本文基于 Spark 2.1 进行解析
从 Spark 2.0 开始移除了Hash Based Shuffle,想要了解可参考Shuffle 过程,本文将讲解 Sort Based Shuffle。
ShuffleMapTask的结果(ShuffleMapStage中FinalRDD的数据)都将写入磁盘,以供后续Stage拉取,即整个Shuffle包括前Stage的Shuffle Write和后Stage的Shuffle Read,由于内容较多,本文先解析Shuffle Write。
override def runTask(context: TaskContext): MapStatus = { // Deserialize the RDD using the broadcast variable. val deserializeStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance() // 从广播变量中反序列化出finalRDD和dependency val (rdd, dep) = ser.deserialize[(RDD[_], ShuffleDependency[_, _, _])]( ByteBuffer.wrap(taskBinary.value), Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader) _executorDeserializeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - deserializeStartTime var writer: ShuffleWriter[Any, Any] = null try { // 获取shuffleManager val manager = SparkEnv.get.shuffleManager // 通过shuffleManager的getWriter()方法,获得shuffle的writer writer = manager.getWriter[Any, Any](dep.shuffleHandle, partitionId, context) // 通过rdd指定分区的迭代器iterator方法来遍历每一条数据,再之上再调用writer的write方法以写数据 writer.write(rdd.iterator(partition, context).asInstanceOf[Iterator[_ <: Product2[Any, Any]]]) writer.stop(success = true).get } catch { case e: Exception => try { if (writer != null) { writer.stop(success = false) } } catch { case e: Exception => log.debug("Could not stop writer", e) } throw e } }
然后调用了manager.getWriter方法,该方法中检测到满足Unsafe Shuffle条件会自动采用Unsafe Shuffle,否则采用Sort Shuffle。使用Unsafe Shuffle有几个限制,shuffle阶段不能有aggregate操作,分区数不能超过一定大小( 2^24−1,这是可编码的最大parition id),所以像reduceByKey这类有aggregate操作的算子是不能使用Unsafe Shuffle。
这里暂时讨论Sort Shuffle的情况,即getWriter返回的是SortShuffleWriter,我们直接看writer.write发生了什么:
override def write(records: Iterator[Product2[K, V]]): Unit = { sorter = if (dep.mapSideCombine) { require(dep.aggregator.isDefined, "Map-side combine without Aggregator specified!") new ExternalSorter[K, V, C]( context, dep.aggregator, Some(dep.partitioner), dep.keyOrdering, dep.serializer) } else { new ExternalSorter[K, V, V]( context, aggregator = None, Some(dep.partitioner), ordering = None, dep.serializer) } // 写内存缓冲区,超过阈值则溢写到磁盘文件 sorter.insertAll(records) // 获取该task的最终输出文件 val output = shuffleBlockResolver.getDataFile(dep.shuffleId, mapId) val tmp = Utils.tempFileWith(output) try { val blockId = ShuffleBlockId(dep.shuffleId, mapId, IndexShuffleBlockResolver.NOOP_REDUCE_ID) // merge后写到data文件 val partitionLengths = sorter.writePartitionedFile(blockId, tmp) // 写index文件 shuffleBlockResolver.writeIndexFileAndCommit(dep.shuffleId, mapId, partitionLengths, tmp) mapStatus = MapStatus(blockManager.shuffleServerId, partitionLengths) } finally { if (tmp.exists() && !tmp.delete()) { logError(s"Error while deleting temp file ${tmp.getAbsolutePath}") } } }
def insertAll(records: Iterator[Product2[K, V]]): Unit = { // TODO: stop combining if we find that the reduction factor isn't high val shouldCombine = aggregator.isDefined // 若需要Combine if (shouldCombine) { // 获取对新value合并到聚合结果中的函数 val mergeValue = aggregator.get.mergeValue // 获取创建初始聚合值的函数 val createCombiner = aggregator.get.createCombiner var kv: Product2[K, V] = null // 通过mergeValue 对已有的聚合结果的新value进行合并,通过createCombiner 对没有聚合结果的新value初始化聚合结果 val update = (hadValue: Boolean, oldValue: C) => { if (hadValue) mergeValue(oldValue, kv._2) else createCombiner(kv._2) } // 遍历records while (records.hasNext) { addElementsRead() kv = records.next() // 使用update函数进行value的聚合 map.changeValue((getPartition(kv._1), kv._1), update) // 是否需要spill到磁盘文件 maybeSpillCollection(usingMap = true) } // 不需要Combine } else { // Stick values into our buffer while (records.hasNext) { addElementsRead() val kv = records.next() buffer.insert(getPartition(kv._1), kv._1, kv._2.asInstanceOf[C]) maybeSpillCollection(usingMap = false) } } }
