
Part 5: 测试Vue组件的Computed和Watchers功能

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Test Computed Properties and Watchers in Vue.js Components with Jest


Learn about testing Computed Properties and Watchers reactivity in Vue.js.

Computed properties and watchers are reactive parts of the logic of Vue.js components. They both serve totally different purposes, one is synchronous and the other asynchronous, which makes them behave slightly different.

In this article we’ll go through testing them and see what different cases we can find on the way.

Computed Properties


Computed properties are simple reactive functions that return data in another form. They behave exactly like the language standard get/set properties:

class X {

  get fullName() {    return `${this.name} ${this.surname}`

  set fullName() {

In fact, when you’re building class based Vue components, as I explain in my Egghead course “Use TypeScript to Develop Vue.js Web Applications”, you’ll write it just like that. If you’re using plain objects, it’d be:

export default {
  computed: {
    fullName() {      return `${this.name} ${this.surname}`

And you can even add the set as follows:

computed: {    fullName: {
      get() {        return `${this.name} ${this.surname}`
      set() {

Testing Computed Properties


Testing a computed property is very simple, and probably sometimes you don’t test a computed property exclusively, but test it as part of other tests. But most times it’s good to have a test for it, whether that computed property is cleaning up an input, or combining data, we wanna make sure things work as intended. So let’s begin.

First of all, create a Form.vue component:

    <form action="">
      <input type="text" v-model="inputValue">
      <span class="reversed">{{ reversedInput }}</span>

<script>export default {
  props: ['reversed'],
  data: () => ({
    inputValue: ''
  computed: {    reversedInput() {      return this.reversed ?
        this.inputValue.split("").reverse().join("") :

It will show an input, and next to it the same string but reversed. It’s just a silly example, but enough to test it.

Now add it to App.vue, put it after the MessageList component, and remember to import it and include it within the components component option. Then, create a test/Form.test.js with the usual bare-bones we’ve used in other tests:

import { shallow } from 'vue-test-utils'import Form from '../src/components/Form'describe('Form.test.js', () => {  let cmp

  beforeEach(() => {
    cmp = shallow(Form)

Now create a test suite with 2 test cases:

describe('Properties', () => {
  it('returns the string in normal order if reversed property is not true', () => {
    cmp.vm.inputValue = 'Yoo'

  it('returns the reversed string if reversed property is true', () => {
    cmp.vm.inputValue = 'Yoo'
    cmp.setProps({ reversed: true })

We can access the component instance within cmp.vm, so we can access the internal state, computed properties and methods. Then, to test it is just about changing the value and making sure it returns the same string when reversed is false.
我们可以用组件实例来访问到cmp.vm对象,所以我们可以直接拿到组件的内部state, computed properties 和 methods属性。然后,为了测试组件,我们只需要改变以下输入框的值,看返回的值是否符合我们的预期——反转开关为false时,字符串并没有被反转。

For the second case, it would be almost the same, with the difference that we must set the reversed property to true. We could navigate through cmp.vm... to change it, but vue-test-utils give us a helper method setProps({ property: value, ... }) that makes it very easy.
对于第二个用例,并没有太大差别,只不过我们必须设置反转开关为true。我们依然可以通过cmp.vm来改变其值,但是vue-test-utils还提供给我们一个更简单实用的方法——setProps({ property: value, ... })

That’s it, depending on the computed property it may need more test cases.



Honestly, I haven’t come across any case where I really need to use watchers that I computed properties couldn’t solve. I’ve seen them misused as well, leading to a very unclear data workflow among components and messing everything up, so don’t rush on using them and think beforehand.

As you can see in the Vue.js docs, watchers are often used to react to data changes and perform asynchronous operations, such can be performing an ajax request.

