远程桌面测试数据库账号: gimopr/gimap12345@(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1531))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = t1eim))) 坐席组/坐席/机构码 select a.id_gim_dic_item as dicItemId, a.dic_type as dicType, b.dic_name as dicName, a.item_code as itemCode, a.item_name as itemName, a.item_order as itemOrder, a.parent_id as parentId, c.item_name as parentName, a.created_by as createdBy, a.date_created as createdDate, a.updated_by as updatedBy, a.date_updated as updatedDate from gim_dic_item a, gim_dic_type b,gim_dic_item c where a.dic_type = b.dic_type and a.parent_id = c.item_code(+) and a.dic_type = c.dic_type(+) and a.dic_type = 'CKY_DEPT'数据库查询机构码 select * from gim_dic_item t where t.dic_type = 'CKY_DEPT'1.客户绑定信息 select t.client_im_no 客户openid, t.im_nickname 昵称, t.mobile_no 手机号, t.customer_no 客户号, t.client_name 姓名, (case when t.bind_status = '0' then '已绑定' else '未绑定' end) 绑定状态, t.date_bind 绑定时间, t.date_unbind 解绑时间, t.car_no 车牌号, (case when y.current_status = '1' then '关注' else '取消关注' end) 关注状态, t.pa_im_no 微应用号 from gim_client_contact t, gim_client_subscription y where t.client_im_no = y.client_im_no and t.pa_im_no = y.pa_im_no and t.mobile_no = '13001296085'; select t.client_im_no 客户openid, t.im_nickname 昵称, t.mobile_no 手机号, t.customer_no 客户号, t.client_name 姓名, (case when t.bind_status = '0' then '已绑定' else '未绑定' end) 绑定状态, t.date_bind 绑定时间, t.date_unbind 解绑时间, t.car_no 车牌号, (case when y.current_status = '1' then '关注' else '取消关注' end) 关注状态, t.pa_im_no 微应用号, x.id_gim_task_info 会话ID, x.date_created 会话开始时间, to_char(x.date_completed, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') 会话结束时间, x.task_status 会话状态, z.um_id 坐席UM, z.name 坐席姓名 from gim_client_contact t, gim_client_subscription y, gim_task_info x, gim_agent_info z where t.client_im_no = y.client_im_no and t.pa_im_no = y.pa_im_no and t.id_gim_client_contact = x.id_gim_client_contact(+) and x.id_gim_agent_info = z.id_gim_agent_info and t.mobile_no = '15663055058'; 绑定记录: select y.client_im_no 客户openid, t.client_name 客户姓名, t.party_no 客户号, (case when t.bind_status = '0' then '绑定' else '解绑' end) 绑定状态, t.date_created 时间 from gim_bind_record t, gim_client_contact y where y.id_gim_client_contact = t.id_gim_client_contact and y.client_im_no='oH-vNswOe6oWxsgjaTQBxRyQFP5A';2.坐席渠道权限 select distinct a.um_id as umId,b.permission as permission from gim_agent_info a,gim_agent_permission b where a.id_gim_agent_info = b.id_gim_agent_info and a.um_id = 'TONGWEILIN890' order by b.permission 3.好贷派工坐席信息查询 SELECT b.* from gim_agent_permission a, gim_agent_info b, gim_agent_group_relation c, gim_busi_agrp_relation d, gim_business_info e where a.id_gim_agent_info = b.id_gim_agent_info and b.id_gim_agent_info = c.id_gim_agent_info and c.id_gim_agent_group = d.id_gim_agent_group and d.id_gim_business_info = e.id_gim_business_info and e.business_type in ('HD01') and a.permission = '01' and b.um_id='CAOXUE244' and rownum=1派工查询: select cc.mobile_no, cc.client_im_no, cc.im_nickname, cc.client_name, t.id_gim_task_info, t.date_created, t.task_status, u.um_id, u.name