override def changeValue(key: K, updateFunc: (Boolean, V) => V): V = { // 通过聚合算法得到newValue val newValue = super.changeValue(key, updateFunc) // 跟新对map的大小采样 super.afterUpdate() newValue }
def changeValue(key: K, updateFunc: (Boolean, V) => V): V = { ... // 根据k 得到pos var pos = rehash(k.hashCode) & mask var i = 1 while (true) { // 从data中获取该位置的原来的key val curKey = data(2 * pos) // 若原来的key和当前的key相等,则将两个值进行聚合 if (k.eq(curKey) || k.equals(curKey)) { val newValue = updateFunc(true, data(2 * pos + 1).asInstanceOf[V]) data(2 * pos + 1) = newValue.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] return newValue // 若当前key对应的位置没有key,则将当前key作为该位置的key // 并通过update方法初始化该位置的聚合结果 } else if (curKey.eq(null)) { val newValue = updateFunc(false, null.asInstanceOf[V]) data(2 * pos) = k data(2 * pos + 1) = newValue.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] // 扩容 incrementSize() return newValue // 若对应位置有key但不和当前key相等,即hash冲突了,则继续向后遍历 } else { val delta = i pos = (pos + delta) & mask i += 1 } } null.asInstanceOf[V] // Never reached but needed to keep compiler happy }
根据K的hashCode再哈希与上掩码 得到 pos,2 * pos 为 k 应该所在的位置,2 * pos + 1 为 k 对应的 v 所在的位置,获取k应该所在位置的原来的key:
若原来的key和当前的 k 相等,则通过update函数将两个v进行聚合并更新该位置的value
若原来的key存在但不和当前的k 相等,则说明hash冲突了,更新pos继续遍历
private def incrementSize() { curSize += 1 if (curSize > growThreshold) { growTable() } }
protected def growTable() { // 容量翻倍 val newCapacity = capacity * 2 require(newCapacity <= MAXIMUM_CAPACITY, s"Can't contain more than ${growThreshold} elements") //生成新的数组来存数据 val newData = new Array[AnyRef](2 * newCapacity) val newMask = newCapacity - 1 var oldPos = 0 while (oldPos < capacity) { // 将旧数组中的数据重新计算位置放到新的数组中 if (!data(2 * oldPos).eq(null)) { val key = data(2 * oldPos) val value = data(2 * oldPos + 1) var newPos = rehash(key.hashCode) & newMask var i = 1 var keepGoing = true while (keepGoing) { val curKey = newData(2 * newPos) if (curKey.eq(null)) { newData(2 * newPos) = key newData(2 * newPos + 1) = value keepGoing = false } else { val delta = i newPos = (newPos + delta) & newMask i += 1 } } } oldPos += 1 } // 替换及跟新变量 data = newData capacity = newCapacity mask = newMask growThreshold = (LOAD_FACTOR * newCapacity).toInt }
这里重新创建了一个两倍capacity 的数组来存放数据,将原来数组中的数据通过重新计算位置放到新数组里,将data替换为新的数组,并跟新一些变量。
protected def afterUpdate(): Unit = { numUpdates += 1 if (nextSampleNum == numUpdates) { takeSample() } }
若每遍历跟新一条record,都来对map进行采样估计大小,假设采样一次需要1ms,100w次采样就会花上16.7分钟,性能大大降低。所以这里只有当update次数达到nextSampleNum 的时候才通过takeSample()采样一次:
private def takeSample(): Unit = { samples.enqueue(Sample(SizeEstimator.estimate(this), numUpdates)) // Only use the last two samples to extrapolate if (samples.size > 2) { samples.dequeue() } // 估计每次跟新的变化量 val bytesDelta = samples.toList.reverse match { case latest :: previous :: tail => (latest.size - previous.size).toDouble / (latest.numUpdates - previous.numUpdates) // If fewer than 2 samples, assume no change case _ => 0 } // 跟新变化量 bytesPerUpdate = math.max(0, bytesDelta) // 获取下次采样的次数 nextSampleNum = math.ceil(numUpdates * SAMPLE_GROWTH_RATE).toLong }
这里估计每次跟新的变化量的逻辑是:(当前map大小-上次采样的时候的大小) / (当前update的次数 - 上次采样的时候的update次数)。
private def maybeSpillCollection(usingMap: Boolean): Unit = { var estimatedSize = 0L if (usingMap) { estimatedSize = map.estimateSize() if (maybeSpill(map, estimatedSize)) { map = new PartitionedAppendOnlyMap[K, C] } } else { estimatedSize = buffer.estimateSize() if (maybeSpill(buffer, estimatedSize)) { buffer = new PartitionedPairBuffer[K, C] } } if (estimatedSize > _peakMemoryUsedBytes) { _peakMemoryUsedBytes = estimatedSize } }
def estimateSize(): Long = { assert(samples.nonEmpty) val extrapolatedDelta = bytesPerUpdate * (numUpdates - samples.last.numUpdates) (samples.last.size + extrapolatedDelta).toLong }
