public interface Record { public void addColumn(Column column); public void setColumn(int i, final Column column); public Column getColumn(int i); public String toString(); public int getColumnNumber(); public int getByteSize(); public int getMemorySize(); }
2-然后会定义一个抽象类 代表每一条数据中的每一列数据
public abstract class Column { private Type type; private Object rawData; private int byteSize; public Column(final Object object, final Type type, int byteSize) { this.rawData = object; this.type = type; this.byteSize = byteSize; } public Object getRawData() { return this.rawData; } public Type getType() { return this.type; } public int getByteSize() { return this.byteSize; } protected void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } protected void setRawData(Object rawData) { this.rawData = rawData; } protected void setByteSize(int byteSize) { this.byteSize = byteSize; } public abstract Long asLong(); public abstract Double asDouble(); public abstract String asString(); public abstract Date asDate(); public abstract byte[] asBytes(); public abstract Boolean asBoolean(); public abstract BigDecimal asBigDecimal(); public abstract BigInteger asBigInteger(); @Override public String toString() { return JSON.toJSONString(this); } public enum Type { BAD, NULL, INT, LONG, DOUBLE, STRING, BOOL, DATE, BYTES } }
public class StringColumn extends Column { public StringColumn() { this((String) null); } public StringColumn(final String rawData) { super(rawData, Column.Type.STRING, (null == rawData ? 0 : rawData .length())); } @Override public Long asLong() { return null; } @Override public Double asDouble() { return null; } @Override public String asString() { if (null == this.getRawData()) { return null; } return (String) this.getRawData(); } @Override public Date asDate() { return null; } @Override public byte[] asBytes() { return new byte[0]; } @Override public Boolean asBoolean() { return null; } @Override public BigDecimal asBigDecimal() { return null; } @Override public BigInteger asBigInteger() { return null; } }
public class DefaultRecord implements Record { private static final int RECORD_AVERGAE_COLUMN_NUMBER = 16; private List<Column> columns; private int byteSize; // 首先是Record本身需要的内存 private int memorySize = ClassSize.DefaultRecordHead; public DefaultRecord() { this.columns = new ArrayList<Column>(RECORD_AVERGAE_COLUMN_NUMBER); } @Override public void addColumn(Column column) { columns.add(column); incrByteSize(column); } @Override public Column getColumn(int i) { if (i < 0 || i >= columns.size()) { return null; } return columns.get(i); } @Override public void setColumn(int i, final Column column) { if (i < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("不能给index小于0的column设置值"); } if (i >= columns.size()) { expandCapacity(i + 1); } decrByteSize(getColumn(i)); this.columns.set(i, column); incrByteSize(getColumn(i)); } @Override public String toString() { Map<String, Object> json = new HashMap<String, Object>(); json.put("size", this.getColumnNumber()); json.put("data", this.columns); return JSON.toJSONString(json); } @Override public int getColumnNumber() { return this.columns.size(); } @Override public int getByteSize() { return byteSize; } public int getMemorySize(){ return memorySize; } private void decrByteSize(final Column column) { if (null == column) { return; } byteSize -= column.getByteSize(); //内存的占用是column对象的头 再加实际大小 memorySize = memorySize - ClassSize.ColumnHead - column.getByteSize(); } private void incrByteSize(final Column column) { if (null == column) { return; } byteSize += column.getByteSize(); //内存的占用是column对象的头 再加实际大小 memorySize = memorySize + ClassSize.ColumnHead + column.getByteSize(); } private void expandCapacity(int totalSize) { if (totalSize <= 0) { return; } int needToExpand = totalSize - columns.size(); while (needToExpand-- > 0) { this.columns.add(null); } } }
"capacity": 512, 队列大小
"byteCapacity": 67108864 每条数据大小的现在
public abstract class Channel { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Channel.class); protected int taskGroupId; protected int capacity; protected int byteCapacity; protected long byteSpeed; // bps: bytes/s protected long recordSpeed; // tps: records/s protected long flowControlInterval; protected volatile boolean isClosed = false; protected Configuration configuration = null; protected volatile long waitReaderTime = 0; protected volatile long waitWriterTime = 0; private static Boolean isFirstPrint = true; public Channel(final Configuration configuration) { //channel的queue里默认record为1万条。