业务需要把mysql的数据实时同步到ES,实现低延迟的检索到ES中的数据或者进行其它数据分析处理。本文给出以同步mysql binlog的方式实时同步数据到ES的思路, 实践并验证该方式的可行性,以供参考。
mysql binlog日志
mysql binlog日志有三种模式,分别为:
ROW: 记录每一行数据被修改的情况,但是日志量太大 STATEMENT: 记录每一条修改数据的SQL语句,减少了日志量,但是SQL语句使用函数或触发器时容易出现主从不一致 MIXED: 结合了ROW和STATEMENT的优点,根据具体执行数据操作的SQL语句选择使用ROW或者STATEMENT记录日志
要通过mysql binlog将数据同步到ES集群,只能使用ROW模式,因为只有ROW模式才能知道mysql中的数据的修改内容。
SET TIMESTAMP=1527917394/*!*/; BEGIN /*!*/; # at 3751 #180602 13:29:54 server id 1 end_log_pos 3819 CRC32 0x8dabdf01 Table_map: `webservice`.`building` mapped to number 74 # at 3819 #180602 13:29:54 server id 1 end_log_pos 3949 CRC32 0x59a8ed85 Update_rows: table id 74 flags: STMT_END_F BINLOG ' UisSWxMBAAAARAAAAOsOAAAAAEoAAAAAAAEACndlYnNlcnZpY2UACGJ1aWxkaW5nAAYIDwEPEREG wACAAQAAAAHfq40= UisSWx8BAAAAggAAAG0PAAAAAEoAAAAAAAEAAgAG///A1gcAAAAAAAALYnVpbGRpbmctMTAADwB3 UkRNbjNLYlV5d1k3ajVbD64WWw+uFsDWBwAAAAAAAAtidWlsZGluZy0xMAEPAHdSRE1uM0tiVXl3 WTdqNVsPrhZbD64Whe2oWQ== '/*!*/; ### UPDATE `webservice`.`building` ### WHERE ### @1=2006 /* LONGINT meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @2='building-10' /* VARSTRING(192) meta=192 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @3=0 /* TINYINT meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @4='wRDMn3KbUywY7j5' /* VARSTRING(384) meta=384 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @5=1527754262 /* TIMESTAMP(0) meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @6=1527754262 /* TIMESTAMP(0) meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### SET ### @1=2006 /* LONGINT meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @2='building-10' /* VARSTRING(192) meta=192 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @3=1 /* TINYINT meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @4='wRDMn3KbUywY7j5' /* VARSTRING(384) meta=384 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @5=1527754262 /* TIMESTAMP(0) meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ ### @6=1527754262 /* TIMESTAMP(0) meta=0 nullable=0 is_null=0 */ # at 3949 #180602 13:29:54 server id 1 end_log_pos 3980 CRC32 0x58226b8f Xid = 182 COMMIT/*!*/;
SET TIMESTAMP=1527919329/*!*/; update building set Status=1 where Id=2000 /*!*/; # at 688 #180602 14:02:09 server id 1 end_log_pos 719 CRC32 0x4c550a7d Xid = 200 COMMIT/*!*/;
从ROW模式和STATEMENT模式下UPDATE操作的日志内容可以看出,ROW模式完整地记录了要修改的某行数据更新前的所有字段的值以及更改后所有字段的值,而STATEMENT模式只单单记录了UPDATE操作的SQL语句。我们要将mysql的数据实时同步到ES, 只能选择ROW模式的binlog, 获取并解析binlog日志的数据内容,执行ES document api,将数据同步到ES集群中。
mysqldump -uelastic -p'Elastic_123' --host= -F webservice > dump.sql
-- MySQL dump 10.13 Distrib 5.6.40, for Linux (x86_64) -- -- Host: Database: webservice -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Server version 5.5.5-10.1.9-MariaDBV1.0R012D002-20171127-1822/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;/*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */;/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;/*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;/*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */;/*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */;/*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */;/*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */; -- -- Table structure for table `building` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `building`;/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `building` ( `Id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID', `BuildingId` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT '虚拟建筑Id', `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '虚拟建筑状态:0、处理中;1、正常;-1,停止;-2,销毁中;-3,已销毁', `BuildingName` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '虚拟建筑名称', `CreateTime` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '2017-12-03 