以上次采样完更新的bytePerUpdate 作为最近平均每次跟新的大小,估计当前占用内存:(当前update次数-上次采样时的update次数) * 每次跟新大小 + 上次采样记录的大小。
protected def maybeSpill(collection: C, currentMemory: Long): Boolean = { var shouldSpill = false if (elementsRead % 32 == 0 && currentMemory >= myMemoryThreshold) { // Claim up to double our current memory from the shuffle memory pool val amountToRequest = 2 * currentMemory - myMemoryThreshold val granted = acquireMemory(amountToRequest) // 跟新申请到的内存 myMemoryThreshold += granted // 集合大小还是比申请到的内存大?spill : no spill shouldSpill = currentMemory >= myMemoryThreshold } shouldSpill = shouldSpill || _elementsRead > numElementsForceSpillThreshold // Actually spill if (shouldSpill) { _spillCount += 1 logSpillage(currentMemory) spill(collection) _elementsRead = 0 _memoryBytesSpilled += currentMemory releaseMemory() } shouldSpill }
当前集合包含的records数超过了 numElementsForceSpillThreshold(默认为Long.MaxValue,可通过spark.shuffle.spill.numElementsForceSpillThreshold设置)
当前集合包含的records数为32的整数倍,并且当前集合的大小超过了申请的内存myMemoryThreshold(第一次申请默认为5 * 1024 * 1024,可通过spark.shuffle.spill.initialMemoryThreshold设置),此时并不会立即spill,会尝试申请更多的内存避免spill,这里尝试申请的内存为2倍集合大小减去当前已经申请的内存大小(实际申请到的内存为granted),若加上原来的内存还是比当前集合的大小要小则需要spill。
override protected[this] def spill(collection: WritablePartitionedPairCollection[K, C]): Unit = { // 传入comparator将集合中的数据先根据partition排序再通过key排序后返回一个迭代器 val inMemoryIterator = collection.destructiveSortedWritablePartitionedIterator(comparator) // 写到磁盘文件,并返回一个对该文件的描述对象SpilledFile val spillFile = spillMemoryIteratorToDisk(inMemoryIterator) // 添加到spill文件数组 spills.append(spillFile) }
private[this] def spillMemoryIteratorToDisk(inMemoryIterator: WritablePartitionedIterator) : SpilledFile = { // 生成临时文件和blockId val (blockId, file) = diskBlockManager.createTempShuffleBlock() // 这些值在每次flush后会被重置 var objectsWritten: Long = 0 var spillMetrics: ShuffleWriteMetrics = null var writer: DiskBlockObjectWriter = null def openWriter(): Unit = { assert (writer == null && spillMetrics == null) spillMetrics = new ShuffleWriteMetrics writer = blockManager.getDiskWriter(blockId, file, serInstance, fileBufferSize, spillMetrics) } openWriter() // 按写入磁盘的顺序记录分支的大小 val batchSizes = new ArrayBuffer[Long] // 记录每个分区有多少元素 val elementsPerPartition = new Array[Long](numPartitions) // Flush writer 内容到磁盘,并更新相关变量 def flush(): Unit = { val w = writer writer = null w.commitAndClose() _diskBytesSpilled += spillMetrics.bytesWritten batchSizes.append(spillMetrics.bytesWritten) spillMetrics = null objectsWritten = 0 } var success = false try { // 遍历迭代器 while (inMemoryIterator.hasNext) { val partitionId = inMemoryIterator.nextPartition() require(partitionId >= 0 && partitionId < numPartitions, s"partition Id: ${partitionId} should be in the range [0, ${numPartitions})") inMemoryIterator.writeNext(writer) elementsPerPartition(partitionId) += 1 objectsWritten += 1 // 元素个数达到批量序列化大小则flush到磁盘 if (objectsWritten == serializerBatchSize) { flush() openWriter() } } // 将剩余的数据flush if (objectsWritten > 0) { flush() } else if (writer != null) { val w = writer writer = null w.revertPartialWritesAndClose() } success = true } finally { ... } // 返回SpilledFile SpilledFile(file, blockId, batchSizes.toArray, elementsPerPartition) }
通过diskBlockManager创建临时文件和blockID,临时文件名格式为是 "temp_shuffle_" + id,遍历内存数据迭代器,并调用Writer(DiskBlockObjectWriter)的write方法,当写的次数达到序列化大小则flush到磁盘文件,并重新打开writer,及跟新batchSizes等信息。
override def write(records: Iterator[Product2[K, V]]): Unit = { ... // 写内存缓冲区,超过阈值则溢写到磁盘文件 sorter.insertAll(records) // 获取该task的最终输出文件 val output = shuffleBlockResolver.getDataFile(dep.shuffleId, mapId) val tmp = Utils.tempFileWith(output) try { val blockId = ShuffleBlockId(dep.shuffleId, mapId, IndexShuffleBlockResolver.NOOP_REDUCE_ID) // merge后写到data文件 val partitionLengths = sorter.writePartitionedFile(blockId, tmp) // 写index文件shuffleBlockResolver.writeIndexFileAndCommit(dep.shuffleId, mapId, partitionLengths, tmp) mapStatus = MapStatus(blockManager.shuffleServerId, partitionLengths) } finally { if (tmp.exists() && !tmp.delete()) { logError(s"Error while deleting temp file ${tmp.getAbsolutePath}") } } }
