课程名称:SpringBoot2.X + Vue + UniAPP,全栈开发医疗小程序
课程章节: 第1章
<view> <view class="date-container"> <view class="item" v-for="one in dateList"> <text class="day">{{ one.day }}</text> <view :class="one.date == date ? 'selector active' : 'selector'" @tap="clickDataHandle(one.date)"> <text class="date">{{ one.dateOfMonth }}</text> <text :class="one.status == '无号' ? 'status gray' : 'status'"> {{ one.status }} </text> </view> </view> </view> <view class="doctor" v-for="one in doctorList"> <u-avatar :src="one.photo" size="45"></u-avatar> <view class="info"> <view class="row"> <text class="name">{{ one.name }}</text> <text class="job">({{ one.job }})</text> <button class="btn" @tap="clickBtnHandle(one.id, date)">挂号</button> </view> <view class="row"> <text class="num">总量:{{ one.maximum }}</text> <text class="price">¥{{ one.price }}</text> </view> <view class="row"> <rich-text class="desc">{{ one.description }}</rich-text> </view> </view> </view> <u-empty v-if="showEmpty" mode="list" text="无医生出诊记录" width="150" icon="http://cdn.uviewui.com/uview/empty/order.png"/> </view>
进入页面时 发送ajax 请求 获取7天得出诊计划
//查询某个诊室7天出诊情况searchCanRegisterInDateRange: function(ref, deptSubId) { let startDate = dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD'); let endDate = dayjs().add(6, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); let data = { deptSubId: deptSubId, startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate }; ref.ajax(ref.api.searchCanRegisterInDateRange, 'POST', data, function(resp) { let result = resp.data.result; //定义工具数组 let array = ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六']; for (let one of result) { //把星期几的阿拉伯数字转换成汉字数字 let day = array[dayjs(one.date).day()]; one.day = day; one.dateOfMonth = dayjs(one.date).date(); } ref.dateList = result; }, false );},//查找某天科室医生出诊列表searchDeptSubDoctorPlanInDay: function(ref) { let data = { deptSubId: ref.deptSubId, date: ref.date }; ref.ajax(ref.api.searchDeptSubDoctorPlanInDay, 'POST', data, function(resp) { let result = resp.data.result; //把头像相对路径合成绝对路径 for (let one of result) { one.photo = `${ref.minioUrl}/${one.photo}`; } ref.doctorList = result; if (result.length == 0) { ref.showEmpty = true; } else { ref.showEmpty = false; } }, false );},
当 时间 为 0 时 就是数组里的 周日 1 是 周一
onLoad: function(options) { let that = this; //取出URL参数 let deptSubId = options.deptSubId; let deptSubName = options.deptSubName; that.deptSubId = deptSubId; //设置当前页面标题栏文字 uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: deptSubName }); that.searchCanRegisterInDateRange(that,deptSubId) that.searchDeptSubDoctorPlanInDay(that);}