ public ScalarValue decode(InputStream in) { long value = 0; try { // IO read方法如果返回小于-1的时候,表示结束;正常范围0-255 int byt = in.read(); if (byt < 0) { Global.handleError(FastConstants.END_OF_STREAM, "The end of the input stream has been reached."); return null; // short circuit if global error handler does not throw exception } //通过首字节的第二位与运算,确认该数据的符号 if ((byt & 0x40) > 0) { value = -1; } //到此,value的符号已经确定, //value=0 则该数为负数, value= -1该数为正数 // int value = -1 16进制为 0xFF FF FF FF // int value = 0 16进制为 0x00 00 00 00 //下面的只是通过位操作来复原真实的数据 value = (value << 7) | (byt & 0x7f); //(value << 7)确保最后7位为0; (byt & 0x7f) 还是byt while ((byt & 0x80) == 0) { //根据第一位来判断当前byte是否属于这个字段 byt = in.read(); if (byt < 0) { Global.handleError(FastConstants.END_OF_STREAM, "The end of the input stream has been reached."); return null; // short circuit if global error handler does not throw exception } value = (value << 7) | (byt & 0x7f); //先把有效位往左移7位,然后再处理当前的七位 } } catch (IOException e) { Global.handleError(FastConstants.IO_ERROR, "A IO error has been encountered while decoding.", e); return null; // short circuit if global error handler does not throw exception } return createValue(value); } /** * 判断无符号数所要占用的字节数 * */ public static int getUnsignedIntegerSize(long value) { if (value < 128) { return 1; // 2 ^ 7 } if (value <= 16384) { return 2; // 2 ^ 14 } if (value <= 2097152) { return 3; // 2 ^ 21 } if (value <= 268435456) { return 4; // 2 ^ 28 } if (value <= 34359738368L) { return 5; // 2 ^ 35 } if (value <= 4398046511104L) { return 6; // 2 ^ 42 } if (value <= 562949953421312L) { return 7; // 2 ^ 49 } if (value <= 72057594037927936L) { return 8; // 2 ^ 56 } return 9; } /** * 判断有符号数需要占用的字节 * */ public static int getSignedIntegerSize(long value) { if ((value >= -64) && (value <= 63)) { return 1; // - 2 ^ 6 ... 2 ^ 6 -1 } if ((value >= -8192) && (value <= 8191)) { return 2; // - 2 ^ 13 ... 2 ^ 13 -1 } if ((value >= -1048576) && (value <= 1048575)) { return 3; // - 2 ^ 20 ... 2 ^ 20 -1 } if ((value >= -134217728) && (value <= 134217727)) { return 4; // - 2 ^ 27 ... 2 ^ 27 -1 } if ((value >= -17179869184L) && (value <= 17179869183L)) { return 5; // - 2 ^ 34 ... 2 ^ 34 -1 } if ((value >= -2199023255552L) && (value <= 2199023255551L)) { return 6; // - 2 ^ 41 ... 2 ^ 41 -1 } if ((value >= -281474976710656L) && (value <= 281474976710655L)) { return 7; // - 2 ^ 48 ... 2 ^ 48 -1 } if ((value >= -36028797018963968L) && (value <= 36028797018963967L)) { return 8; // - 2 ^ 55 ... 2 ^ 55 -1 } if ((value >= -4611686018427387904L && value <= 4611686018427387903L)) { return 9; } return 10; }
/** * 编码方法 * */ public byte[] encodeValue(ScalarValue scalarValue) { long value = scalarValue.toLong(); int size = getUnsignedIntegerSize(value); byte[] encoded = new byte[size]; for (int factor = 0; factor < size; factor++) { encoded[size - factor - 1] = (byte) ((value >> (factor * 7)) & 0x7f); } return encoded; } /** * * 解码方法 * */ public ScalarValue decode(InputStream in) { long value = 0; int byt; try { do { byt = in.read(); if (byt < 0) { Global.handleError(FastConstants.END_OF_STREAM, "The end of the input stream has been reached."); return null; // short circuit if global error handler does not throw exception } value = (value << 7) | (byt & 0x7f); } while ((byt & 0x80) == 0); } catch (IOException e) { Global.handleError(FastConstants.IO_ERROR, "A IO error has been encountered while decoding.", e); return null; // short circuit if global error handler does not throw exception } return createValue(value); }
public byte[] encodeValue(ScalarValue value) { if ((value == null) || value.isNull()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Only nullable strings can represent null values."); } String string = value.toString(); if ((string != null) && (string.length() == 0)) { return TypeCodec.NULL_VALUE_ENCODING; } if (string.startsWith(ZERO_TERMINATOR)) { return ZERO_PREAMBLE; } return string.getBytes(); } public ScalarValue decode(InputStream in) { int byt; ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = Global.getBuffer(); try { do { byt = in.read(); if (byt < 0) { Global.handleError(FastConstants.END_OF_STREAM, "The end of the input stream has been reached."); return null; // short circuit if global error handler does not throw exception } buffer.write(byt); } while ((byt & 0x80) == 0); } catch (IOException e) { Global.handleError(FastConstants.IO_ERROR, "A IO error has been encountered while decoding.", e); return null; // short circuit if global error handler does not throw exception } byte[] bytes = buffer.toByteArray(); //复原最后一个字节为真实数据 bytes[bytes.length - 1] &= 0x7f; if (bytes[0] == 0) { if (!ByteUtil.isEmpty(bytes)) Global.handleError(FastConstants.R9_STRING_OVERLONG, null); if (bytes.length > 1 && bytes[1] == 0) return new StringValue("\u0000"); return new StringValue(""); } return new StringValue(new String(bytes)); }
public byte[] encode(ScalarValue value) { byte[] bytes = value.getBytes(); int lengthSize = IntegerCodec.getUnsignedIntegerSize(bytes.length); byte[] encoding = new byte[bytes.length + lengthSize]; byte[] length = TypeCodec.UINT.encode(new IntegerValue(bytes.length)); //数据流所占长度 System.arraycopy(length, 0, encoding, 0, lengthSize); //数据 System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, encoding, lengthSize, bytes.length); return encoding; } public ScalarValue decode(InputStream in) { //解析字节流的长度 int length = ((IntegerValue) TypeCodec.UINT.decode(in)).value; byte[] encoding = new byte[length]; //读取字节流 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) try { int nextByte = in.read(); if (nextByte < 0) { Global.handleError(FastConstants.END_OF_STREAM, "The end of the input stream has been reached."); return null; // short circuit if global error handler does not throw exception } encoding[i] = (byte) nextByte; } catch (IOException e) { Global.handleError(FastConstants.IO_ERROR, "A IO error has been encountered while decoding.", e); return null; // short circuit if global error handler does not throw exception } return new ByteVectorValue(encoding); }