from gim_client_contact cc, gim_task_info t, gim_agent_info u where cc.client_im_no = 'oGFrljp_3F5Ogk1p1KiVR-BZvTws' and cc.id_gim_client_contact = t.id_gim_client_contact and t.id_gim_agent_info = u.id_gim_agent_info 查询会话 select /* index(cc MSG_INFO_IM_NO )*/* from gim_msg_info cc where 1 = 1-- and cc.date_created >= to_date('2015-08-28', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and cc.client_im_no='oH-vNsxk3EsSW5DQMEZXbntktfFQ' and cc.id_gim_task_info = '1E597C349FF005D6E053A31F210ADB2A' select t.id_gim_task_info, t.date_created, t.task_status from gim_client_contact c, gim_task_info t where c.client_im_no = 'oH-vNsxk3EsSW5DQMEZXbntktfFQ' and c.id_gim_client_contact = t.id_gim_client_contact 坐席派工: select cc.mobile_no, cc.client_im_no, cc.im_nickname, cc.client_name, cc.customer_no, t.customer_no, t.id_gim_task_info, t.date_created, to_char(t.date_completed,'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss'), t.task_status, u.um_id, u.name from gim_client_contact cc, gim_task_info t, gim_agent_info u where u.um_id='LIUSHAN765' and cc.im_nickname in ('匿名363','匿名183','匿名91','匿名613') and cc.id_gim_client_contact = t.id_gim_client_contact and t.id_gim_agent_info = u.id_gim_agent_info and t.date_created>=to_date('2015-10-19','yyyy-MM-dd') order by t.date_created 会话查询: select cc.mobile_no 手机号, cc.client_im_no 客户openid, cc.im_nickname 昵称, cc.client_name 客户姓名, t.customer_no 客户号, t.id_gim_task_info 会话id, t.date_created 会话开始时间, to_char(t.date_completed, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') 会话结束时间, t.task_status, u.um_id 坐席um, u.name 坐席姓名, cc.pa_im_no, cc.date_bind, a.name from gim_client_contact cc, gim_task_info t, gim_agent_info u, GIM_AGENT_GROUP A, ---坐席组表 GIM_AGENT_GROUP_RELATION B ---坐席-坐席组关系表 where cc.id_gim_client_contact = t.id_gim_client_contact and t.id_gim_agent_info = u.id_gim_agent_info AND t.ID_GIM_AGENT_INFO = b.ID_GIM_AGENT_INFO AND B.ID_GIM_AGENT_GROUP = A.ID_GIM_AGENT_GROUP and u.um_id='ZHOURUYUAN842'--and cc.im_nickname in ('匿名363','匿名183','匿名91','匿名613') --and cc.client_im_no = 'oLeTpjhvfel6TzwTLNJ9w38PL1iQ'--and cc.mobile_no='13380059921'--and cc.pa_im_no = 'gh_213aa2f7f260'--and t.customer_no='LOAN-3441174929' --and t.pa_im_no = 'gh_2ade6f03a430' --and t.date_created >= to_date('2017-08-29', 'yyyy-MM-dd') order by t.date_created desc select distinct j.group_name 业务名称, t.ID_GIM_TASK_INFO 会话ID, DECODE(t.PA_IM_TYPE, '01', '微信', '02', '在线客服', '03', '短信平台', '04', '邮件平台', '06', '天下通', '07', '个人微信', '08', '支付宝钱包', '09', 'APP在线客服', '10', 'IVR', '11', '音视频') 渠道, u.um_id 坐席um, u.name 坐席姓名, u.seat_no 坐席工号, a.name 坐席组名称, cc.im_nickname 昵称, cc.client_name 客户姓名, cc.mobile_no 手机号, t.date_created 会话开始时间, to_char(t.date_completed, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') 会话结束时间, k.SATISFY_TAG 客户评价, k.EVALUATE_CONTENT 评价内容 from gim_client_contact cc, ---客户信息表 gim_task_info t, ---会话信息表 gim_agent_info u, ---坐席信息表 GIM_AGENT_GROUP A, ---坐席组表 GIM_AGENT_GROUP_RELATION B, ---坐席-坐席组关系表 GIM_EVALUATE_INFO k, ---评价表 