alert = { 'hsr': {'hb': {'enable': True, 'profit': 2}, 'zb': {'enable': True, 'profit': 2}}, 'eth': {'hb': {'enable': True, 'profit': 2}, 'zb': {'enable': True, 'profit': 2}}, }
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python bitcoin.py
from websocket import create_connectionfrom pyquery import PyQueryfrom colorama import init, Foreimport requestsimport socketimport gzipimport json alert = { 'hsr': {'hb': {'enable': True, 'profit': 2}, 'zb': {'enable': True, 'profit': 2}}, 'eth': {'hb': {'enable': True, 'profit': 2}, 'zb': {'enable': True, 'profit': 2}}, } otc = {'usdt': {'sell': 0.0, 'buy': 0.0}, 'qc': {'sell': 0.0, 'buy': 0.0}} markets = dict()def run_client(): ws = create_connection("wss://www.hbg.com/-/s/pro/ws") ws.send(json.dumps({'sub': 'market.overview'})) while True: data = ws.recv() result = gzip.decompress(data) obj = json.loads(result) if 'ping' in obj: ws.send(json.dumps({'pong': obj['ping']})) refresh() output() elif 'ch' in obj: for data in obj['data']: if data['symbol'].endswith('usdt'): key = data['symbol'].replace('usdt', '') if not key in markets: markets[key] = dict() markets[key]['hb'] = {'last': data['close']}def run_forever(): while True: try: run_client() except Exception as e: print(type(e), e.args) except KeyboardInterrupt: breakdef refresh(): try: url = "http://api.zb.cn/data/v1/allTicker" r = requests.get(url) obj = r.json() for key in obj: if key.endswith('qc'): currency = key.replace('qc', '') if currency == 'bcc': currency = 'bch' if currency in markets: markets[currency]['zb'] = {'last': float(obj[key]['last']), 'sell': float(obj[key]['sell']), 'buy': float(obj[key]['buy'])} except Exception as e: print(type(e), e.args)def output(): get_hb_price(1) get_hb_price(2) get_zb_price(1) get_zb_price(2) beep = '' print('┌───────┬─────────────────────────────────────┬───────┬─────────────────────────────────────┐') print('│ USDT │ SELL: {0:.2f} BUY: {1:.2f} │ QC │ SELL: {2:.3f} BUY: {3:.3f} │'.format(\ otc['usdt']['sell'], otc['usdt']['buy'], otc['qc']['sell'], otc['qc']['buy'])) print('├───────┼─────────────────────────────────────┴───────┴───────────────┬─────────────────────┤') for key in markets: if 'zb' in markets[key]: hb = markets[key]['hb']['last'] zb = markets[key]['zb']['last'] profit_hb = 100 / hb / otc['usdt']['sell'] * zb * otc['qc']['buy'] - 100 profit_zb = 100 / otc['qc']['sell'] / zb * hb * otc['usdt']['buy'] - 100 if key in alert: if (alert[key]['hb']['enable'] and profit_hb > alert[key]['hb']['profit']) or (alert[key]['zb']['enable'] and profit_zb > alert[key]['zb']['profit']): beep = '\a' color = Fore.YELLOW else: color = Fore.RESET if profit_hb > 1: dir = '>>' elif profit_zb > 1: dir = '<<' else: dir = ' ' str = "│{0} {1:^4} \033[0m│{0} {2:>6.2f} {3:>8} {4:>8} {5:} {6:>6.2f} {7:>8} {8:>8} \033[0m│{0} {9:>8} {10:>8} \033[0m│".format(\ color, key.upper(), profit_hb, format_price(hb * otc['usdt']['sell']), format_price(zb * otc['qc']['buy']), dir, \ profit_zb, format_price(hb * otc['usdt']['buy']), format_price(zb * otc['qc']['sell']), format_price(hb), format_price(zb)) print(str) print('└───────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────┘' + beep)def get_hb_price(trade=1): if trade == 1: tradeType = 'buy' else: tradeType = 'sell' try: url = "https://otc-api.hbg.com/v1/data/trade-market?country=37¤cy=1&payMethod=0&currPage=1&coinId=2&tradeType={0}&blockType=general&online=1".format(tradeType) r = requests.get(url) obj = r.json() for data in obj['data']: if data['minTradeLimit'] <= 20000 and data['maxTradeLimit'] >= 5000: otc['usdt'][tradeType] = data['price'] break except Exception as e: print(type(e), e.args)def get_zb_price(trade=1): if trade == 1: tradeType = 'buy' else: tradeType = 'sell' try: url = "https://vip.zb.cn/otc/trade/qc_cny?type={0}".format(trade) s = requests.session() s.headers['Accept-Language'] = 'zh-Hans-CN, zh-Hans; q=0.5' s.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/17.17134' r = s.get(url) if len(r.text): d = PyQuery(r.text) tr = d('table.c2c-table')('tr:gt(0) td.price') for td in tr: l = PyQuery(td).text().splitlines() price = float(l[0][:-4]) min = float(l[1].split('-')[0]) max = float(l[1].split('-')[1]) if min <= 20000 and max >= 5000: otc['qc'][tradeType] = price break except Exception as e: print(type(e), e.args)def format_price(price): price = str(price)[:8] return float(price)def main(): init() socket.setdefaulttimeout(10) run_forever()if __name__ == '__main__': main()