def replay(): key = input('Do you want to play again? Enter Yes or No: ') return True if key[0].upper() == 'Y' else False
print('Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!')from IPython.display import clear_outputimport randomdef choose_first(): if random.randint(0,1) == 0: return 'player2' else: return 'player1'def player_input(): marker = '' while not (marker == 'X' or marker == 'O'): marker = input("Do you want to be X or O? ").upper() if marker == 'X': return 'X' else: return 'O'def player_choice(board): position = 0 while position not in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] or not space_check(board, position): position = int(input('Choose your next position: (1-9): ')) return positiondef space_check(board, position): return board[position] == ' 'def full_board_check(board): for i in range(1,10): if space_check(board,i): return False return Truedef replay(): key = input('Do you want to play again? Enter Yes or No: ') return True if key[0].upper() == 'Y' else Falsedef place_marker(board, marker, position): board[position] = markerdef win_check(board, mark): return ( (board[1]==mark and board[2]==mark and board[3]==mark) or (board[4]==mark and board[5]==mark and board[6]==mark) or (board[7]==mark and board[8]==mark and board[9]==mark) or (board[1]==mark and board[4]==mark and board[7]==mark) or (board[2]==mark and board[5]==mark and board[8]==mark) or (board[3]==mark and board[6]==mark and board[9]==mark) or (board[1]==mark and board[5]==mark and board[9]==mark) or (board[3]==mark and board[5]==mark and board[7]==mark) )def display_board(board): clear_output() print(' | |') print(' ' + board[7] + ' | ' + board[8] + ' | ' + board[9]) print(' | |') print('-----------') print(' | |') print(' ' + board[4] + ' | ' + board[5] + ' | ' + board[6]) print(' | |') print('-----------') print(' | |') print(' ' + board[1] + ' | ' + board[2] + ' | ' + board[3]) print(' | |')while True: # Reset the board theBoard = [' '] * 10 player1_marker = player_input() player2_marker = player_input() turn = choose_first() print(turn + ' will go first') play_game = input('Are you ready to play? yes or no? ') if play_game[0].lower() == 'y': game_on = True else: game_on = False while game_on: if turn == 'Player1': # Player1 turn display_board(theBoard) position = player_choice(theBoard) place_marker(theBoard, player1_marker, position) if win_check(theBoard, player1_marker): display_board(theBoard) print('Congratulations! You have won the game!') game_on = False else: if full_board_check(theBoard): display_board(theBoard) print('The game is a draw!') break else: turn = 'Player2' else: # player2 turn display_board(theBoard) position = player_choice(theBoard) place_marker(theBoard, player2_marker, position) if win_check(theBoard, player2_marker): display_board(theBoard) print('Player2 has won!') game_on = False else: if full_board_check(theBoard): display_board(theBoard) print('The game is a draw!') break else: turn = 'Player1' if not replay(): break