a = 'lao' b = 'wang' d = a + b e = "===%s===" % (a+b) #a与b必须都是字符串 print(d) print(e)
name = 'abcdef' print(name[0]) print(name[5]) print(name[len(name)-1]) print(name[-1])
name = 'abcdefABCDEF' #切片语法:string[起始位置:终止位置:步长] print(name[2:5]) #cde print(name[2:]) #cdefABCDEF print(name[2:-2]) #cdefABCD print(name[2:-1:2]) #ceACE print(name[0:]) #以下写法将字符串逆序 print(name[-1::-1]) #FEDCBAfedcba print(name[::-1]) #前面两个都省略,关键看后面的步长
#coding=utf-8 myStr = "hello world and we are the world" print(myStr.count("world")) #2 #统计字符串出现的次数,如果没有则返回0 print(myStr.replace("world","WORLD")) #hello WORLD and we are the WORLD #注意:replace不会对原字符串产生任何影响 print(myStr.replace("world","xxxxx",1)) #hello xxxxx and we are the world #replace第一个参数为:要替换的字符串,第二个参数为:替换成什么字符串,第三个参数为:如果要替换的字符串出现多次那么要替换的个数 print(myStr.split(" ")) #['hello', 'world', 'and', 'we', 'are', 'the', 'world'] print(myStr.capitalize()) #Hello world and we are the world file_name = "xxxxx.txt" print(file_name.endswith(".txt")) #True #ljust , rjust , center lyric = "Tonight , I feel close to you" print(lyric.center(50)) # Tonight , I feel close to you print(lyric.ljust(50)) print(lyric.rjust(50)) #lstrip , rstrip , strip name = " who are you " print(name.lstrip()) print(name.rstrip()) print(name.strip()) #partition , rpatition print(myStr.partition("world")) #('hello ', 'world', ' and we are the world') print(myStr.rpartition("world")) #('hello world and we are the ', 'world', '') #spliteline 按照换行符进行分隔 content = "hello\nworld\nxxx\nyyy" print(content.splitlines()) #['hello', 'world', 'xxx', 'yyy'] #isalpha 判断是否是纯字母 #isdigit 判断是否是纯数字 #isalnum 判断是否是字母与数字 #join a = ['aaa','bbb','ccc'] b = '=' print(b.join(a)) #aaa=bbb=ccc b = ' ' print(b.join(a)) #aaa bbb ccc
str = "haha nihao a \t heihei \t woshi nide \t hao \npenyou" print(str) sstr = str.split() print(sstr) #['haha', 'nihao', 'a', 'heihei', 'woshi', 'nide', 'hao', 'penyou'] print(' '.join(sstr))