"shuffle_" + shuffleId + "_" + mapId + "_" + reduceId + ".data"
def writePartitionedFile( blockId: BlockId, outputFile: File): Array[Long] = { val writeMetrics = context.taskMetrics().shuffleWriteMetrics // 跟踪每个分区在文件中的range val lengths = new Array[Long](numPartitions) // 数据只存在内存中 if (spills.isEmpty) { val collection = if (aggregator.isDefined) map else buffer // 将内存中的数据先通过partitionId再通过k排序后返回一个迭代器 val it = collection.destructiveSortedWritablePartitionedIterator(comparator) // 遍历数据写入磁盘 while (it.hasNext) { val writer = blockManager.getDiskWriter( blockId, outputFile, serInstance, fileBufferSize, writeMetrics) val partitionId = it.nextPartition() //等待一个partition的数据写完后刷新到磁盘文件 while (it.hasNext && it.nextPartition() == partitionId) { it.writeNext(writer) } writer.commitAndClose() val segment = writer.fileSegment() // 记录每个partition数据长度 lengths(partitionId) = segment.length } } else { // 有数据spill到磁盘,先merge for ((id, elements) <- this.partitionedIterator) { if (elements.hasNext) { val writer = blockManager.getDiskWriter( blockId, outputFile, serInstance, fileBufferSize, writeMetrics) for (elem <- elements) { writer.write(elem._1, elem._2) } writer.commitAndClose() val segment = writer.fileSegment() lengths(id) = segment.length } } } context.taskMetrics().incMemoryBytesSpilled(memoryBytesSpilled) context.taskMetrics().incDiskBytesSpilled(diskBytesSpilled) context.taskMetrics().incPeakExecutionMemory(peakMemoryUsedBytes) lengths }
def partitionedIterator: Iterator[(Int, Iterator[Product2[K, C]])] = { val usingMap = aggregator.isDefined val collection: WritablePartitionedPairCollection[K, C] = if (usingMap) map else buffer if (spills.isEmpty) { if (!ordering.isDefined) { // 只根据partitionId排序,不需要对key排序 groupByPartition(destructiveIterator(collection.partitionedDestructiveSortedIterator(None))) } else { // 需要对partitionID和key进行排序 groupByPartition(destructiveIterator( collection.partitionedDestructiveSortedIterator(Some(keyComparator)))) } } else { // Merge spilled and in-memory data merge(spills, destructiveIterator( collection.partitionedDestructiveSortedIterator(comparator))) } }
private def merge(spills: Seq[SpilledFile], inMemory: Iterator[((Int, K), C)]) : Iterator[(Int, Iterator[Product2[K, C]])] = { // 每个文件对应一个Reader val readers = spills.map(new SpillReader(_)) val inMemBuffered = inMemory.buffered (0 until numPartitions).iterator.map { p => // 获取内存中当前partition对应的Iterator val inMemIterator = new IteratorForPartition(p, inMemBuffered) // 将spill文件对应的partition的数据与内存中对应partition数据合并 val iterators = readers.map(_.readNextPartition()) ++ Seq(inMemIterator) if (aggregator.isDefined) { // 对key进行聚合并排序 (p, mergeWithAggregation( iterators, aggregator.get.mergeCombiners, keyComparator, ordering.isDefined)) } else if (ordering.isDefined) { // 排序 (p, mergeSort(iterators, ordering.get)) } else { (p, iterators.iterator.flatten) } } }
def writeIndexFileAndCommit( shuffleId: Int, mapId: Int, lengths: Array[Long], dataTmp: File): Unit = { val indexFile = getIndexFile(shuffleId, mapId) val indexTmp = Utils.tempFileWith(indexFile) try { val out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(indexTmp))) Utils.tryWithSafeFinally { // We take in lengths of each block, need to convert it to offsets. var offset = 0L out.writeLong(offset) for (length <- lengths) { offset += length out.writeLong(offset) } } ...... } }
至此Shuffle Write完成!
Shuffle Read部分请看 Shuffle Read解析。