原来为512条 int capacity = configuration.getInt( CoreConstant.DATAX_CORE_TRANSPORT_CHANNEL_CAPACITY, 2048); long byteSpeed = configuration.getLong( CoreConstant.DATAX_CORE_TRANSPORT_CHANNEL_SPEED_BYTE, 1024 * 1024); long recordSpeed = configuration.getLong( CoreConstant.DATAX_CORE_TRANSPORT_CHANNEL_SPEED_RECORD, 10000); if (capacity <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "通道容量[%d]必须大于0.", capacity)); } synchronized (isFirstPrint) { if (isFirstPrint) {"Channel set byte_speed_limit to " + byteSpeed + (byteSpeed <= 0 ? ", No bps activated." : "."));"Channel set record_speed_limit to " + recordSpeed + (recordSpeed <= 0 ? ", No tps activated." : ".")); isFirstPrint = false; } } this.capacity = capacity; this.byteSpeed = byteSpeed; this.recordSpeed = recordSpeed; this.flowControlInterval = configuration.getLong( CoreConstant.DATAX_CORE_TRANSPORT_CHANNEL_FLOWCONTROLINTERVAL, 1000); //channel的queue默认大小为8M,原来为64M this.byteCapacity = configuration.getInt( CoreConstant.DATAX_CORE_TRANSPORT_CHANNEL_CAPACITY_BYTE, 8 * 1024 * 1024); this.configuration = configuration; } public void pushTerminate(final TerminateRecord r) { Validate.notNull(r, "record不能为空."); this.doPush(r); } public void close() { this.isClosed = true; } public void open() { this.isClosed = false; } public boolean isClosed() { return isClosed; } public int getTaskGroupId() { return this.taskGroupId; } public int getCapacity() { return capacity; } public long getByteSpeed() { return byteSpeed; } public Configuration getConfiguration() { return this.configuration; } public void push(final Record r) { Validate.notNull(r, "record不能为空."); this.doPush(r); } public void pushAll(final Collection<Record> rs) { Validate.notNull(rs); Validate.noNullElements(rs); this.doPushAll(rs); } public Record pull() { Record record = this.doPull(); return record; } public void pullAll(final Collection<Record> rs) { Validate.notNull(rs); this.doPullAll(rs); } protected abstract void doPush(Record r); protected abstract void doPushAll(Collection<Record> rs); protected abstract Record doPull(); protected abstract void doPullAll(Collection<Record> rs); public abstract int size(); public abstract boolean isEmpty(); public abstract void clear(); private long getByteSize(final Collection<Record> rs) { long size = 0; for (final Record each : rs) { size += each.getByteSize(); } return size; } }
public class MemoryChannel extends Channel { private int bufferSize = 0; private AtomicInteger memoryBytes = new AtomicInteger(0); private ArrayBlockingQueue<Record> queue = null; private ReentrantLock lock; private Condition notInsufficient, notEmpty;//不充足的,不为空 public MemoryChannel(final Configuration configuration) { super(configuration); this.queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Record>(this.getCapacity());//初始化队列的大小512 this.bufferSize = configuration.getInt(CoreConstant.DATAX_CORE_TRANSPORT_EXCHANGER_BUFFERSIZE); //初始化锁和线程同步工具 lock = new ReentrantLock(); notInsufficient = lock.newCondition(); notEmpty = lock.newCondition(); } @Override public void clear(){ this.queue.clear(); } @Override protected void doPush(Record r) { try { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); this.queue.put(r); waitWriterTime += System.nanoTime() - startTime; memoryBytes.addAndGet(r.getMemorySize()); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } @Override protected void doPushAll(Collection<Record> rs) { try { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); lock.lockInterruptibly(); int bytes = getRecordBytes(rs); while (memoryBytes.get() + bytes > this.byteCapacity || rs.size() > this.queue.remainingCapacity()) {//检查剩余可以插入的数量 notInsufficient.await(200L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } this.queue.addAll(rs); waitWriterTime += System.nanoTime() - startTime; memoryBytes.addAndGet(bytes); notEmpty.signalAll(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Override protected Record doPull() { try { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); Record r = this.queue.take(); waitReaderTime += System.nanoTime() - startTime; memoryBytes.addAndGet(-r.getMemorySize()); return r; } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override protected void doPullAll(Collection<Record> rs) { assert rs != null; rs.clear(); try { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); lock.lockInterruptibly(); while (this.queue.drainTo(rs, bufferSize) <= 0) { notEmpty.await(200L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } waitReaderTime += System.nanoTime() - startTime; int bytes = getRecordBytes(rs); memoryBytes.addAndGet(-bytes); notInsufficient.signalAll(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private int getRecordBytes(Collection<Record> rs){ int bytes = 0; for(Record r : rs){ bytes += r.getMemorySize(); } return bytes; } @Override public int size() { return this.queue.size(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return this.queue.isEmpty(); } }