GIM_ADMIN_GROUP j ---行政组表 where t.id_gim_client_contact = cc.id_gim_client_contact and t.id_gim_agent_info = u.id_gim_agent_info AND t.ID_GIM_AGENT_INFO = b.ID_GIM_AGENT_INFO AND B.ID_GIM_AGENT_GROUP = A.ID_GIM_AGENT_GROUP and A.id_gim_admin_group = j.id_gim_admin_group and t.id_gim_task_info = k.id_gim_task_info(+) -- and u.um_id = 'SHENDONG139' --- 坐席um -- and cc.Client_Name like '%张三%' --客户姓名 and cc.im_nickname like '%匿名1103%' --客户昵称 and cc.mobile_no = '13380059921' ---手机号 and a.name like '%信用卡%' ---坐席组 and t.pa_im_type='01'---渠道 --and k.satisfy_tag='5'---会话评价and t.date_created >= to_date('2016-10-14', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ---会话时间 --and t.date_created < to_date('2016-10-29', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ---会话时间 order by t.date_created desc 客户关注相关: select * from gim_client_subscription_log t, gim_client_subscription y where t.id_gim_client_subscription = y.id_gim_client_subscription and y.client_im_no = 'oLeTpjqUeAej4RSdDwzpUZjfO_L0'select count(0) from gim_client_subscription t where --t.pa_im_no = 'gh_1cd55f80c8fe' ---普惠 t.pa_im_no = 'gh_213aa2f7f260' ---新渠道产险 -- and t.pa_im_type='01' and t.date_last_subscription >= trunc(sysdate - 280 / 24 / 60) ----十分钟,关注 -- and t.date_last_cancel >= trunc(sysdate - 280 / 24 / 60) ----十分钟,取消关注 根据坐席坐席组查询会话 select cc.mobile_no, cc.client_im_no, cc.im_nickname, cc.client_name, cc.customer_no, t.customer_no, t.id_gim_task_info, t.date_created, to_char(t.date_completed,'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss'), t.task_status, u.um_id, u.name from gim_client_contact cc, gim_task_info t, gim_agent_info u ,gim_agent_group_relation a,GIM_AGENT_GROUP y where cc.id_gim_client_contact = t.id_gim_client_contact and t.id_gim_agent_info = u.id_gim_agent_info and u.id_gim_agent_info = a.id_gim_agent_info and a.id_gim_agent_group=y.id_gim_agent_group and y.id_gim_agent_group in ('E981218FC50B323AE043A01F210A870A','E981218FC50C323AE043A01F210A870A') and t.date_created>=to_date('2015-11-18','yyyy-MM-dd') order by t.date_created 根据指令查询话术 SELECT P.PARAMETER_NAME paramerterName FROM GIM_PARAMETER P WHERE P.PARAMETER_TYPE ='221935_2' ---systemId _businessType 参数1_2 and P.PARAMETER_CODE='2_5' ---businessType_order 参数2_3 and P.SYSTEM_ID = '10000' ---系统id and rownum=1坐席信息查询: SELECT distinct G.GROUP_NAME groupName, Y.ID_GIM_AGENT_INFO id, Y.UM_ID umId, Y.NAME agentName, A.NAME seatName, Y.NICKNAME nickname, Y.IP ip, c.permission permission, ---权限 01-微信 02-在线客服 03-短信 04-邮件 06-天下通 07-个人微信 08-支付宝 09-APP 10-IVR Y.VERSION version, Y.CURRENT_STATE currentState, Y.ONLINE_STATUS onlineStatus, Y.EXTENSION_NO extensionNo, Y.MAX_PROCESS_NUMBER maxProcessNumber, Y.CURRENT_PROCESS_NUMBER currentProcessNumber, Y.Max_Sendcount maxSendCount, Y.max_sendemail_count maxSendEmailCount, Y.DEPARTMENT_CODE departmentCode, Y.DEPARTMENT_NAME departmentName FROM GIM_ADMIN_GROUP G, ---行政组表(坐席组的上级) GIM_AGENT_ADMIN_RELATE Z, ---坐席与行政组关联表 GIM_AGENT_INFO Y, ---坐席信息表 GIM_AGENT_GROUP A, ---坐席组表 GIM_AGENT_GROUP_RELATION B, ---坐席-坐席组关系表 