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因为我曾经写了两本关于Qt的书,《Qt on Android核心编程》和《Qt Quick核心编程》,就有朋友把我当英文API翻译来使唤,经常找我问Qt帮助里某段话是什么意思。这两者有什么关系吗?

你懂的,多数语言和技术框架都是老外搞出来的,老外就是牛,不承认不行。老外在创建一种语言和技术框架时,很少考虑中国读者的感受,所以他们提供的文档多数是英文的(不是源自英语系国家的语言和技术框架也多数会提供英文文档)。英文是IT界的世界通用语。所以,有人会说“Are you OK”,也有人会说“We're 伐木累”……



  1. 读得懂英文SDK

  2. 看得懂Stackoverflow上的帖子

  3. 能够用英文在Stackoverflow上提问和交流

  4. 可以和人用英文在邮件里讨论技术问题



Qt contains a set of item view classes that use a model/view architecture to manage the relationship between data and the way it is presented to the user. The separation of functionality introduced by this architecture gives developers greater flexibility to customize the presentation of items, and provides a standard model interface to allow a wide range of data sources to be used with existing item views. In this document, we give a brief introduction to the model/view paradigm, outline the concepts involved, and describe the architecture of the item view system. Each of the components in the architecture is explained, and examples are given that show how to use the classes provided.


In order to support the full spectrum of possible HTTP applications, Node's HTTP API is very low-level. It deals with stream handling and message parsing only. It parses a message into headers and body but it does not parse the actual headers or the body.

Defined headers that allow multiple values are concatenated with a , character, except for the set-cookie and cookie headers which are represented as an array of values. Headers such as content-length which can only have a single value are parsed accordingly, and only a single value is represented on the parsed object.

The raw headers as they were received are retained in the rawHeaders property, which is an array of [key, value, key2, value2, ...]. For example, the previous message header object might have a rawHeaders list like the following:

这个和前面Qt的差不多,都是写得还不错的英文文档。再来看两个来自Stackoverflow上的问题。第一个,Have computer criminals been known to exploit easily-edited websites like Wikipedia to embed malicious scripts?(吐槽一下,这标题也忒长啦):

When I was reading a page on Wikipedia several months ago (December 2014) I saw what looked like a pop-up window from BT, but I soon realized that when I closed the page the pop-up disappeared. I then opened Firebug and inspected the box and saw that it was actually part of the webpage itself and that clicking its confirmation button would take me somewhere I didn't want to go. It was very cleverly disguised to look real.

I've never before seen anything like this. Is this the only case or has this been known to happen? I've provided a screenshot to show what it looked like:


Assuming that you are coming from a BT connection, it's possible that this is part of the BT parental controls program.

There is a discussion of a similar looking pop-up here , which seems to tie into what you're seeing, and also a thread here on the BT site which has a link to a process to turn off that setting.

To test this theory you could log into your account and opt-out of parental controls. I wouldn't advice doing it from any link presented in the pop-up in case it is malicious though.

Once you've done that try accessing the same page to see if the issue re-occurs.

Another way to test it would be to access the site over HTTPS as then they shouldn't be able to inject any content unless they've installed a trusted root certificate in your browser, for which you would have needed to install BT software on the affected system.

As to your original questions about criminals injecting content into legitimate websites, this is a common vector of attack, either via compromise of the website (e.g. through exploitation of outdated software) or via content injected into the site such as adverts (this is common enough to have it's own wikipedia definition "malvertising")

As to whether it could happen to wikipedia, I'm not aware of that occuring and with wikipedia being such a well trafficked site, I'd expect it to be a large target.

这个帖子涉及的主题是一般性问题。第二个帖子是关于iOS image的,iOS - Different images based on device OR scaling the same image?……标题还是很长……内容如下:

It seems that developers always create different image assets for different devices and load them based on the device. But are there any drawbacks to just creating images for the largest resolution device (iPad) and then scaling that image down for iPhone 6, 5, etc?

I use SpriteKit, so I would just create SKSpriteNodes of different sizes and apply the same texture to them and scale it to fit the node.

I know that performance can be something to consider (loading large images for older devices). But that aside, is there anything else? Would these images appear more pixelated/blurry?


The perfect/purist answer would be to use separate images and code for each device resolution.

However from your own time and sanity perspective, it makes sense to use a limited set given that the number of resolutions and screen sizes is not going to get less any time soon. So why waste hours preparing multiple images unless it can be made simpler to do so by the likes of xcode.

For images which are square or fixed aspect ratios I think you only need one image. There is the issue for images like backgrounds where regardless of resolution you will need to cater at least for different aspect rations: so separate aspect ratio images are essential (like 3:2 and 16:9) unless you don't mind squashing, stretching or cropping the images.

If you find performance suffers in testing, you can always add lower resolution images later.

In terms of pixelation, that is something you can not avoid. If you think about what is happening when you go from a x3 to an x1 resolution, you are having to blend 3x3 pixels into 1x1. At high resolution, anything which is a single pixel wide (like a line) or has rapid color change over a few pixels will suffer most. There are many articles online about this you can look at.

The only way to avoid pixelation would be to use vector images, but that would require special software to load vector images and render them into UIImages.

Every image will suffer differently when you scale down. A thought might be to go for x2 images which you scale down 1 for iPhone 3 and up 1 to x3 for iPhone 6+. That would cover the majority of current devices at native resolution and perhaps offer less noticeable pixelation.



AngularJS lets you write client-side web applications as if you had a smarter browser. It lets you use good old HTML (or HAML, Jade and friends!) as your template language and lets you extend HTML’s syntax to express your application’s components clearly and succinctly. It automatically synchronizes data from your UI (view) with your JavaScript objects (model) through 2-way data binding. To help you structure your application better and make it easy to test, AngularJS teaches the browser how to do dependency injection and inversion of control.

Oh yeah and it helps with server-side communication, taming async callbacks with promises and deferreds. It also makes client-side navigation and deeplinking with hashbang urls or HTML5 pushState a piece of cake. Best of all?? It makes development fun!













有一些英文技术书籍写得简单易懂,比如《Head First Design Patterns》、《The C++ Standard Library(A Tutorial and Reference)》,我都是看的影印版,也能看个八九不离十。我建议有志于练习哑巴英语的阿猿和阿媛买几本影印版的书常翻常看,必然能很快提高水准。

我还买过几本英文小说,比如约翰·高尔斯华绥的《the Apple Tree》,艾捷尔·丽莲·伏尼契的《the Gadfly》,不过都是装B的,翻了几次也没看完。












