

create talble emp as select * from scott.emp;
create user hehe identified by 123;
grant create session to hehe;
grant select any table to hehe;
grant create table to hehe;
grant resource to hehe;
revoke create session,create table,resource,select any table from hehe;
alter table student drop column hobby;
alter table student add haha varchar2(100);
insert into student(age,sex) values (19,女);
update student set name='刘',age=22 where name='李';
delete from student where name='刘';

insert into student(id,name) values(3,'Linder');
update student set name='Black' where id=3;
delete from student where name='Jerry';
alter table student drop column gender;
create sequence sq_106
minvalue 10
maxvalue 10000
start with 10
increment by 2
cache 20 --缓存大小
create view v_106 as select e.ename,d.name,e.sal,s.grade from emp e,dept d,salgrade s where e.deptno=d.deptno and e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal order by sal desc;
select from v_106;
select e.
,nvl(sal,0) from emp e order by sal desc;
select from (select e.,rownum r form emp e) where r>3 and r<=6;