GIM_USER_ROLE_RELATE ur,--- 用户角色关联表 GIM_ROLE_DATA_RELATE dr,---角色与数据关系表 gim_agent_permission c ---坐席权限表 WHERE G.ID_GIM_ADMIN_GROUP = Z.ID_GIM_ADMIN_GROUP AND Z.ID_GIM_AGENT_INFO = Y.ID_GIM_AGENT_INFO AND B.ID_GIM_AGENT_INFO = Y.ID_GIM_AGENT_INFO AND B.ID_GIM_AGENT_GROUP = A.ID_GIM_AGENT_GROUP AND ur.ID_GIM_ROLE = dr.ID_GIM_ROLE and Y.ID_GIM_AGENT_INFO = c.id_gim_agent_info and dr.DATA_TYPE = '00' and dr.DATA_ID = A.ID_GIM_AGENT_GROUP AND Y.IS_ACTIVE = 'Y' and y.um_id = 'XUCAN464'; 坐席数据采集: SELECT A.NAME seatName, (sum(case when Y.ONLINE_STATUS = 0 then 1 else 0 end)) 离线人数, (sum(case when Y.ONLINE_STATUS = 1 then 1 else 0 end)) 在线人数, (sum(case when Y.ONLINE_STATUS = 2 then 1 else 0 end)) 示忙人数 FROM GIM_AGENT_INFO Y, ---坐席信息表 GIM_AGENT_GROUP A, ---坐席组表 GIM_AGENT_GROUP_RELATION B ---坐席-坐席组关系表 WHERE Y.ID_GIM_AGENT_INFO = B.ID_GIM_AGENT_INFO AND B.ID_GIM_AGENT_GROUP = A.ID_GIM_AGENT_GROUP AND Y.IS_ACTIVE = 'Y' group by A.NAME 坐席状态查询 select t.um_id 坐席Um, (case when t.state = '0' then '离线' when t.state = '1' then '在线' when t.state = '2' then '示忙' else t.state end) 坐席状态, t.date_created 状态开始时间, t.date_updated 状态结束时间 from gim_agent_state t where t.um_id = 'ZHANGQIAN213' and t.date_created >= date '2016-06-14' and t.date_created<date '2016-06-15'; 已删坐席查询 select distinct y.id_gim_agent_info id, y.um_id umId, y.name agentName, y.nickname nickname, y.ip ip, y.current_state currentState, y.extension_no extensionNo, y.max_process_number maxProcessNumber, y.current_process_number currentProcessNumber, g.name from gim_agent_group g, gim_agent_admin_relate z, gim_agent_info y where g.id_gim_admin_group = z.id_gim_admin_group and z.id_gim_agent_info = y.id_gim_agent_info --and g.id_gim_agent_group = #agentGroupId# and y.um_id='WANGFEI982' and y.id_gim_agent_info not in (select c.id_gim_agent_info from gim_agent_group_relation c) and y.is_active = 'Y'SELECT a.mobile_no 手机号, a.client_name 客户姓名, a.im_nickname 客户昵称, (case when t.action_type = '1' then '关注' else '取消关注' end) 状态, t.date_created 时间 from GIM_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTION_LOG t, GIM_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTION y, gim_client_contact a where t.id_gim_client_subscription = y.id_gim_client_subscription and y.client_im_no = a.client_im_no and y.client_im_no = 'oLeTpjl5nClMudWZ0ZvVyFb0IduY'信用卡解绑: select count(0) from gim_client_contact t where t.pa_im_no = 'gh_5505cf46c5ec' and t.bind_status = '1' and t.date_unbind is not null and t.date_unbind >= to_date('2016-01-25', 'yyyy-MM-dd') and t.date_unbind < to_date('2016-02-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd') 平安寿险在线客服会话记录采集 SELECT distinct A.ID_GIM_TASK_INFO, DECODE(B.PA_IM_TYPE, '01', '微信', '02', '在线客服', '03', '短信平台', '04', '邮件平台', '06', '天下通', '07', '个人微信', '08', '支付宝钱包', '09', 'APP在线客服') as PARAMETER_CODE, F.NAME as GROUPNAME, D.UM_ID, D.NAME as AGENTNAME, NVL(B.CLIENT_NAME,B.IM_NICKNAME) as CLIENTNAME, NVL(B.MOBILE_NO,'') as MOBILE_NO, to_char(A.DATE_CREATED, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') as DATE_CREATED, (case