


desc user_tablespaces 用户表空间

desc user_users 用户信息

desc user_constraints 主键信息

desc user_tables 用户所有表


alter tablespace tablespace_name add datefiletempfile 'xxx.dbf' size xxm [reuse--是否覆盖];


create table TestTable(id int primary key )

add constraint constraint_name primary key(column_name1,....)


create table Test1(id number(6,0),
username nvarchar2(20),
passwd nvarchar2(20),
constraint pk_id_username primary key(id ,username)


alter table tablename add constraint key_name primary key (columnname);


alter table tablename rename constraint key_name to new_key_name;


alter table name disableenable constraint key_name;


alter table table_name drop contraint key_name;

drop primary key [cascade]


create table table_name (column1_name type references table2_name(column_name),.....)

create table table1_name (id type , constraint constraint_name foreign key (id) references table_name(column_name) on delete cascade);

alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name foreign key(column1_name) references table2_name(column_name) on delte cascade;


alter table table_name disableenable constraint key_name

create table table_name (id int unique)

create table table_name(id number(6,0),constraint id unique)


Create table table_name(column_name datetype check(condition),....)

add constraint constraint_name check(condition)

alter table table_name drop constraint constraint_name ;

4.修改constraint_name :alter table tabl_name rename constraint_name to new constraint
5.关闭约束: alter table table_name disableenable constraint constraint_name


col username heading 用户名; 设置默认列名

col username format a10;

col username format $9999.9 设置数值长度


!>and > or


select * from user_table where column_name (not) between 800 and 2000;

--case when 使用

--1. CASE column_name when value1 then result1 when ....[else] end
--2. case when column=value1then result1 ,when .....,else vluesN end as columnNew

select case username when aaa then '市场部' when 'bbbb' then '计算机部门' else '其他部门' end as 部门列表 from users;

select case username,case when username='aaa' then '计算机' when nusername='bbb' when '市场部' else as '其他部门' end as '其他部门' from users;


select username,decode(username,'aaaa','计算机部门','bbbb','市场部','其他部门')as 部门 from users
