Rondom扩展及随机数相关的类都在Math.NET的MathNet.Numerics.Random命名空间,今天要介绍的 RandomExtensions 类是 扩展Random的静态方法类,可以直接在System.Random的对象上使用,相关功能介绍:
1 /// <summary>这个类是对System.Random类的扩展,扩展方法可以生成更多类型的伪随机数,而不是仅仅是double和Int32类型</summary> 2 /// <remarks>这个扩展是线程安全的,并且只有在Math.NET提供的随机数发生器或者RandomSource的继承类中被调用</remarks> 3 public static class RandomExtensions 4 { 5 /// <summary>使用(0-1)范围内的均匀随机数填充1个数组</summary> 6 /// <param name="rnd">Random类型的随机数生成器</param> 7 /// <param name="values">要填充随机数的数组</param> 8 /// <remarks>这个扩展是线程安全的,并且只有在Math.NET提供的随机数发生器或者RandomSource的继承类中被调用</remarks> 9 public static void NextDoubles(this System.Random rnd, double[] values) 10 { 11 var rs = rnd as RandomSource; 12 if (rs != null) 13 { 14 rs.NextDoubles(values); 15 return; 16 } 17 18 for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) 19 { 20 values[i] = rnd.NextDouble(); 21 } 22 } 23 24 /// <summary>返回一个(0-1)范围内的均匀随机数填充1个数组</summary> 25 /// <param name="rnd">Random类型的随机数生成器</param> 26 /// <param name="count">要返回的数组的长度</param> 27 28 public static double[] NextDoubles(this System.Random rnd, int count) 29 { 30 var values = new double[count]; 31 NextDoubles(rnd, values); 32 return values; 33 } 34 35 /// <summary>返回1个无限的0-1均匀分布随机数序列</summary> 36 public static IEnumerable<double> NextDoubleSequence(this System.Random rnd) 37 { 38 var rs = rnd as RandomSource; 39 if (rs != null) return rs.NextDoubleSequence(); 40 return NextDoubleSequenceEnumerable(rnd); 41 } 42 43 static IEnumerable<double> NextDoubleSequenceEnumerable(System.Random rnd) 44 { 45 while (true) 46 { 47 yield return rnd.NextDouble(); 48 } 49 } 50 51 /// <summary>返回1个均匀分布的byte数组</summary> 52 /// <param name="rnd">Random类型的随机数生成器</param> 53 /// <param name="count">要返回的数组的长度</param> 54 public static byte[] NextBytes(this System.Random rnd, int count) 55 { 56 var values = new byte[count]; 57 rnd.NextBytes(values); 58 return values; 59 } 60 61 /// <summary> 62 /// Fills an array with uniform random numbers greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0. 63 /// </summary> 64 /// <param name="rnd">The random number generator.</param> 65 /// <param name="values">The array to fill with random values.</param> 66 /// <param name="minInclusive">Lower bound, inclusive.</param> 67 /// <param name="maxExclusive">Upper bound, exclusive.</param> 68 public static void NextInt32s(this System.Random rnd, int[] values, int minInclusive, int maxExclusive) 69 { 70 var rs = rnd as RandomSource; 71 if (rs != null) 72 { 73 rs.NextInt32s(values, minInclusive, maxExclusive); 74 return; 75 } 76 for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) 77 { 78 values[i] = rnd.Next(minInclusive, maxExclusive); 79 } 80 } 81 82 /// <summary> 83 /// Returns an infinite sequence of uniform random numbers greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0. 84 /// </summary> 85 public static IEnumerable<int> NextInt32Sequence(this System.Random rnd, int minInclusive, int maxExclusive) 86 { 87 var rs = rnd as RandomSource; 88 if (rs != null) 89 { 90 return rs.NextInt32Sequence(minInclusive, maxExclusive); 91 } 92 return NextInt32SequenceEnumerable(rnd, minInclusive, maxExclusive); 93 } 94 95 static IEnumerable<int> NextInt32SequenceEnumerable(System.Random rnd, int minInclusive, int maxExclusive) 96 { 97 while (true) 98 { 99 yield return rnd.Next(minInclusive, maxExclusive);100 }101 }102 103 /// <summary>返回Int64类型的非负随机数</summary>104 /// <param name="rnd">Random类型的随机数生成器</param>105 /// <returns>106 /// A 64-bit signed integer greater than or equal to 0, and less than <see cref="Int64.MaxValue"/>; that is, 107 /// the range of return values includes 0 but not <see cref="Int64.MaxValue"/>.108 /// </returns>109 /// <seealso cref="NextFullRangeInt64"/>110 public static long NextInt64(this System.Random rnd)111 {112 var buffer = new byte[sizeof (long)];113 114 rnd.NextBytes(buffer);115 var candidate = BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0);116 117 candidate &= long.MaxValue;118 return (candidate == long.MaxValue) ? rnd.NextInt64() : candidate;119 }120 121 /// <summary>122 /// Returns a random number of the full Int32 range.123 /// </summary>124 /// <param name="rnd">The random number generator.</param>125 /// <returns>126 /// A 32-bit signed integer of the full range, including 0, negative numbers,127 /// <see cref="Int32.MaxValue"/> and <see cref="Int32.MinValue"/>.128 /// </returns>129 /// <seealso cref="System.Random.Next()"/>130 public static int NextFullRangeInt32(this System.Random rnd)131 {132 var buffer = new byte[sizeof (int)];133 rnd.NextBytes(buffer);134 return BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0);135 }136 137 /// <summary>138 /// Returns a random number of the full Int64 range.139 /// </summary>140 /// <param name="rnd">The random number generator.</param>141 /// <returns>142 /// A 64-bit signed integer of the full range, including 0, negative numbers,143 /// <see cref="Int64.MaxValue"/> and <see cref="Int64.MinValue"/>.144 /// </returns>145 /// <seealso cref="NextInt64"/>146 public static long NextFullRangeInt64(this System.Random rnd)147 {148 var buffer = new byte[sizeof (long)];149 rnd.NextBytes(buffer);150 return BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0);151 }152 153 /// <summary>154 /// Returns a nonnegative decimal floating point random number less than 1.0.155 /// </summary>156 /// <param name="rnd">The random number generator.</param>157 /// <returns>158 /// A decimal floating point number greater than or equal to 0.0, and less than 1.0; that is, 159 /// the range of return values includes 0.0 but not 1.0.160 /// </returns>161 public static decimal NextDecimal(this System.Random rnd)162 {163 decimal candidate;164 165 // 50.049 % chance that the number is below 1.0. Try until we have one.166 // Guarantees that any decimal in the interval can167 // indeed be reached, with uniform probability.168 do169 {170 candidate = new decimal(171 rnd.NextFullRangeInt32(),172 rnd.NextFullRangeInt32(),173 rnd.NextFullRangeInt32(),174 false,175 28);176 }177 while (candidate >= 1.0m);178 179 return candidate;180 }181 }