when A.date_completed is null then '' else to_char(A.date_completed, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') end) as DATE_UPDATED, C.SATISFY_TAG as SATISFY_TAG, C.EVALUATE_CONTENT, B.CLIENT_IM_NO FROM GIM_TASK_INFO A, GIM_CLIENT_CONTACT B, GIM_EVALUATE_INFO C, GIM_AGENT_INFO D, GIM_BUSINESS_INFO G, gim_agent_group_relation E, GIM_AGENT_GROUP F WHERE a.id_gim_client_contact = b.id_gim_client_contact and a.id_gim_task_info = c.id_gim_task_info(+) and a.id_gim_agent_info = d.id_gim_agent_info and a.business_type = g.business_type and e.id_gim_agent_info = d.id_gim_agent_info and e.id_gim_agent_group = f.id_gim_agent_group and A.TASK_STATUS in ('03', '06') and F.ID_GIM_ADMIN_GROUP ='100241' and F.ID_GIM_AGENT_GROUP ='F078B93F814630B4E043A01F210A4588' and B.PA_IM_TYPE ='09' and A.DATE_CREATED between to_date('2015-12-02'||' 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('2015-12-02'||' 23:59:59', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') order by to_char(A.DATE_CREATED, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') 信用卡小i select count(0) from gim_task_info t where t.id_gim_agent_info='D870A80DFF159045E040210A541E3F96' and t.agent_type='02' and t.date_created >= to_date('2015-08-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd') and t.date_created < to_date('2016-01-18', 'yyyy-MM-dd'); select * from gim_agent_robot t where t.id_gim_agent_robot='D74155815C3445C5E0401F0A0F0A292A'; select * from gim_portal_info; select count(0) from gim_portal_info t where t.business_type='3' and t.created_date >= to_date('2015-08-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd') and t.created_date < to_date('2016-01-18', 'yyyy-MM-dd'); 银行APP首次响应时间 select date_created 日期, um_id 坐席um, id_gim_task_info 任务ID, (first_response_time - created_date) * 24 * 60 * 60 as 首次响应时间 from (select a.id_gim_task_info, a.date_created created_date, c.um_id, to_char(a.date_created, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as date_created, min(b.date_created) first_response_time from gim_task_info a, gim_msg_info b, gim_agent_info c, gim_agent_group_relation d where a.id_gim_task_info = b.id_gim_task_info and a.id_gim_agent_info = c.id_gim_agent_info and c.id_gim_agent_info = d.id_gim_agent_info and a.channel_type = '09' and a.date_created between to_date('2016-02-02' || ' 00:00:00', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('2016-02-02' || ' 23:59:59', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') --and a.id_gim_agent_info = 'F57FB52911CF34E7E043A01F210AD4F3' --and d.id_gim_agent_group = v_agent_group_id and c.um_id = 'LUOLISI526' and b.from_type = 'seat' group by a.id_gim_task_info, a.date_created, c.um_id, to_char(a.date_created, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) 待发送短信统计: select to_char(s.date_created, 'yyyymmdd'), count(*) from gim_sms_info s where s.base_id is null and is_send = '0' and date_created > to_date('20160308', 'yyyymmdd') group by to_char(s.date_created, 'yyyymmdd') 信用卡交易提醒: select t.char_col1 日期, t.number_col1 