model = Sketchup.active_model entities = model.entities sel = model.selection pt0 = Array.new()# 原点用数组(矩阵)表示orignPoint = Array.new(3,0)# 绘制简易曲线路径for i in 90..270 pt = [orignPoint.x + i,orignPoint.y + 100 * Math::sin(i.degrees),orignPoint.z] pt0 << pt end curveline = entities.add_curve pt0
# 新建面的顶点数组facePointArr = [ [0,0,10], [10,0,10], [10,10,10], [0,10,10] ] test_face = entities.add_face facePointArr# 此时我们知道 entities 数组中就有了 5个实体 1曲线、1面、4线# 选中一个面# 提取出这个面的顶点sel.add test_face verticesArr = sel[0].verticesfor item in verticesArr puts item.positionend
# Sketchup 某些矩阵特定意义# X 轴 :[1,0,0] [-1,0,0]# Y 轴 :[0,1,0] [0,-1,0]# Z 轴 :[0,0,1] [0,0,-1]# 某些函数(add_circle、add_nogn)需要指定某些面进行绘制,就要设置normal 参数# XY面 设置 [0,0,1] [0,0,-1]# XZ面 设置 [0,1,0] [0,-1,0]# ZY面 设置 [1,0,0] [-1,0,0]# 我们在建立面时,并没有指定方向# 但我们发现:Z轴不为 0 是 [0,0,1] 为 0 时是 [0,0,-1]# 这个与存储与取出机制有关,实际应用中 正负影响不大puts test_face.normal# 面朝向反向reverseFace = test_face.reverse!# 面的面积 (这里的单位 10 * 10 平方英寸)puts reverseFace.area# 组成面的线对象数组puts reverseFace.edges pt = [5,5,-10]# 对于 Face 与 点 关系的判断result = reverseFace.classify_point(pt) puts result# 官方提供了一个枚举类型# 点在面里if result == Sketchup::Face::PointInside puts "#{pt.to_s} is inside the face"end# 点在端点上if result == Sketchup::Face::PointOnVertex puts "#{pt.to_s} is on a vertex"end# 点在边线上if result == Sketchup::Face::PointOnEdge puts "#{pt.to_s} is on an edge of the face"end# 点与面处于同一平面if result == Sketchup::Face::PointNotOnPlane puts "#{pt.to_s} is not on the same plane as the face"end
# pushpull 推的方向是按照图形的normal方向# face 没有对于向量进行定义,所以pushpull按照的是face的normal值的反向reverseFace.pushpull 10# 推一个圆柱体circle = entities.add_circle [0,0,40],[0,0,1],5circle_face = entities.add_face circle circle_face.pushpull 20# followme 进行3D模型构建# 使用followme 对模型进行环切cut_face = entities.add_face Geom::Point3d.new(0,0,10),Geom::Point3d.new(2,2,10),Geom::Point3d.new(0,0,8) cut_face.followme reverseFace.edges# followfacefollowFace = [ Geom::Point3d.new(100,95,-5), Geom::Point3d.new(100,105,-5), Geom::Point3d.new(100,105,5), Geom::Point3d.new(100,95,5) ] followFace = entities.add_face followFace# 跟随的界面一定是在路径的一端followFace.followme curveline