16:00:00' COMMENT '创建时间', `UpdateTime` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '2017-12-03 16:00:00' COMMENT '更新时间', PRIMARY KEY (`Id`), UNIQUE KEY `BuildingId` (`BuildingId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2010 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='虚拟建筑表';/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `building` -- LOCK TABLES `building` WRITE;/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `building` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `building` VALUES (2000,'building-2',0,'6YFcmntKrNBIeTA','2018-05-30 13:28:31','2018-05-30 13:28:31'),(2001,'building-4',0,'4rY8PcVUZB1vtrL','2018-05-30 13:28:34','2018-05-30 13:28:34'),(2002,'building-5',0,'uyjHVUYrg9KeGqi','2018-05-30 13:28:37','2018-05-30 13:28:37'),(2003,'building-7',0,'DNhyEBO4XEkXpgW','2018-05-30 13:28:40','2018-05-30 13:28:40'),(2004,'building-1',0,'TmtYX6ZC0RNB4Re','2018-05-30 13:28:43','2018-05-30 13:28:43'),(2005,'building-6',0,'t8YQcjeXefWpcyU','2018-05-30 13:28:49','2018-05-30 13:28:49'),(2006,'building-10',0,'WozgBc2IchNyKyE','2018-05-30 13:28:55','2018-05-30 13:28:55'),(2007,'building-3',0,'yJk27cmLOVQLHf1','2018-05-30 13:28:58','2018-05-30 13:28:58'),(2008,'building-9',0,'RSbjotAh8tymfxs','2018-05-30 13:29:04','2018-05-30 13:29:04'),(2009,'building-8',0,'IBOMlhaXV6k226m','2018-05-30 13:29:31','2018-05-30 13:29:31');/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `building` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES;/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */;/*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */;/*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS */;/*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */;/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;/*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */;/*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */; -- Dump completed on 2018-06-02 14:23:51
从以上内容可以看出,mysqldump导出的sql文件包含create table, drop table以及插入数据的sql语句,但是不包含create database建库语句。
go-mysql-elasticsearch的基本原理是:如果是第一次启动该程序,首先使用mysqldump工具对源mysql数据库进行一次全量同步,通过elasticsearch client执行操作写入数据到ES;然后实现了一个mysql client,作为slave连接到源mysql,源mysql作为master会将所有数据的更新操作通过binlog event同步给slave, 通过解析binlog event就可以获取到数据的更新内容,之后写入到ES.
1. mysql binlog必须是ROW模式 2. 要同步的mysql数据表必须包含主键,否则直接忽略,这是因为如果数据表没有主键,UPDATE和DELETE操作就会因为在ES中找不到对应的document而无法进行同步 3. 不支持程序运行过程中修改表结构 4. 要赋予用于连接mysql的账户RELOAD权限以及REPLICATION权限, SUPER权限: GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'elastic'@''; GRANT RELOAD ON *.* TO 'elastic'@''; UPDATE mysql.user SET Super_Priv='Y' WHERE user='elastic' AND host='';
git clone https://github.com/siddontang/go-mysql-elasticsearch
cd go-mysql-elasticsearch/src/github.com/siddontang/go-mysql-elasticsearch
vi etc/river.toml, 修改配置文件,同步172.16.0.101:3306数据库中的webservice.building表到ES集群172.16.32.64:9200的building index(更详细的配置文件说明可以参考项目文档)
# MySQL address, user and password # user must have replication privilege in MySQL. my_addr = "" my_user = "bellen" my_pass = "Elastic_123" my_charset = "utf8" # Set true when elasticsearch use https #es_https = false # Elasticsearch address es_addr = "" # Elasticsearch user and password, maybe set by shield, nginx, or x-pack es_user = "" es_pass = "" # Path to store data, like master.info, if not set or empty, # we must use this to support breakpoint resume syncing. # TODO: support other storage, like etcd. data_dir = "./var" # Inner Http status address stat_addr = "" # pseudo server id like a slave server_id = 1001 # mysql or mariadb flavor = "mariadb" # mysqldump execution path # if not set or empty, ignore mysqldump. mysqldump = "mysqldump" # if we have