天下通交易提醒次数, t.number_col4 微信交易提醒次数 from gim_reports_info t where t.report_id = '00000032' and t.char_col1>='2016-04-04'在线客服会话接通量大于接入量数据: select t.id_gim_task_info, t.client_im_no, t.socket_id, y.id_portal_info, y.id_gim_task_info, y.sid from gim_task_info t, gim_portal_info y where t.id_gim_task_info = y.id_gim_task_info(+) and t.business_type = 'SX_1' and t.pa_im_type = '02' and t.date_created >= to_date('2016-03-11', 'yyyy-MM-dd') select to_char(t.date_created, 'yyyy-mm-dd') 日期, (sum(case when y.id_portal_info is not null then 1 else 0 end)) 接入量, (sum(case when t.id_gim_task_info is not null then 1 else 0 end)) 接通量 from gim_task_info t, gim_portal_info y where t.id_gim_task_info = y.id_gim_task_info(+) --and t.business_type = 'SX_1' and t.pa_im_type = '02' and t.agent_type='01' and t.date_created >= to_date('2016-03-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd') and t.date_created < to_date('2016-03-11', 'yyyy-MM-dd') group by to_char(t.date_created, 'yyyy-mm-dd') 直通车险新关注粉丝: select count(0) from GIM_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTION t where t.pa_im_no = 'gh_213aa2f7f260' and t.current_status = '1' and t.province not in ('广东', '上海') and t.date_last_subscription >= to_date('2016-02-02', 'yyyy-MM-dd') and t.date_last_subscription < to_date('2016-03-16', 'yyyy-MM-dd'); 客户聊天记录查询 SELECT b.um_id 坐席um, b.name 坐席姓名, f.id_gim_task_info 会话ID, to_char(f.date_created, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') 会话开始时间, to_char(f.date_completed, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') 会话结束时间, f.client_im_no 客户openid, to_char(g.date_created, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') 消息发送时间, g.from_type 发送方, g.msg_context 聊天内容 from gim_agent_info b, ---坐席信息表 gim_task_info f, ---会话信息表 gim_msg_info g ---聊天信息表 where b.id_gim_agent_info = f.id_gim_agent_info and f.id_gim_task_info = g.id_gim_task_info and f.client_im_no='oLeTpjqzZRtSPWED24D1D_ooC8Z4'人寿app机器人: select count(0) from gim_task_info t where t.business_type in ('SX_1', 'SX_2') and t.agent_type = '02' and t.pa_im_type='09' and t.date_created >= to_date('2016-03-18', 'yyyy-MM-dd') and t.date_created< to_date('2016-03-22', 'yyyy-MM-dd') select t.client_im_no 客户openid, (case when y.pa_im_type = '01' then '微信' when y.pa_im_type = '02' then '在线客服' when y.pa_im_type = '03' then '短信' when y.pa_im_type = '04' then '邮件' when y.pa_im_type = '06' then '天下通' when y.pa_im_type = '07' then '个人微信' when y.pa_im_type = '08' then '支付宝' when y.pa_im_type = '09' then 'APP' when y.pa_im_type = '10' then 'IVR' when y.pa_im_type = '11' then '视屏语音' else y.pa_im_type end) 渠道, t.from_type 发送方, t.msg_type 消息类型, t.msg_context 消息内容, t.business_type from gim_msg_info t, gim_task_info y where t.id_gim_task_info = y.id_gim_task_info --and t.from_type = 'client' --and t.msg_type in ('text/plain', 'text') --and t.msg_type in ( 'text') and y.business_type in ('XTAPP_BIZ_01', 'XTAPP_BIZ_02') ---信托 --and y.business_type in('SX_1','SX_1') ---寿险 --and y.business_type in('XYD_02','9') ---普惠 and t.date_created >= to_date('2016-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd') 绑定粉丝采集: select t.client_im_no 客户openid, t.date_created 关注时间, (case when t.bind_status = '0' then '已绑定' else '未绑定' end) 绑定状态, t.date_bind 绑定时间 from gim_client_contact t where t.pa_im_no = 'gh_7a206b36308e' and t.date_created >= sysdate - 1; 首先投诉组咨询总量: select * from gim_portal_info a, gim_business_info b, gim_busi_agrp_relation c where a.business_type = b.business_type and b.id_gim_business_info = c.id_gim_business_info and c.id_gim_agent_group = '1DBE0435BAD003EEE053A31F210A35E2' and a.pa_im_type = '09' and a.created_date between to_date('2016-03-19 09:30:00', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('2016-03-19 12:20:00', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss'); 行用卡推送数据: select to_char(t.createddate,'yyyy-mm-dd') 时间,count(0) 总数, (sum(case when t.pushflag = '0' then 1 else 0 end)) 成功数, (sum(case when t.pushflag!= '0' then 1 else 0 end)) 失败 from gim_pns_push_sent_msg_info t where --t.templateno = 'MP'and t.createddate >= to_date('2016-04-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')and t.weappno='PAXYK95511_01' group by to_char(t.createddate,'yyyy-mm-dd') select count(0) from gim_pns_push_sent_msg_info t where --t.templateno = 'MP'and t.createddate >= to_date('2016-04-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and t.pushflag='3' and t.weappno='PAXYK95511_06' --and t.weappno='PAXYK95511_01' --and t.weappno='PINGAN_BANK_01' --and t.failreason='发送天下通消息失败:验证失败'天下通菜单点击消息查询: select * from gim_msg_info t where t.client_im_no='ED2A433F9D1F46EA29D551369506BA9467B6B5BBA9ED08F2' and t.date_created>= to_date('2016-03-09', 'yyyy-MM-dd'); 接入、接通量 select t.pa_im_type 渠道, --- 01-微信 02-在线客服 03-短信 04-邮件 06-天下通 07-个人微信 08-支付宝 09-APP 10-IVR 11-音视频 count(0) 接通数量 from gim_task_info t where t.business_type = '7' --and t.pa_im_type = '02' and t.agent_type = '01' and t.date_created >= to_date('2016-04-07 00:00;00', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') and t.date_created < to_date('2016-04-08 00:00;00', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') group by t.pa_im_type; select t.pa_im_type 渠道, --- 01-微信 02-在线客服 03-短信 04-邮件 06-天下通 07-个人微信 08-支付宝 09-APP 10-IVR 11-音视频 count(0) 接入数量 from gim_portal_info t where t.business_type = '7' --and t.pa_im_type = '02' --and t.agent_type = '01' and t.created_date >= to_date('2016-04-07 00:00;00', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') and t.created_date < to_date('2016-04-08 00:00;00', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') group by t.pa_im_type; 微信推送: select * from gim_pns_push_sending_msg t where t.clientimno='oiBF4jkEV-b1l0rFxbjWDdGM4lCU' and t.createddate>= to_date('2016-04-15', 'yyyy-MM-dd'); select * from gim_pns_push_sent_msg_info t where t.clientimno='oiBF4jkEV-b1l0rFxbjWDdGM4lCU' and t.createddate>= to_date('2016-04-15', 'yyyy-MM-dd'); select * from gim_template_push_info a where a.client_im_no = 'oaJbgjllIT3p9jJSaOXiGB2q2_Bk' and a.template_no = 'MPS001' and a.date_sent >= to_date('2016-05-09', 