1. 需要支持完全和增量备份
2. 周一执行完全备份
3. 其他时间执行增量备份
4. 备份文件需要打包为tar文件并使用gzip格式压缩
##调用的模块 import tarfile # 压缩模块 import os # 系统 import hashlib # 哈希加密模块 import pickle as p # 可以在一个文件中储存任何python对象,之后又可以把它完整无缺地取出来 from time import strftime #调用是是时间模块的strftime函数 ####################################################################### # 定义md5校验码 def check_md5(fname): # m = hashlib.md5() #定义一个便变量m用的方法是hashlibmd5 with open(fname, 'rb') as fobj: while True: data = fobj.read(4096) if not data: break m.update(data) return m.hexdigest() ####################################################################### # 定义全备函数 def full_backup(src_dir, dst_dir,md5file): fname = '%s_full_%s.tar.gz' % (os.path.basename(src_dir.rstrip('/')), strftime('%Y%m%d')) fname = os.path.join(dst_dir, fname) tar = tarfile.open(fname, 'w:gz') tar.add(src_dir) tar.close() md5_dict = {} for path, folders, files in os.walk(src_dir): #可以先分析os.walk(), for each_file in files: key = os.path.join(path,each_file) md5_dict[key] = check_md5(key) with open(md5file, 'wb') as fobj: #打开md5file为文件赋值给fobj p.dump(md5_dict, fobj) #将md5_dict变量写入fobj变量 ####################################################################### # 定义增量备份函数 def incr_backup(src_dir,dst_dir,md5file): fname = '%s_incr_%s.tar.gz' % (os.path.basename(src_dir.rstrip('/')), strftime('%Y%m%d')) fname = os.path.join(dst_dir, fname) new_md5 = {} with open(md5file, 'rb') as fobj: old_md5 = p.load(fobj) for path, folders, files in os.walk(src_dir): #去除子目录 for each_file in files: key = os.path.join(path, each_file) new_md5[key] = check_md5(key) with open(md5file, 'wb') as fobj: p.dump(new_md5, fobj) tar = tarfile.open(fname, 'w:gz') for key in new_md5: if old_md5.get(key) != new_md5[key]: tar.add(key) tar.close() ####################################################################### # 主程序 if __name__ == '__main__': # cp -r /etc/security /tmp # os.makedirs('/tmp/backup')# mkdir /tmp/backup src_dir = '/tmp/security/' # /tmp/security/原路径, dst_dir = '/tmp/backup' # /tmp/security/目标路径 md5file = '/tmp/backup/md5.data' if strftime('%a') == 'Thu': full_backup(src_dir,dst_dir,md5file) else: incr_backup(src_dir,dst_dir,md5file)