no privilege to use mysqldump with --master-data, # we must skip it. #skip_master_data = false # minimal items to be inserted in one bulk bulk_size = 128 # force flush the pending requests if we don't have enough items >= bulk_size flush_bulk_time = "200ms" # Ignore table without primary key skip_no_pk_table = false # MySQL data source [[source]] schema = "webservice" tables = ["building"] [[rule]] schema = "webservice" table = "building" index = "building" type = "buildingtype"
在ES集群中创建building index, 因为该工具并没有使用ES的auto create index功能,如果index不存在会报错
执行命令:./bin/go-mysql-elasticsearch -config=./etc/river.toml
2018/06/02 16:13:21 INFO create BinlogSyncer with config {1001 mariadb 3306 bellen utf8 false false <nil> false false 0 0s 0s 0}2018/06/02 16:13:21 INFO run status http server 16:13:21 INFO skip dump, use last binlog replication pos (mysql-bin.000001, 120) or GTID %!s(<nil>)2018/06/02 16:13:21 INFO begin to sync binlog from position (mysql-bin.000001, 120)2018/06/02 16:13:21 INFO register slave for master server 16:13:21 INFO start sync binlog at binlog file (mysql-bin.000001, 120)2018/06/02 16:13:21 INFO rotate to (mysql-bin.000001, 120)2018/06/02 16:13:21 INFO rotate binlog to (mysql-bin.000001, 120)2018/06/02 16:13:21 INFO save position (mysql-bin.000001, 120)
异常处理不足,解析binlog event失败直接抛出异常
mypipe是一个mysql binlog同步工具,在设计之初是为了能够将binlog event发送到kafka, 当前版本可根据业务的需要也可以自定以将数据同步到任意的存储介质,项目github地址 https://github.com/mardambey/mypipe.
1. mysql binlog必须是ROW模式 2. 要赋予用于连接mysql的账户REPLICATION权限 GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO 'elastic'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'Elastic_123' 3. mypipe只是将binlog日志内容解析后编码成Avro格式推送到kafka broker, 并不是将数据推送到kafka,如果需要同步到ES集群,可以从kafka消费数据后,再写入ES 4. 消费kafka中的消息(mysql insert, update, delete操作及具体的数据),需要对消息内容进行Avro解析,获取到对应的数据操作内容,进行下一步处理;mypipe封装了一个KafkaGenericMutationAvroConsumer类,可以直接继承该类使用,或者自行解析 5. mypipe只支持binlog同步,不支持存量数据同步,也即mypipe程序启动后无法对mysql中已经存在的数据进行同步
git clone https://github.com/mardambey/mypipe.git
./sbt package
mypipe { # Avro schema repository client class name schema-repo-client = "mypipe.avro.schema.SchemaRepo" # consumers represent sources for mysql binary logs consumers { localhost { # database "host:port:user:pass" array source = "" } } # data producers export data out (stdout, other stores, external services, etc.) producers { kafka-generic { class = "mypipe.kafka.producer.KafkaMutationGenericAvroProducer" } } # pipes join consumers and producers pipes { kafka-generic { enabled = true consumers = ["localhost"] producer { kafka-generic { metadata-brokers = "" } } binlog-position-repo { # saved to a file, this is the default if unspecified class = "mypipe.api.repo.ConfigurableFileBasedBinaryLogPositionRepository" config { file-prefix = "stdout-00" # required if binlog-position-repo is specifiec data-dir = "/tmp/mypipe/data" # defaults to mypipe.data-dir if not present } } } } }
include-event-condition = """ db == "webservice" && table =="building" """
在kafka broker端创建topic: webservice_building_generic, 默认情况下mypipe以"${db}_${table}_generic"为topic名,向该topic发送数据
执行:./sbt "project runner" "runMain mypipe.runner.PipeRunner"
测试:向mysql building表中插入数据,写一个简单的consumer消费mypipe推送到kafka中的消息
ConsumerRecord(topic=u'webservice_building_generic', partition=0, offset=2, timestamp=None, timestamp_type=None, key=None, value='\x00\x01\x00\x00\x14webservice\x10building\xcc\x01\x02\x91,\xae\xa3fc\x11\xe8\xa1\xaaRT\x00Z\xf9\xab\x00\x00\x04\x18BuildingName\x06xxx\x14BuildingId\nId-10\x00\x02\x04Id\xd4%\x00', checksum=128384379, serialized_key_size=-1, serialized_value_size=88)
mypipe相比go-mysql-elasticsearch更成熟,支持运行时ALTER TABLE,同时解析binlog异常发生时,可通过配置不同的策略处理异常
mypipe只同步binlog, 需要同步数据到ES需要另行开发