
Spark Stage

  • 概念

A stage is a set of parallel tasks ① all computing the same function that need to run as part of a Spark job, where all the tasks have the same shuffle dependencies. Each DAG of tasks run by the scheduler is split up into stages at the boundaries where shuffle occurs, and then the DAGScheduler runs these stages in topological order.
Each Stage can
② either be a shuffle map stage
, in which case its tasks' results are input for other stage(s), or a result stage, in which case its tasks directly compute a Spark action (e.g. count(), save(), etc) by running a function on an RDD. ③For shuffle map stages, we also track the nodes that each output partition is on.
Each Stage also has a firstJobId, identifying the job that first submitted the stage.  When FIFO     scheduling is used, this ④ allows Stages from earlier jobs to be computed first or recoveredfaster on failure.Finally, a single stage can be re-executed in multiple attempts due to fault recovery. In thatcase, the Stage object will track multiple StageInfo objects to pass to listeners or the web UI.The latest one will be accessible through latestInfo.

  • 代码解读

  1. [DAGScheduler]->private[scheduler] def handleJobSubmitted

{   var finalStage: ResultStage = null
    try {    /**
        ②stage 的类型只有两种,一种是shuffle map stage 另一种是result 
        stage,并且result stage 一定是调用action操作的RDD所在
      finalStage = newResultStage(finalRDD, func, partitions, jobId,   
    } catch {     case e: Exception => logWarning("Creating new stage failed due to     
     exception - job: " + jobId,   e) listener.jobFailed(e) return 
                                  . . . 
  1. [DAGScheduler]->private def submitStage(stage: Stage)

                                      ...       //[1]
       val missing = **getMissingParentStages(stage)**.sortBy(_.id)
        logDebug("missing: " + missing)        if (missing.isEmpty) {
          logInfo("Submitting " + stage + " (" + stage.rdd + "), which has no missing parents”)
          submitMissingTasks(stage, jobId.get)
        } else {
          for (parent <- missing) {
          waitingStages += stage
  1. [DAGScheduler]->getMissingParentStages(stage: Stage): List[Stage]
     根据dependency是否是shuffle dependency(wild or narrow)来进行stage划分

                                       . . . 

  for (dep <- rdd.dependencies) {
            dep match {              case shufDep: ShuffleDependency[_, _, _] =>
                val mapStage = getShuffleMapStage(shufDep, stage.firstJobId)                if (!mapStage.isAvailable) {
                  missing += mapStage
                }              case narrowDep: NarrowDependency[_] =>
                                        . . .


  • 概念

ShuffleMapStages are intermediate stages in the execution DAG that produce data for a shuffle.⑤They occur right before each shuffle operation, and might contain multiple pipelined operations before that (e.g. map and filter). When executed, ⑥they save map output files that can later be fetched by reduce tasks.The shuffleDep field describes the shuffle each stage is part of,and  ⑧variables like outputLocs and numAvailableOutputs track how many map outputs are ready.ShuffleMapStages can also be submitted independently as jobs with DAGScheduler.submitMapStage. For such stages, the ActiveJobs that submitted them are tracked in mapStageJobs. ⑨Note that there can be multiple ActiveJobs trying to compute the same shuffle map stage.

  • 代码解读

⑤-在对stage进行划分时,shuffle map stage 包含前个shuffle之后的所有非shuffle操作,如map、filter等。
⑥ 对每个partition的output 信息进行维护

   List of [[MapStatus]] for each partition. The index of the array
   is the map partition id,and each value in the array is the list of     
   possible [[MapStatus]]  for a partition(a single task might run 
   multiple times).
  private[this] val outputLocs = Array.fill[List[MapStatus]](numPartitions)(Nil)

[DAGScheduler]->submitMissingTasks(stage: Stage, jobId: Int)

val partitionsToCompute: Seq[Int] = stage.findMissingPartitions() 
    val taskIdToLocations: Map[Int, Seq[TaskLocation]] = try {
      stage match {        case s: ShuffleMapStage =>
          partitionsToCompute.map { id => (id, getPreferredLocs(stage.rdd, id))}.toMap        case s: ResultStage =>
          val job = s.activeJob.get
          partitionsToCompute.map { id =>
          val p = s.partitions(id)
          (id, getPreferredLocs(stage.rdd, p))


class  ShuffleDependency[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, C: ClassTag](    @transient private val _rdd: RDD[_ <: Product2[K, V]],
    val partitioner: Partitioner,
    val serializer: Serializer = SparkEnv.get.serializer,
    val keyOrdering: Option[Ordering[K]] = None,
    val aggregator: Option[Aggregator[K, V, C]] = None,
    val mapSideCombine: Boolean = false){