Testing Watchers


Let’s say we wanna do something when the inputValue from the state change. We could do an ajax request, but since that’s more complicated and we’ll see it in the next lesson, let’s just do a console.log. Add a watch property to the Form.vue component options:

watch: {
  inputValue(newVal, oldVal) {    if(newVal.trim().length && newVal !== oldVal) {      console.log(newVal)

Notice the inputValue watch function matches the state variable name. By convention, Vue will look it up in both properties and data state by using the watch function name, in this case inputValue, and since it will find it in data, it will add the watcher there.

See that a watch function takes the new value as a first parameter, and the old one as the second. In this case we’ve chosen to log only when it’s not empty and the values are different. Usually, we’d like to write a test for each case, depending on the time you have and how critical that code is.

What should we test about the watch function? Well, that’s something we’ll also discuss further in the next lesson when we talk about testing methods, but let’s say we just wanna know that it calls the console.log when it should. So, let’s add the bare bones of the watchers test suite, within Form.test.js:

describe('Form.test.js', () => {  let cmp

  describe('Watchers - inputValue', () => {    let spy

    beforeAll(() => {
      spy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log')

    afterEach(() => {

    it('is not called if value is empty (trimmed)', () => {

    it('is not called if values are the same', () => {

    it('is called with the new value in other cases', () => {

We’re using a spy on the console.log method, initializing before starting any test, and resetting its state after each of them, so that they start from a clean spy.

To test a watch function, we just need to change the value of what’s being watch, in this case the inputValue state. But there is something curious… let’s start by the last test

it('is called with the new value in other cases', () => {
  cmp.vm.inputValue = 'foo'

We change the inputValue, so the console.log spy should be called, right? Well, if you run it, you’ll notice that is not! WTF??? Wait, there is an explanation for this: unlike computed properties, watchers are deferred to the next update cycle that Vue uses to look for changes. So, basically, what’s happening here is that console.log is indeed called, but after the test has finished.

To solve this, we need to use the vm.nextTick function to defer code to the next update cycle. But if we write: 解决这个问题我们需要用到`vm.nextTick`方法,此方法可以推迟代码到下一个更新周期,但是如果我们如下所写:

it('is called with the new value in other cases', () => {
  cmp.vm.inputValue = 'foo'
  cmp.vm.$nextTick(() => {

It will still fail, since the test finishes with the expect function not being called. That happens because now is asynchronous and happens on the nextTick callback. How can we then test it if the expect happens at a later time? 测试用例依然会被断言失败,这是因为测试结束后,断言表达式依然没有被调用。这类情况发生是因为如今代码执行在异步队列中,会在回调`nextTick`中被执行。我们怎么才能成功测试到后续才会执行的代码呢?

Jest give us a next parameter that we can use in the it test callbacks, in a way that if it is present, the test will not finish until next is called, but if it’s not, it will finish synchronously. So, to finally get it right:

it('is called with the new value in other cases', next => {
  cmp.vm.inputValue = 'foo'
  cmp.vm.$nextTick(() => {

We can apply the same strategy for the other two, with the difference that the spy shouldn’t be called:

it('is not called if value is empty (trimmed)', next => {
  cmp.vm.inputValue = '   '
  cmp.vm.$nextTick(() => {

it('is not called if values are the same', next => {
  cmp.vm.inputValue = 'foo'

  cmp.vm.$nextTick(() => {
    cmp.vm.inputValue = 'foo'

    cmp.vm.$nextTick(() => {

That second one gets a bit more complex than it looked like. The default internal state is empty, so first we need to change it, wait for the next tick, then clear the mock to reset the call count, and change it again. Then after the second tick, we can check the spy and finish the test.

This can get simpler if we recreate the component at the beginning, overriding the data property. Remember we can override any component option by using the second parameter of the mount or shallow functions:

it('is not called if values are the same', next => {
  cmp = shallow(Form, { data: ({ inputValue: 'foo' }) })
  cmp.vm.inputValue = 'foo'

  cmp.vm.$nextTick(() => {



You’ve learned in this article how to test part of the logic of Vue components: computed properties and watchers. We’ve gone through different test cases we can come across testing them. Probably you’ve also learned some of the Vue internals such as the nextTick update cycles.