'yyyy-MM-dd') and a.date_sent < to_date('2016-06-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd'); select * from gim_template_push_info a where a.client_im_no = 'oiBF4jqEqvQ_QpQa4kEgru4ZFNq0' and a.template_no = 'PABMSG02' and a.date_sent >= to_date('2016-09-23', 'yyyy-MM-dd') --and a.date_sent < to_date('2016-06-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd'); select t.msgid, t.clientimno, t.msg, t.templateno, t.createddate, t.pushflag from gim_pns_push_sending_msg t where t.msgid in ('f4f2a232e02f4aa8ae8fcc7963207c3c', 'bc17eba64ef34c7ead4d9fd509774de5'); 待办任务查询 select * from gim_task_info a where -- a.task_status in('02','07') a.client_im_no = '9000014449678' ----杨 --and a.client_im_no = '9000001314617' ----姜 and a.pa_im_no = 'PAXYK_09' /* <dynamic> <isNotEmpty prepend="and" property="business_type"> a.business_type=#business_type# </isNotEmpty> </dynamic>*/ and a.pa_im_type = '09' 业务类型查询系列 select j.group_name 业务系列, e.name 业务名称, i.name 坐席组名称, e.business_type, j.id_gim_admin_group from gim_busi_agrp_relation d, ---业务-业务组关系表 gim_business_info e, ---业务定义表 GIM_AGENT_GROUP i, ---坐席组表 GIM_ADMIN_GROUP j ---行政组表 where e.id_gim_business_info = d.id_gim_business_info and d.id_gim_agent_group = i.id_gim_agent_group and i.id_gim_admin_group = j.id_gim_admin_group --and e.business_type in ('BANK_1') and j.id_gim_admin_group='100161'在线客服数据 select n.created_date 时间, n.name 业务类型, n.count1 进线总数, n.count2 sid为空数, n.count3 sid为空且未派工, round((n.count3 / n.count1) * 100, 2) || '%' 为空率 from (select to_char(t.created_date, 'yyyy-mm') created_date, y.name name, (sum(case when t.id_portal_info is not null then 1 else 0 end)) count1, (sum(case when t.sid is null then 1 else 0 end)) count2, (sum(case when t.sid is null and t.id_gim_task_info is null then 1 else 0 end)) count3 from gim_portal_info t, gim_business_info y where t.business_type = y.business_type and t.pa_im_type = '02' and t.created_date >= to_date('2016-01', 'yyyy-MM') and t.created_date < to_date('2016-06', 'yyyy-MM') group by to_char(t.created_date, 'yyyy-mm'), y.name) n; 分时段统计: select to_char((trunc(sysdate) + trunc((t.created_date - trunc(sysdate)) * 24 * 60 / 30) * 30 / 60 / 24), 'hh24:mi') || '-' || to_char((trunc(sysdate) + trunc((t.created_date - trunc(sysdate)) * 24 * 60 / 30 + 1) * 30 / 60 / 24), 'hh24:mi') period, count(0) from gim_portal_info t where trunc(t.created_date) = to_date('20160601', 'yyyymmdd') and t.pa_im_type='02' group by to_char((trunc(sysdate) + trunc((t.created_date - trunc(sysdate)) * 24 * 60 / 30) * 30 / 60 / 24), 'hh24:mi') || '-' || to_char((trunc(sysdate) + trunc((t.created_date - trunc(sysdate)) * 24 * 60 / 30 + 1) * 30 / 60 / 24), 'hh24:mi'); 坐席报表权限信息 select b.name, c.description, d.umid from gim_role_resources_relate a, GIM_ROLE b, GIM_RESOURCES_INFO c, gim_user_role_relate d where c.resource_id = a.id_gim_resources and a.id_gim_role = b.id_gim_role and b.id_gim_role = d.id_gim_role and c.resource_id in ('0020202', '0020205', '0020102', '0020106', '0020112', '0020409', '0020705');