public class BufferedRecordExchanger { private final Channel channel; private final Configuration configuration; private final List<Record> buffer; private int bufferSize ; protected final int byteCapacity; private final AtomicInteger memoryBytes = new AtomicInteger(0); private int bufferIndex = 0; private static Class<? extends Record> RECORD_CLASS; private volatile boolean shutdown = false; public BufferedRecordExchanger(final Channel channel) { assert null != channel; assert null != channel.getConfiguration(); = channel; this.configuration = channel.getConfiguration(); this.bufferSize = configuration .getInt(CoreConstant.DATAX_CORE_TRANSPORT_EXCHANGER_BUFFERSIZE); this.buffer = new ArrayList<Record>(bufferSize); //channel的queue默认大小为8M,原来为64M this.byteCapacity = configuration.getInt( CoreConstant.DATAX_CORE_TRANSPORT_CHANNEL_CAPACITY_BYTE, 8 * 1024 * 1024); try { BufferedRecordExchanger.RECORD_CLASS = ((Class<? extends Record>) Class .forName("com.fayayo.core.transport.record.DefaultRecord")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } public Record createRecord() { try { return BufferedRecordExchanger.RECORD_CLASS.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } public void sendToWriter(Record record) { if(shutdown){ throw new RuntimeException(); } Validate.notNull(record, "record不能为空."); if (record.getMemorySize() > this.byteCapacity) { throw new RuntimeException("单条记录超过大小限制,当前限制为:"+this.byteCapacity); } //bufferSize默认是32 如果大于32或者超过最大限制 则提交一个批次 boolean isFull = (this.bufferIndex >= this.bufferSize || this.memoryBytes.get() + record.getMemorySize() > this.byteCapacity); if (isFull) { flush(); } this.buffer.add(record); this.bufferIndex++; memoryBytes.addAndGet(record.getMemorySize()); } //真正加入队列的方法 public void flush() { if(shutdown){ throw new RuntimeException(); };//加入到arrayBlockQueue this.buffer.clear(); this.bufferIndex = 0; this.memoryBytes.set(0); } //从队列中获取一行数据 public Record getFromReader() { if(shutdown){ throw new RuntimeException(); } boolean isEmpty = (this.bufferIndex >= this.buffer.size()); if (isEmpty) {//为空的话就去拉去数据,陷入等待"没有数据等待....."); receive(); } Record record = this.buffer.get(this.bufferIndex++); if (record instanceof TerminateRecord) {//生产者的结束标志 record = null; } return record; } public void shutdown(){ shutdown = true; try{ buffer.clear(); channel.clear(); }catch(Throwable t){ t.printStackTrace(); } } private void receive() {; this.bufferIndex = 0; this.bufferSize = this.buffer.size(); } public void terminate() { if(shutdown){ throw new RuntimeException(); } flush();; } } 6- 生产者传输的前提要有个结束标志 /** * 作为标示 生产者已经完成生产的标志 */ public class TerminateRecord implements Record { private final static TerminateRecord SINGLE = new TerminateRecord(); private TerminateRecord() { } public static TerminateRecord get() { return SINGLE; } @Override public void addColumn(Column column) { } @Override public Column getColumn(int i) { return null; } @Override public int getColumnNumber() { return 0; } @Override public int getByteSize() { return 0; } @Override public int getMemorySize() { return 0; } @Override public void setColumn(int i, Column column) { return; } } 7- 测试 public class MainTest { public static void main(String[] args) { System.setProperty("elastic.home","D:\\app\\workspace\\idea\\elastic-job\\target\\elastic\\elastic"); Configuration configuration=Configuration.newDefault(); Configuration allConfig=configuration.merge(ConfigParser.parseCoreConfig(CoreConstant.ELASTIC_CONF_PATH),false); Channel channel=new MemoryChannel(allConfig); BufferedRecordExchanger bufferedRecordExchanger=new BufferedRecordExchanger(channel); Record record=bufferedRecordExchanger.createRecord();//创建一行数据 String str="abcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; //生产数据 new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //发送数据 record.setColumn(0,new StringColumn(str));//添加完数据 bufferedRecordExchanger.sendToWriter(record);//发送数据 bufferedRecordExchanger.sendToWriter(record);//发送数据 bufferedRecordExchanger.terminate();//发送结束标志 } }).start(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //消费数据 //生产数据 new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //消费数据 Record record1=null;//接收数据 while ((record1=bufferedRecordExchanger.getFromReader())!=null){ System.out.println(record1.toString()); } System.out.println("读取完毕"); } }).start(); } } 测试的时候用到了datax中的json工具以及core.json,会用到里面的限制的参数: "transport": { "channel": { "class": "", "speed": { "byte": -1, "record": -1 }, "flowControlInterval": 20, "capacity": 512, "byteCapacity": 67108864 }, "exchanger": { "class": "", "bufferSize": 32 } }